Duke Fang visited the Pavilion at night again. 

As soon as he sneaked into the yard, he found Zhang Jinya, our naughty clever little boy, was watching him with a half smile. It seemed that he had waited for long. 

Duke Fang smiled back, like the wolf grandma of Little Red Riding Hood, “Dear Little Zhang, why aren’t you serving your childe?”

Zhang Jingya hated it when people called him little (wasn"t a seven-year-old little?), especially when Duke Fang used the tone of coaxing a kid. So annoying! 

He said angrily, “Recently, it’s not peaceful in the capital since there are too many thieves and rogues. I fear that somehow they might sneak in, so I come to guard during the night.”

Duke Fang marveled: Like childe, like servant. This boy cursed in a soft way without any filthy words…

But who was Fang Junqian?

These words were not enough to shock him. 

At once, he patted Little Zhang’s shoulder, putting on a face of ‘good for you’, “Good boy, keep guarding!”

“Wait!” Zhang Jinya stopped Fang Junqian, “What brings you here?”

Fang Junqian whisked his red scarf, “Fortune telling!”

Zhang Jinya smiled smugly, “Then you don"t need to go in. I know how my childe thinks of you…”

“Oh? What did he say about me?” Fang Junqian was curious. 

Zhang Jinya’s crystal dark eyes emitted cunning brilliance, “He said…”

“What?” Fang Junqian cooperatively leaned down. 

“He said: Duke Fang is born with blue blood and talents, but isn’t an extravagant dandy indulging in sensation pleasure. You treat subordinates nicely, and are easy to get along with.”

Fang Junqian smiled without saying a word. 

Zhang Jinya, “But all these are illusions! He appears humble and amiable, but in fact he thinks highly of himself, with powerful martial arts, a deep mind, high aspiration…”

Fang Junqian said heartfelt, “My parents gave me the life, but Qingyu knows me the best!”

Zhang Jinya coughed, “Childe also said…”


“Childe also said—Fang Junqian must be the one who destroys Daqing!”

“Oh boy, you shouldn"t tell lies.” Fang Junqian shook his head and smiled, “Even if your childe thinks so, his inward reserved personality wouldn"t let you little boy know.”

Was he an idiot? When he told lies, this little boy wasn"t even born yet!

“Is it Duke Fang? Jinya, invite him upstairs.” A mild graceful voice came from the pavilion. 

Fang Junqian smiled at the little boy complacently, and sneaked into the pavilion through the window, leaving a flas.h.i.+ng red shadow in the night. 

Zhang Jinya stomped and muttered, “Childe did say that! … I overheard it.”

“What a unique way of visiting to choose window over door!” Xiao Qingyu satirized. 

Fang Junqian appeared grieved, “Why does Qingyu welcome me with cold words? I’m so sad.”

Xiao Qingyu fiddled with the divination lots on the table, “Because you didn"t give me a reason to treat you nicely.”

It would be fine if Fang Junqian went upstairs upfront through the door, but he showed up taking the advantage of his lightness skills and his familiarity about the pavilion’s hidden gears, which was a little offensive to the host. 

“Don"t mind that, Qingyu. I’ve been staying at home for many days taking rest. Do you do how hard that I managed to visit you again?”

At this point, Xiao Qingyu had sorted out the divination lots. 

“Are you going to tell my fortune?” Fang Junqian was immediately intrigued. 

Xiao Qingyu had just bathed, his long hair loosely tied, white spring robe faintly damp against his skin; and he sat in the luxurious wheelchair, his self-possession and charm beyond language.  

A fine sandalwood incense was burning with silky fog and refres.h.i.+ng fragrance. 

Fang Junqian felt a little drunk. 

As the saying goes, the scene isn’t intoxicating, but the be-holder gets drunk himself.

Bathing, burning incense and praying—these were necessary rituals to start a divination. 

After settling down his mind, Childe Wushaung said solemnly, “Divination won’t start without a serious event, without changes, and the result won’t be revealed if you don"t believe it. What do you want to know about?”

Fang Junqian, “The country.”

“Okay!” Xiao Qingyu spread the sixty-four lots on the table and gestured, “Draw one, please.”

