_idalu_ pers. p.r.o.n. pl. 3. they; used by itself as subj. or follows _dalu_, more restricted in application than _igera_.

_idaro_ pers. p.r.o.n. dual 3, they two; used by itself as subj. or follows _daro_.

_idu_ 1. v. i., to count.

_idumi_ v. tr. S. _idu_.

_idu_ 2. v. i., to move position; _lea idu_, to pa.s.s by; _lea idu mai_, to enter.

_idula-_ (_gu_) n., on behalf of.

_ie_ (_gu_) n., stomach, womb. S. _"ie_.

_ifafo_ (_gu_) prep, above; _maaedangi i fafo_, two days ago.

_ifai_ adv., where.

_ifara_ (_na_) n., underneath.

_ifi_ v. i., to open, _ifingi_ v. tr.

_ifitai_ n., a mat, a bed.

_ifitaini_ v. tr., to spread as a cloth.

_ifu_ (_gu_) n., hair. S. _ihu_.

_ifu_ v. i., to be uprooted. S. _"aihu_.

_ifula_ v. n., a fall, an uprooting,

_igamelu_ 1. pers. p.r.o.n. trial excl. 1. we; used as subj.; more restricted in application than _igami_.

_igamere_ pers. p.r.o.n. dual 1. excl. we two; used as subj.

_igamolu_ pers. p.r.o.n. trial 2. you; used as subj.; more restricted in application than _igamu_.

_igamoro_ pers. p.r.o.n. dual 2. you two; used as subj.

_igamu_ pers. p.r.o.n. pi. 2. you; used as subj.

_igera_ pers. p.r.o.n. pi. 3. they; used as subj.; also as plural article;

_igera fiolo_, the hungry. S. _ikire_.

_igia_ pers. p.r.o.n. pl. 1. inch we; used as subj. S. _iki"e_.

_igolu_ pers. p.r.o.n. trial. 1. incl. we; used as subj.; more restricted in application than _igia_. S. _ikolu_.

_igoro_ pers. p.r.o.n. dual 1. we two; used as subj. S. _ikure_.

_iida_ (_na_) n., pinnacle of house.

_iidimani_ only, just, to be about to; _iidimani si doo_, the uttermost farthing; _tesi gida iidimani_, the merest piece.

_ikamu_ n., a lime spatula.

_ilangi_ adv., up, above, in the sky.

_ilefou_ n., a precipice; _fou_.

_ili_ v. i., to choose; Hi _doo_, to choose. S. _ilisi_.

_ilisi_ v. tr.

_ilao_ (_gu_) n., used as prep.; within; _ilaona_, inside. S.


_ileli_ v. tr., to judge.

_ilelia_ adj., bruised.

_ilifaini_ v. tr., to give commands to, to signify.

_ilitoo_ v. tr., to tempt; takes _gu_, _mut_, _na_, as p.r.o.nominal suffixes; _a ilitooa_ v. n., the tempter.

_imaa_ adv., outside, in the courtyard.

_i moumouli_ (_gu_) on, in, the left hand (late use).

_inakesi_ v. tr., to examine, take account of, beseech, importune; _inakesi ingola_, to beseech.

_inala_ v. i., to discern by casting lots. S. _ilala_.

_inali_ 1. v. tr., to plait; 2. a rope. S. _i"eli_.

_inao_ (_gu_) n., before, in front of, of old time. S. _ina"o_.

_ini_ v. tr., to pinch, _ini_ i _luana_, to throttle. S. _"ini_.

_inia_ pers. p.r.o.n. sing. 3. he, she, it; used as subj. and followed by _nia_. S._inge"ie_.

_inite_; _inite arai_, the elders.

_initoo_ to be glorious; _soe initoo_, to glorify; _too initoo_, the rulers; _initoo_, _initoola_, majesty.

_inumae_ v. i., to be orphaned, to be poor.

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