Some people are born with a temperament that couldn"t be ignored. Due to certain reason, Childe Wushuang was arranged to sit right to Duke Fang.

When they sat together, Fang Junqian’s enchanting confidence and charm and Xiao Qingyu’s spotless elegance reflected to each other like the sun and the moon, bringing out the best in each other. For a time, the other imperial or n.o.ble princes were entirely outshone by them.

Xiao Qingyu, as the right prime minister who had made a public appearance, naturally attracted even more eyes.

During the banquet, the old Emperor held the hand of the crown prince and arranged him to sit to the left of Xiao Qingyu, saying earnestly with great hope, “Both Prime Minister Xiao and Duke Fang are right-hand men of our country. You should get close to them.”

Fang Jianhui, the crown prince, just turning twenty-three, had a face that could barely be called delicate, a pair of slim slant eyes that shone with sullen glimmers from time to time, a mouth with downward corners above the chin hidden underneath thin stubble, nothing else but arrogance. In the face of these two youth that were highly thought of by his father, he made a vague ‘hem’ from his huge nostrils and presented a disdainful look which seemed drunken in sensation pleasure.

Xiao Qingyu and Fang Junqian bowed at the same time, “You’re flattering me, your majesty.”

Emperor Jairui, over sixty years old, looked benevolent and amiable, without any trace of the ruthlessness of having killed his own father and several brothers. Just as the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. And also because of this, the ministers and high officials all agreed that this emperor was even more horrible and heartless.

Watching the young faces, Emperor Jiarui suddenly sighed sorrowfully, “The country will be in the hands of you young men…”

Somehow, when hearing that sigh, Fang Junqian reflectively had a feeling that the Emperor was old.

In the banquet, the three barely talked. The gloomy air finally dispelled when the crown prince claimed that he didn"t feel well and had to leave in advance.

Fang Junqian put down the chopsticks, leaned to Xiao Qingyu and whispered, “In general, this banquet wasn"t miserable.”

A smile was flas.h.i.+ng in Xiao Qingyu’s eyes, “You and the crown prince don"t seem to get along.”

Duke Fang felt helpless, “He and I didn’t get along since we were children. Today, he behaved quite well. After all, we weren’t children anymore. Even if we hate each other, we choose to hide it. But it’s really strange that I didn"t like him at the first sight. I think he and I are born to be enemies.” Suddenly he remembered that Childe Wushuang was also an excellent fortuneteller, “Right, Qingyu, aren’t you an expert in divination? What about you do fortune for me some time?”

Xiao Qingyu smiled gently, “Fine.” Then he became serious, “As for the crown prince, you’d better fix your relation with him. He’s crown prince, the future emperor, a person with the power to decide our life and death. It’s not a good thing to offend such a person.”

Fang Junqian smirked, “The crown prince represents only his origin. It has nothing to do with personal quality. You know what? When you sit next to him, I think you look more like a crown prince than he does.”

Xiao Qingyu briefly rolled his eyes, saying indifferently and sternly, “How dare you talk nonsense like this!”

Fang Junqian approached him, “I know you will keep the secret for me.”

Childe Wushuang played with the gold thread in his hand and said in a flat tone, “If you pay me some tea and snacks every month, I can pretend I heard nothing.”

Fang Junqian replied without hesitation, “You can go and tell others, but don"t try making me pay!”

Xiao Qingyu didn"t take off the gloves, “Don"t you, as a duke, feel a little awkward to freeload everyday at my place?”

“No.” He answered at once and fought back, “Qingyu, our friends.h.i.+p is more valuable than several midnight tea and snacks. I’ll feel hurt if you measure our friends.h.i.+p with money…”

Qingyu didn"t expect this answer from Fang Junqian and wanted to end the childish conversation, “Alright, alright. You’re right. It’s my fault. I shouldn"t have measured our friends.h.i.+p with money.”

“It seems Childe Wushuang and Duke Fang instantly became friends at first sight. Sorry for interrupting,” Lin Wenzheng held a gla.s.s and walked over, in a graceful and gentle manner.

“Prime Minister Lin.” The two bowed and greeted him at the same time.

