Gratifying The Royal Family

Chapter 15: Occupied Heart [R18]

Chapter 15: Occupied Heart [R18]

Xu Mo looked up from the sound and from a distance, she saw a man dressed in crimson blood red. If Yunfu was compared to a snow lotus then this person was a poppy, so alluringly beautiful that makes even a woman feel ashamed.

His long fine untied hair draped behind him like smooth supple silk. The corners of his soul-stealing phoenix eyes were lightly raised which added to his sultry charm and his smile could easily steal a soul.

The ladyboys of Thailand are very beautiful but compared to this person, they would be worlds apart.

Xu Mo silently considered whether the reason people are good-looking here was due to the lack of pollution in ancient times.

If he called Rufeng younger cousin then this must be the heir of An w.a.n.g, Lu Xiyan.

Xu Mo had never met him but she was familiar with the name. Rumours said that after inheriting the t.i.tle, he moved away from the An w.a.n.g residence and started a business instead of entering the court as an official.

The four occupations* in ancient times considered the merchant as the final stage. On one hand, the aristocrat families would never stoop so low but they also had no choice but to praise him because he was very well-known for his business. The richest man in the Imperial City was not an empty name, even the Yellow Crane Tower was a piece of property under his name.

*TL-note: The four occupations/ of ancient China are scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants.

It was not strange for Ji Rufeng to see him since his older cousin liked to pa.s.s his days here so he introduced them both.

Setting a date to meet was not as good as meeting by chance and they went to Lu Xiyan"s elegant room.

Lu Xiyan as the host naturally brought out the best dishes.

This furnishes of the elegant room were very simple but still very gorgeous and personal, obviously designed specifically for one particular individual. The floor was covered magnificently in tiger skin and each step was soft and unusually comfortable. In front of the Chinese mahogany dining table was a giant cauldron on top of a stove. The sweet fragrant smoke of orchids rose in spirals towards the ceiling then scattered downwards to every corner of the room.

Before she could pick up her chopsticks, someone started to play the zither* behind the coloured gla.s.s hanging screen. The musical notes rose and fell from the player"s fingertips perhaps it was genuine or illusionary but forever changing. The notes penetrated one"s heart like a chilly drop of water from the mountain stream.

*TL-note: Zither is a cla.s.s of stringed instruments.

Xu Mo had only attended one royal banquet prior which was the welcome banquet that her royal brother prepared for her. Needless to say, it was naturally extravagant and the cla.s.sic musical instruments were very beautiful sounding but not so clear and free-spirited like here.

Ji Rufeng picked up a piece of treasured chicken and placed it into her bowl then in a flat tone, he said, "Didn"t you want to come here and eat this yesterday? Are you full from just looking?"

Xu Mo shook her head and picked up her chopsticks, "No, I just did not expect the woman to have such a state of mind."

The “woman” heard these words and the sultry man gave a puzzled smile, "Wenge, quickly come out and meet our Princess. She seems to have taken a liking to you."

A faint smile also appeared on Ji Rufeng"s calm face.

Xu Mo did not understand. Did she say something wrong?

In a split second, the screen was opened and the beads on the screen collided with each other to create a very crisp sound.

Xu Mo pursed her lips when she saw the man dressed in simple attire. He appearance was elegant but not outstanding from the beautiful men she had seen but he had a pure and harmless aura which was very rare.

"Wenge, please to meet the Princess." The person held out his hand and bowed.

When Xu Mo realised she had accidentally a.s.sumed his gender and forgotten that the majority of woman here are very pampered. Even if their musical talents were outstanding, it would not have been easily shown to outsiders. She embarra.s.singly replied, "Mister Wenge, don"t be so courteous. Xu Mo had a slip of tongue and hope you won"t mind."

Wenge quickly said it did not matter.

Afterwards, the three of them drank happily while Xu Mo ate quietly.

Suddenly, her eyes fell to a certain area and stared at it motionlessly.

