+MS.+, Ma.n.u.script.

+MSS.+, Ma.n.u.scripts.

+Mt.+, Mountain.

+N.+, North.

+N. A.+, North America.

+Nath.+, Nathaniel.

+N. B.+ (_nota bene_), Mark well.

+N. C.+, North Carolina.

+N. Dak.+, North Dakota.

+N. E.+, New England.

+N. E.+, Northeast.

+Nebr.+ or +Neb.+, Nebraska.

+Neh.+, Nehemiah.

+Nev.+, Nevada.

+N. H.+, New Hampshire.

+N. J.+, New Jersey.

+N. Mex.+ or +N. M.+, New Mexico.

+N. N. E.+, North-northeast.

+N. N. W.+, North-northwest.

+N. O.+, New Orleans.

+No.+ (_numero_), Number, +Nov.+, November.

+N. W.+, Northwest +N. Y.+, New York.

+Obad.+, Obadiah.

+Oct.+, October.

+Ohio+ or +O.+, Ohio.

+Oreg.+ or +Or.+, Oregon.

+Oxon.+ (_Oxonia_), Oxford, +oz.+, Ounces.

+p.+, Page, +pp.+, Pages.

+Pa.+ or +Penn.+, Pennsylvania.

+Payt.+ or +payt.+, Payment.

+per cent+, or +per ct.+ (_per centum_) or %, By the hundred.

+Ph. D.+ (_Philosophiae Doctor_), Doctor of Philosophy.

+Phil.+, Philip; Philippians.

+Phila.+, Philadelphia.

+pk.+, Pecks.

+P. M.+, Postmaster.

+P. M.+ or +p. m.+ (_post meridiem_), Afternoon.

+P. O.+, Post-Office.

+Pres.+, President.

+Prof.+, Professor.

+Pro tem.+ (_pro tempore_), For the time being.

+Prov.+, Proverbs.

+prox.+ (_proximo_), The next month.

+P. S.+, Postscript.

+Ps.+, Psalms.

+pt.+, Pints.

+pwt.+, Pennyweights.

+qt.+, Quarts.

+q. v.+ (_quod vide_), Which see.

+Qy.+, Query.

+rd.+, Rods.

+Recd.+, Received.

+Rev.+, Reverend; Revelation.

+R. I.+, Rhode Island.

+Robt.+, Robert.

+Rom.+, Romans (Book of); Roman letters.

+R. R.+, Railroad.

+R. S. V. P.+ (_Repondez s"il vous plait_), Answer, if you please.

+Rt. Hon.+, Right Honorable.

+Rt. Rev.+, Right Reverend.

+S.+, South.

+s.+, Shillings.

+S. A.+, South America.

+Saml.+ or +Sam.+, Samuel.

+Sat.+, Sat.u.r.day.

+S. C.+, South Carolina.

+S. Dak.+, South Dakota.

+S. E.+, Southeast.

+Sec.+, Secretary.

+sec.+, Seconds.

+Sep.+ or +Sept.+, September.

+Sol.+, Solomon.

+sq. ft.+, Square feet.

+sq. in.+, Square inches.

+sq. m.+, Square miles.

+S. S. E.+, South-southeast.

+S. S. W.+, South-southwest.

+St.+, Street; Saint.

+S. T. D.+ (_Sacrae Theologiae Doctor_), Doctor of Divinity.

+Sun.+, Sunday.

+Supt.+, Superintendent.

+S. W.+, Southwest.

+T.+, Tons; Tuns.

+Tenn.+, Tennessee.

+Tex.+, Texas.

+Theo.+, Theodore.

+Theoph.+, Theophilus.

+Thess.+, Thessalonians, +Thos.+, Thomas.

+Thurs.+, Thursday.

+Tim.+, Timothy.

+tr.+, Transpose.

+Treas.+, Treasurer.

+Tues.+, Tuesday.

+ult.+ (_ultimo_), Last--last month.

+U. S.+ or +U. S. A.+, United States of America; United States Army.

+U. S. M.+, United States Mail.

+U. S. N.+, United States Navy.

+Utah+ or +U. Ter.+, Utah Territory.

+Va.+, Virginia.

+Vice-Pres.+, Vice-President.

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