+etc.+ or +&c.+ (et caetera), And others; And so forth.

+Ex.+, Example; Exodus.

+Ez.+, Ezra.

+Ezek.+, Ezekiel.

+Fahr.+ or +F.+, Fahrenheit (thermometer).

+Feb.+, February.

+Fla.+, Florida.

+Fr.+, French; France.

+Fran.+, Francis.

+Fred.+, Frederic.

+Fri.+, Friday.

+ft.+, Feet.

+Ft.+, Fort.

+fur.+, Furlong.

+Ga.+, Georgia.

+Gal.+, Galatians.

+gal.+, Gallons.

+Gen.+, General; Genesis.

+Geo.+, George.

+Gov.+, Governor.

+gr.+, Grains.

+h.+, Hours.

+Hab.+, Habakkuk.

+Hag.+, Haggai.

+H. B. M.+, His (or Her) Britannic Majesty.

+hdkf.+, Handkerchief.

+Heb.+, Hebrews.

+H. H.+, His Holiness (the Pope).

+hhd.+, Hogsheads.

+H. M.+, His (or Her) Majesty.

+Hon.+, Honorable.

+Hos.+, Hosea.

+H. R. H.+, His (or Her) Royal Highness.

+ib.+ or +ibid+, (_ibidem_), In the same place.

+id.+ (_idem_), The same.

+Idaho+, Idaho.

+i.e.+ (_id est_), That is.

+I. H. S.+ (_Jesus hominum Salvator_), Jesus, the Savior of Men.

+Ill.+, Illinois.

+in.+, Inches.

+incog.+ (i_ncognito_), Unknown.

+Ind.+, Indiana.

+Ind. T.+, Indian Territory.

+inst.+, Instant, the present month.

+Iowa+ or +Io.+, Iowa.

+I. O. O. F.+, Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

+Isa.+, Isaiah.

+Jac.+, Jacob.

+Jan.+, January.

+Jas.+, James.

+Jer.+, Jeremiah.

+Jona.+, Jonathan.

+Jos.+, Joseph.

+Josh.+, Joshua.

+Jr.+ or +Jun.+, Junior.

+Judg.+, Judges.

+Kans.+ or +Kan.+, Kansas.

+Ky.+, Kentucky.

+l.+, Line; ll., Lines.

+l.+ or +lb.+, Pounds sterling.

+La.+, Louisiana.

+Lam.+, Lamentations.

+L.+, Latin.

+lb.+ or lb-. (_libra_ or _librae_), Pound or pounds in weight.

+l.c.+, Lower case (small letter).

+Lev.+, Leviticus.

+L. I.+, Long Island.

+Lieut.+, Lieutenant.

+LL. B.+(_Legum Baccalaureus_), Bachelor of Laws.

+LL. D.+ (_Legum Doctor_), Doctor of Laws.

+M.+ or +Mons.+, Monsieur.

+M.+ (_meridies_), Noon.

+m.+, Miles; Minutes.

+Mad.+, Madam. +Mme.+, Madame.

+Maj.+, Major.

+Mal.+, Malachi.

+Mar.+, March.

+Ma.s.s.+, Ma.s.sachusetts.

+Matt.+, Matthew.

+M. C.+, Member of Congress.

+M. D.+ (_Medicinae Doctor_), Doctor of Medicine.

+Md.+, Maryland.

+mdse.+, Merchandise.

+Me.+, Maine.

+Mem.+, Memorandum; Memoranda.

+Messrs.+, Messieurs.

+Mic.+, Micah.

+Mgr.+, Monseigneur.

+Mich.+, Michigan; Michael.

+Minn.+, Minnesota.

+Miss.+, Mississippi.

+Mlle.+, Mademoiselle.

+Mmes.+, Mesdames.

+Mo.+, Missouri.

+mo.+, Months.

+Mon.+, Monday.

+M. P.+, Member of Parliament.

+Mont.+, Montana.

+Mr.+, Mister.

+Mrs.+, Mistress (p.r.o.nounced Missis).

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