_loo_ v. i., to be fierce, wild, suspicious.

_falooi_, to persecute, cause to be wild. S. _loo_.

_looua_ gra.s.s.

_loulou_ 1. v. i., to be quick; 2. adv., quickly, quick. S.


_loulou_ 3. adj., whole, entire, in one piece. S. _laku_.

_lu_ contraction for _olu_ three, used to form trial number of p.r.o.noun; _dalu_, _golu_, etc. S. _lu_.

_luga_ v. i., to loose.

_lugatai_, _lugataini_ v. v. tr.

_lugala_ v. n., loosing. S. _luhe_.

_lui_ v. tr., to forbid, reserve; _alu lui_ to set a taboo mark on.

S. _luu"i_

_luk.u.mi_ v. tr., to restrain.

_lulua_ 1. a stranger, guest.

_lulua_ 2. a basket of plaited coconut leaf. S. _luelue_.

_luu_ v. tr., to move, to depart. S. _luu_.


_m_ adjectival prefix; _moi_ broken.

_ma_ 1. conjunction; _ma ana_, though; _ma ka langi_, or not, in questions; _ma ta_, but.

_ma_ 2. adjectival prefix of condition; _madiu_; _matala_. S. _ma_.

_maa_ 1. (_gu_) n., eye, face, aperture, gate; _i maa_, at the door, in the courtyard; _gula i maa_, outside; _maana bara_, gate; _maa too_ (_gu_) to visit; _toongi bono maa_, sackcloth: 2. art.

one, a; _maa ni dara gi_, young men; _fai maae oru qailiu_, the four winds; _maae dangi_, a day, _maae dangi i fafo_, two days hence; _maae rodo_, darkness; _maae fera_, a village. S. _maa_.

_maa_ 3. voc., father; _maa nau_, father. S. _ma"a_.

_maabala_ to no effect; _rao maabala_, to work unprofitably. S.


_maabe_ v. i., to be willing; _mu maabe ni elela_, you were willing to rejoice.

_maadara_ (_gu_) n., forehead. S. _dara_.

_maafu_ v. tr., to cover with wrappings; _maafu maa_, to blindfold.

_maala_ an ulcer, a sore.

_maaligwou_ v. i., to be thirsty, _gwou_ 1.

_maalimaea_ enemy. _mae_.

_maalitafa_ channel in reef. S. _maalitawa_.

_maamana_; _ro maamana_, father and son.

_maasi_ v. tr., to await, expect.

_maasia_ adj., while.

_maauugala_ to mock at, used with poss.

_mabe_ v. i., to be obedient, willing; _manata mabe_, patient. Cf.


_mabesi_ v. tr., to correct, rebuke.

_madafi_ v. tr., to perceive, feel.

_madalaba_ oven.

_madiu_ adj., different, other, another, astray; too _madiu gi_, gentiles,

_madiua_ 1. exclam. well, I never! 2. adj. different. S. _diu_.

_mae_, _mamae_ v. i., to die, to be ill, to be numb, to be eclipsed, of moon.

_maeli_ v. tr., to die of; _bae maeli_, to condemn to death.

_maea_ v. n., death, sickness,

_maela_ (_gu_) v. n., death, danger,

_maemaefa_ v. n., sickness. S. _mae_.

_mafo_ v. i., to be healed. Mota _mawo_.

_magu_ n. clothing; _si magu_.

_mai_ 1. adv., here, hither, this way; _ita ana mai_, hither; _ita mai_ logo, thence. S. _mai_,

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