_inumaea_ v. n., an orphan. S. _inemae_.

_inunufa-_ (_gu_) n., because of. S. _inunuha_.

_ingo_ v. i. to beseech.

_ingosi_ v. tr., to beseech.

_ingotaini_ v. tr., to provoke.

_ingola_ v. n., _inakesi ingola_, to beseech.

_ioe_ pers. p.r.o.n. sing. 2. thou, used as subj. and followed by _o_.

S. _i"oe_.

_iqa_ v. 1. to be spoilt, shed, of fluid.

_irogi_ adv., yesterday.

_irori_ v. tr., to mix, mingle, stir up.

_isara_ adv., sh.o.r.e, to the sh.o.r.e.

_ise_, _isegi_, _ise na_ adv., here.

_isi_; _isilana_, the end; _isiburi_, to be last, finally; _isingana ne_, from henceforth; _sae isingana_, leave off speaking.

_isuli_ prep. motion after, motion over; _isulia rodo mana asua_, by day and night; _lea isulia_, go after him. S. _isuli_.

_ita_ adv., motion from; _ita ana mai_, up to here; _ita mai ifai_, whence; _ita na ma inao_, from of old.

_itafu-_ (_gu_) n., on behalf of.

_iu_, _iuka_ affirmative, yes.


_ka_ verbal particle, used of present or of future time, or of consequent action; _nia ka bae uri_, he speaks thus; _gamelu ka ania si taa_, what shall we eat? _sui ta nia kafi bae uri_, thereupon he says; _lelea ka rodo_, go till nightfall; may be used in negative sentences with the addition of _si_, not; _kasi bobola_, it is not fitting. U. _"a_.

_kada_ n., a period; _kada na_, _kada ni_, at the time when; _i kada uta_, when? _kade manga_, while; _kade beu_, inner chamber.

_kafo_ water; _si kafo_, a bamboo water carrier.

_kakalu_ a well of water. S. _kilu_.

_kakamu_ (_na_) n., edge, border.

_kakao_ basin, vessel, coconut sh.e.l.l cut to make a spoon. S.


_kakara_ egg; _fe kakarai kua_, hen"s egg.

_kakasi_ v. tr., to carve.

_kakau_ (_gu_) n., finger. S. _kau_.

_kame_ (_na_) n., used with locative i, by the side of (of things).

_kamu_ v. i., to eat areca nut. S. _damu_.

_kani_ v. tr., to bind.

_kanila_ v. n., a binding.

_kanikulu_ v. tr., to hang up, suspend.

_kao_ a bamboo water carrier. Cf. _kafo_.

_kari_ v. tr., to tear, rend, break open, take to pieces.

_kau_, _kakau_, v. tr., to bind, tie.

_kakari_ v. i., to be torn.

_kauraa_ v. tr., to mend, patch.

_ke_ article, followed by _si_ 2.; _ro kesi kurui bata_, two pieces of money; added to _te_, _teke si gula_, a part.

_kede_, _kekede_ v. tr., to cut, carve, write.

_kedela_ n., inscription, writing, letter.

_kedekedea_, _kekedea_, adj., gorgeous, bright-colored.

_kekerofa_ (_na_) n., of, _amongst_; _ada kekerofana_, choose from among; _mou kekerofana_, fearful of.

_keketo_ v. tr., to judge.

_keketola_ v. n., judgment.

_keo_ v. i., to be blind; _mwane keo_, a blind man.

_kete-_ (_gu_) 1. n., head; i _ketena_, on his head.

_kete_ 2. v. tr., to cut; too _kete_, to cut in pieces.

_ki_ v. i., to be troubled in mind; _liona kafi ki_, his mind was troubled.

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