Fang Junqian returned with a full load and, undoubtedly the glory of having dominated the imperial hunting field.

Emperor Jiarui looked gratified and all smiles, “Duke Fang is excellent at riding and martial arts. You’re true youthful hero! Come.”

A servant girl immediately walked out, carrying a round plate in red. 

Emperor Jiarui unveiled the yellow satin. 

Two swords lay quietly on it. 

A sword was regarded by the ancients as a divine product of supremacy and n.o.bility, commonly revered by both humans and G.o.ds. It was the ancestor of short weapons and used in close combats. Due to its sophisticated merits, it became legendary. In fact, due to the convenience to carry, the high spirits to wear, and the swiftness to use, the emperors, generals, martial artists and people from all walks of life viewed it as an honor to wear a sword. 

The sword and its swordsmans.h.i.+p had dominated battlefields and the circle of martial arts since ancient times. Anecdotes about it bringing peace to a country and its people or upholding the justice were still popular among folks. Hence, its glorious history and deep affection by ordinary folks gave it the enduring position as a legend never to fall across the world. 

Emperor Jiarui exclaimed, “Master Astrologist Yang Qingzong observed the astrology on the eve seven days ago and discovered purple air between the Taurus and the Plough. Based on it, he asked people to dig out these two treasure swords on the top of Mount Hong, one naming Heaven, and the other Earth. Now, I grant these two treasure swords to you, our hero, Duke Fang!”

Fang Junqian thanked the Emperor. 

The hunting ended with a round success, and the crowd dispersed after clamoring. 

“Please wait, Prime Minister Xiao!” Duke Fang hurriedly called Xiao Qingyu. 

Xiao Qingyu had a headache again…

He sat coldly in the wheelchair, saying nothing, and even wanted to shut his eyes to stop seeing the wickedly charming face before him. 

Fang Junqian bent over, his tone humble and sincere, “Sorry that I did an unruly thing the other day on an impulse. I should die a million times to obtain your forgiveness.”

“Prime Minister Xiao must be broad-minded. Please do forgive me.”

Xiao Qingyu didn"t even give him a glance. 

In view of this, Fang Junqian knew that Childe Wushuang was really annoyed this time, feeling himself stupid, and said more humbly, “Today I came specially to make an apology.”

He offered Heaven and Earth. 

“These two swords are peerless divine weapons. Please accept them as my apology.”

Xiao Qingyu sneered slightly, “These two swords are granted by His Majesty. Isn’t it a dangerous thing if some people know that you give them to me?”

Fang Junqian almost asked with grievance, “You won"t forgive me? I really realize that I was wrong.”

His tone suddenly became joking, “If you don"t accept them, I’m afraid I would say something inappropriate at court out of anxiety—”

Childe Wushuang’s hands were already on the secret switch on his wheelchair! He narrowed his eyes, shooting perilous air, “Fang Junqian, you could just say it if you want a death.” 

Fang Junqian sighed and suddenly got down on one knee, looking Xiao Qingyu in the eye, “Qingyu, forgive me. I was stupid. Please take them as my apology. Let’s move on.”

He handed him Heaven and Earth. 

The two swords curdled together, emitting subtle sharpness from time to time. 

The hilt was made of sculpted fine rosewood in novel style and perfect curves. In every way, they were top treasure. 

Xiao Qingyu held the hilt of Earth. The mysterious texture on it felt good in hand—as if specially tailored for him. 

“Clank—” Xiao Qingyu pulled it out! —

The streamlined shape of the blade streaked a curve in the air, glossy in the quiet sunrays. 

“A good one!” Xiao Qingyu couldn"t help praising! 

He then gave Heaven back to Fang Junqian, “It’s enough to have one of them. Aren’t you complaining that you lack a good weapon? Have Heaven.”

Fang Junqian didn"t pretend to refuse and readily accepted it. He stroked the icy sheath and suddenly felt somehow connected to it. 

He drew it out and pointed it to the sky! 

As the blade came into air, blue light glistened, with undaunted momentum to destroy everything! 

The two swords emitted waves of piercing coldness. 

Xiao Qingyu had both knowledge and a strong memory, “The ancient sword makers add ice snow water from the top of an iceberg into swords. It seems these two are the same.”

Fang Junqian suddenly asked, “This two are a pair?”

Xiao Qingyu was fully focused on the swords, “Exactly.”

“A pair! ~~~” Fang Junqian smiled naughtily and meaningfully. 

Back then, Fang Junqian hadn’t expected that it came true later. 

This pair of swords prewrote the destiny of them two. 

The love touched heaven and earth. 

Before leaving, Fang Junqian turned back suddenly and said seriously, “Qingyu, do you still remember it?”

When Xiao Qingyu realized what he was referring to, Duke Fang had fled away laughing. 

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