“Don"t do that!” Lin Wenzheng hurriedly bowed back, “Both of you are right-hand men of our country. Your military talent and political learnings are enough to safeguard our country and make it prosper. In the future, I hope to rely on your a.s.sistance. I dare not accept your bowing.”

This old fox! —Duke Fang cursed in secrecy. Lin Wenzheng had been a tumbler in the court and readily changed based on the situation, a man capable of dealing with all men and all officials. ‘An old fox’ really lived up to his name. He wouldn"t come over and be friendly for no reason. They wondered what intention he was holding.

Ling Wenzheng, his back blocked the inquiring sights, said in a low voice, “Childe, thank you about last night.”

Last night…confession? Lin Yiyi?! Duke Fang almost spat out the good wine in his mouth! He sat there numbly, embarra.s.sed and helpless…

Xiao Qingyu was calm, “What are you referring to? Sorry, I have a poor memory (poor memory? Fang Junqian smirked: you’re too humble…), I’ve forgotten what shouldn"t be remembered.”

“Then it’s good, good… This will affect my daughter’s reputation. Please don"t let a fourth person know it.”

Xiao Qingyu took a glance at Fang Junqian next to them—this fourth person was sitting next to Lin Wenzheng with an innocent expression.

He found it amusing but replied seriously, “Of course, I won’t let others know. Please rest a.s.sured, Prime Minister.”

Lin Wenzheng left with satisfaction.

“Did you hear it clearly, Duke Fang? It’s a matter of a girl’s reputation. Do not talk nonsense to others.”

Fang Junqian shrugged, “Do you think I wanted to hear that? I was locked in that situation, alright?”

No doubt the birthday party was a round success, luxurious and extravagant, costing a huge amount of money, filled with praises and eulogies, but lacking vitality or novelty.

The pure white fur blanket, every inch of which was expensive like gold, was embroidered with blossoms of peonies which symbolized wealth and n.o.bility. The beauty almost came to life, making the dancers dance captivatingly on it more energetic, charming and seducing. The pretty faces eclipsed the night-glow pearl which was worth a city in the middle of the hall.

Nevertheless, no matter how beautiful the dancers were, no matter how attractive their dances were, you would feel bored after watching for successive years.

Duke Fang felt lucky to have Childe Wushuang sitting next to him. They two chatted everything from heaven to earth in witty remarks, which was another kind of enjoyment.  

The banquet reached its climax as Emperor Jiarui proclaimed a general amnesty—which, at the same time, was also a sign of a satisfactory end of the banquet.

As soon as it ended, our little friend, Zhang Jinya showed up, “Childe.” He was about to push the wheelchair and leave, when Fang Junqian moved quicker than him, “Do you have any plan for tonight, Qingyu?” Duke Fang’s hands naturally took a hold on the handles of the wheelchair. He asked while pus.h.i.+ng it out of the hall.

Zhang Jinya was unhappy—it had always been his duty to take care of childe, but this Duke Fang frequently took it over. Obviously he was trying to get him fired!

Hence, Zhang Jinya was so unhappy that he looked at Duke Fang in a disapproving way.

This disapproving way arrived at peak when Fang Junqian was surrounded by his rabble friends!

It was alright they asked him to go to brothels, but why did he incite Childe to go with them?!

Fang Junqian, it was okay if you yourself lived a degenerating life. But why did you pull Childe together?!

How could Childe go to those filthy places?! —Zhang Jinya even found it hard to imagine!!!

Fang Junqian, this was sheer blasphemy against someone like a heavenly fairy. Aren’t you afraid of divine punishment?!

The fact was that Duke Fang feared everything but divine punishment. By his silver tongue and various arguments, after an hour, Xiao Qingyu finally agreed because he couldn"t bear his blattering anymore!

Zhang Jinya was helpless. He couldn"t say no to it. He knew once Childe made a decision, he wouldn"t allow others to step in, even if it was a wrong decision.

Therefore, Zhang Jinya could do nothing but watch the group of people swarming to Pavilion of Mist and Rain—one of the most renowned brothels in the capital city.

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