There is no sound of n in the d. The p.r.o.nunciation of d in Lau is much the same as that of d in English.

_da_ 1. pers. p.r.o.n. pl. 3. they; used by itself as subject, or follows _igera_; _igera da ada_, they saw.

_da_ 2. pers. p.r.o.n. sing. 3. suffixed to verb and to prepositions as an antic.i.p.atory object, them.

_dada_ v, i.; _dada fafi_, to leave undone; to pa.s.s over.

_dadaola_, _daodaola_ adj., tired; _noni daodaola_, weary.

_dafi_ n., the golden lip pearl sh.e.l.l, a pearl; _fufue dafi_, pearls. S. _dahi_.

_dalafa_ v. tr., to strike against, to hit.

_dali_ v. i., to tread upon; _uri dali_, to tread under foot. S.


_dalu_ 1. pers. p.r.o.n. trial 3. they; used by itself as subj., or follows _idalu_.

_dalu_ 2. pers. p.r.o.n., trial 3. suffixed to verbs, and prepositions, as object, and to prepositions as an antic.i.p.atory object, and used of persons only, them.

_daluma_ (_gu_) n., middle, in the midst of; used with loc. _i_.

S. _danume_.

_dangi_ n., day, e _dangi na_, it is daylight; _dangiliu_, brightness, glory; _maaedangi_, a day; _suli dangifiri_, daily. S.


_dadangi_ v. i., to be daylight.

_dao_ v. i., to arrive; _rodo fi dao_, till nightfall; _dao ana_, until. S._dao_.

_dara_ (_gu_) n., forehead. S. _dara_.

_daraa_ n., a young man; _maa ni daraa_, a young man.

_dari_ n., a valley, a creek. S. _da"iderie_.

_daro_ 1. pers. p.r.o.n. dual 3. they two; used by itself as subj. or follows _idaro_.

_daro_ 2. pers. p.r.o.n. dual 3. suffixed to verbs and prepositions as object, or to prep, as an antic.i.p.atory object, the two of them.

_darongai_ v. tr., to scatter, cause to disperse. S. _daro"i_

_dasa_ n., fog, mist.

_dau_, _dadau_ v. i., to hold, catch, take, touch; used with poss.; _dau agu_, touch me; _dau toogu_, meet me. S. _dau_. 1.

_daula_ v. n., holding, touching.

_dedengi_ v. tr., to pour out. S. _dede"i_.

_dee_, _deedee_ v. tr., to catch fish; _mwane deedee_, a fisherman.

_deela_ v. n., _dee ana deela_, to fish.

_didi_ v. tr., to carve, to grave. S. _didi_ 2.

_diena_ adj., good, proper, accurate, beloved; _lio diena fafi_, to delight in, to love.

_dienala_ v. n. U. _diena_.

_dila_ v. i., to jump down. S. _dile_.

_dingalu_; _dui dingalu_, completely finished.

_dodoria_ adj., clear, open, of path.

_dole_ v. i., to delay, to be a long time.

_dolofi_ v. tr., to rub in the hands.

_donga_ v. i., to spread, to circulate.

_dongaa_ adj., consecutive. S. _donga_ 2.

_doo_ n., thing; the noun ending may be added; with the personal article, _a doo_, the person, so-and-so, such an one; _ni doo ne_, the woman, woman (Voc.); _doo mamana_, truly; _ade doo_, to worship; _dooa_, _doola_ v. n., _saitama dooa_, wisdom; _ade doola_, worship; cf. S. _ola_.

_dori_ v. tr., to wish for, desire, love.

_dudu_ v. i., to move position; _dudu mai_, come hither; _dudu oli_, to retire. U. _dudu_.

_dumuli_ v. tr., to lay hold of.

_duqe_ v. tr., to split, burst, wound; _too duqe_, to cause to burst open; _ofu duqe_, to burst.

_duu_ v. tr., to visit upon, punish, repay, _qaiduu_, to revenge.

_duulana_, with loc. _i_, _i duulana_, because of.

_duula_ v. n., recompense.


_e_. 1. used to make a construct form, added to the first of two nouns, _fuli abae ai_, man"s handiwork; _toloe fera_, a hill; when the first noun ends in _a_, _ae_ is contracted into _e_, _aqale mwae_, ten bags; _fufue ai_, seed; when the first noun ends in _o_, the _oe_ is contracted into _e_; _abolo_, piece, _abole ai_, log.

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