Fang Junqian smiled languidly and randomly drew one. 

Divination 19, Earth-River-Face Changes.

Murderousness flashed by in Xiao Qingyu’s eyes. He gazed at Fang Junqian in a complicated way. 

“How should I interpret this?” Fang Junqian was uneasy under his gaze. 

Was that a worst one? 

“This is a medium good divination.” Childe Wushuang’s eyes were pitch-dark and crystal clear, carrying ghosts of worry, “It reads: The country is upside down and the folks are waiting for a bright future. Luckily, they will be one wise emperor who will let the people live in peace and happiness again.”

“The divination consists of Earth and River, two different elements mixed together, in which Earth is located above River while River embraces Earth.”

“It means a wise emperor is going to appear and rule the country, to make it peaceful and harmonious…”

Fang Junqian gasped in shock! What a rebellious lot he had drawn! 

He began to feel lucky that the fortune teller was Xiao Qingyu. 

Duke Fang tried to skip it, “Tonight, let’s just talk about literary. Forget about the country.”

Xiao Qingyu reorganized the divination lots, “What else do you like to know about this time?”

Fang Junqian put on the wicked smile again, which made him more alluring. 

He spat out a word, “Marriage!”

Xiao Qingyu was dazed for a second and looked up, “Marriage?”

Duke Fang the stunner, the dream of a million ladies, would have them wait in a queue as long as he waved his hand. He worried about marriage? 

“Yes! Marriage!” He answered immediately! 

Xiao Qingyu gestured, “Please.”

Fang Junqian stopped being lazy and sat upright, seriously drawing a lot. 

Xiao Qingyu took it over and looked at it, his face alternating between red and pale…

Suddenly, he put the lot back to mingle with others and reorganized them. 

“Please draw one again!”

Duke Fang was confused and drew another one with a fl.u.s.tered mind—still that one! 

Fang Junqian was embarra.s.sed, “This one…seems to like me very much…”

Childe Wushuang pushed the lots hard, exacerbated, “Can’t do it!”

Xiao Qingyu was usually a quiet person who only spoke meaningful words and in an easy manner. It seemed this was the only time that he talked, without a strategic purpose, just to vent out his anger. 

Fang Junqian froze for a moment. 

Realizing that he was being rude, Xiao Qingyu quickly calmed down and a.n.a.lyzed the divination: It wasn"t necessarily interpreted like that! Maybe…probably…there must be another possibility! …

But at the thought that Fang Junqian’s marriage had something to do with him, he felt a little vexed. 

“Qingyu, how should I interpret this one?” Fang Junqian terribly cared about his marriage. After all, the country wasn"t his business. Marriage was obviously more important. 

Xiao Qingyu, having calmed down, said in indifferent tone, “This divination consists of Heaven below Earth. Heaven belongs to yang, while Earth belongs to yin. Yin and yang interconnect with each other and everything becomes interrelated. If overturned, it’s an ominous divination.”

“Everything stands opposite one another and transforms from wax to wane. Hence, the one who knows to change is wise.”

“It’s easy to interpret for other things, but in terms of marriage…interconnection and chaos.”

Duke Fang was stunned, “What does this mean?”

Xiao Qingyu was annoyed but explained for him patiently, “A fortune-teller could tell everything except for his own fate…”

Upon these words, Fang Junqian understood at once, patting his hands, and laughed! — “You mean my marriage has something to do with you and you can’t tell?”

Xiao Qingyu nodded and closed his eyes. 

f.a.g Junqian put on the wicked and resolute smile, “You must be my spouse!”

“Not necessarily.” Xiao Qingyu opened his eyes, chill radiant from his eyes, “There is another possibility that I could be the match-maker. It’s reasonable that I couldn"t tell.”

“Really?” Fang Junqian unconsciously rubbed the red scarf around his neck, “Either way, I’m waiting to see it!”

Xiao Qingyu was very quiet, like a white lotus flower blooming only in moonlight at night, touchingly pretty and fragrant but unknown to others. 

“Don"t worry. I’ll try to find you a good wife to spend the rest of your life with.”

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