Cf. Mota, construct form of nouns, where the ending of the first noun may be altered to _e_.

_e_. 2. pers. p.r.o.n. sing. 3. he, she, it, used to precede _nia_ when the meaning is, there is, it is: _na liqa gera enia ada_, they have their holes; _ma te ai enia i luma_, there is only one person in the house; generally used of the neuter; _e langi_, no, not; _e langi ana_, it is lost; _e langi o si sulu isulia_, you must not follow him; _e sui na_, it is finished; _e uta_, how? S. _e_.

e. 3. v. p., used with numerals and with _fita_; _e rua_. two; _e fita_, how many? S. _e_.

_eela_ adj., lazy; _noni eela_, lazy.

_eelenga_ (_na_) n., the end of, its end.

_eeo_ v. i., to be crooked.

_ele_ v. i., to desire, used with _uri_; _ele uria_, desirous of it.

_elela_ v. n., rejoicing.

_elea_ adj., joyfully.

_eli_, _elieli_ v. tr., to dig.

_elila_ v. n., digging. S. _eli_.

_enia_ pers. pro. sing. 3. he, she, it; _enia naane_, that is so; _gele mwela enia ada_, the small child (he) was with them. Cf. _e_.


_eqetaini_ v. tr., to remit, forego.

_ere_ 1. n., fire; _alu ere ana_, to set fire to; _si ere_, a firestick.

_ere_ 2. v. tr., to plait.

_ereere_ v. tr., used as prep., round about.

_ereila_ adj., round in shape. S. _ere_.

_erisi_ v. tr., to dispatch, send. _qaierisi_.

_eta_ numeral, one; _eta inao fua_, to be in front of, to lead.

_etana_, ordinal, first, the first time. S. _eta_.


_fa_. 1. causative prefix, applied to verbs and less frequently to nouns, e. g., _famwaela_. S. _ha"a_.

_fa_. 2. termination of verbal nouns: _mae_, to die, _maemaefa_, sickness; _otofa-_, concerning, _oofa-_, approaching, are always followed by the suffixed p.r.o.noun. S. _ha_.

_faabu_ v. tr., to forbid. S. _"abu_.

_faabua_ v. n., an oath.

_faabusu_ v. tr., to fill, satiate with food.

_faada_ v. tr., to cause to see, to awaken. _ada_.

_faado_ v. tr., to apportion. S. _ado_.

_faalamaini_ v. tr., to entrust, to permit. _alamai_.

_faalu_, _faolu_, adj., new, fresh, recent; _arai faolu_, bridegroom. S. _haalu_.

_fabaita_ v. tr., to make big, to magnify oneself. _baita_.

_fabili_ v. tr., to make dirty, to defile. _bili_.

_fabona_ v. tr., to appease, to cause to be quiet. _bona_.

_fabota_ v. tr., to be of a.s.sistance to. _bota_.

_fabulosi_ v. tr., to cause to turn, to turn over. _bulo_.

_fadole_ v. tr., to be a debtor to.

_fafanafi_ v. tr., to covet. _fana_.

_fafanga_ v. tr., to feed. _fanga_.

_fafaraasia_ adj., tasteless.

_fafi_ 1. v. tr., to help; _dau fafi_, to help, to surround; 2.

prep, concerning, causation; _fafia_, because of. S. _haahi_.

_fafo_ (_gu_) n., above, over, used with locative i., i _fafona_, in addition, on top of it.

_fafola_ v. n., _alu fafola_, addition. S. _haho_.

_fafolali_ v. tr., to illuminate. _fola_.

_fafolifoli_ v. tr., to signify, to explain. _folifoli_.

_fafou_ v. tr., to proclaim. _fou_.

_fafunu_ v. tr., to destroy, to cause to end. _funu_.

_fafungu_ v. tr., to fill, _fungu_.

_fafurongo_ n., a disciple, _rongo_.

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