Ji Rufeng felt something was wrong with his wife and hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

The other two people also glanced in that area.

"A violin*, why is there a violin here?" Xu Mo pointed at the violin on the wall and disregarded all etiquette to question them.

*TL-note: Xu Mo is saying the Chinese word for violin here.

At this moment she had lost her senses and her body trembled a little.

"Princess, that is not a violin. It is a Wei O Lin." Lu Xiyan explained.

Wei O Lin


*TL-note: Xu Mo is now saying the English word for violin.

"Yes! Princess, you know it." Lu Xiyan was shocked. He bought this from a foreign businessman and the sound from it was very moving but even the well-known string player Wenge did not know how to play it so it has sat there for a very long time.

"Where did you get this from?" Xu Mo was very excited at the prospect she may be able to find a way home or even another person who had also transmigrated here.

"I heard this was a musical instrument from a different tribe so I bought it. Can the Princess also play?" Lu Xiyan answered and was very interested in the answer to his last sentence.

Xu Mo heard this and felt slightly lost. It seems that this was bought from a different tribe and was not a sign of modernity.

Wenge foolishly loved strings and had heard many descriptions of the songs this strange instrument could play from his friends. Naturally, he would let her go now he had learned she could play it.

He rose up and bowed towards Xu Mo, "Princess, if you can play it then please play a tune. If it really is as sweet-sounding as the music from the Ninth Heaven* then I will gladly play the zither for the Princess every day."

*TL-note: The “ninth heaven” is the most exalted heaven in Chinese cosmology.

Xu Mo understood some people pursued their hobbies like crazy but she did not know it was to this extent. She quickly returned the bow and said, "Mister, why do you say such a thing. Through music comes friends but Xu Mo only knows a little. Please endure my performance."

When Wenge saw that she had accepted, he quickly said thank you and left the table to retrieve the violin for her.

Xu Mo walked around the table then stood in the centre of the room and lifted the bow.

A lively cheerful tune was heard accompanied by the rich and mellow sound of the violin.

The three men all had different expressions but their eyes concentrated solely on one person.

Suddenly the music slowed down, the girl"s movements were soft and lingering while the sound became affectionate with intermittent tones. Which made the girl seem peculiarly shy and struggling for words.

Lu Xiyan listened for a while and felt bored since women are always so mournful and lingering in their tones. Although the sound was pleasing to the ear and not easy to play, the creative concept was very ordinary.

But Wenge did not feel like that as he faced the lady.

Abruptly, the rhythm became grim and the pitch also became eerie as if darkness was brutally crus.h.i.+ng down. The sound from the violin was both sorrowful and panic-stricken as if it was weeping and complaining but with some resistance and firmness. It was alike to overlooking the human realm from the sky and brus.h.i.+ng apart the clouds, continuously over and over again……

When Xu Mo finished the tune, she pa.s.sed the violin back to Wenge.

Wenge took it with excitement in his eyes and asked,  "Princess, may I ask what the name of the tune is?"

"[Liang Zhu*]" Xu Mo answered. [Liang Zhu] What a beautiful song. He had never heard of it, was this a piece by the Princess.

*TL-note: Liang Zhu is a Violin Concerto for The b.u.t.terfly Lovers, a Chinese folktale.

Xu Mo saw the respect he had in his eyes and hurriedly added, "This was the work of a talented hermit. I happened to hear it so I remembered it and realised it would be perfect for the violin."

"Is there a meaning to the name?" The silent Lu Xiyan asked.

"This song originates from a romantic legend."

"Oh! Princess please kindly explain."

"Legend has it there was a woman called Zhu Yingtai who dressed as a man to go to school and fell in love with her cla.s.smate Liang Shanbo……Afterwards, lightning struck open the grave and a b.u.t.terfly emerged. Zhu Yingtai also became a b.u.t.terfly and they both flew in to the horizon."

Lu Xiyan found the story very beautiful but he could not understand some parts, "Since Ma Wencai and Liang Shanbo both liked Zhu Yingtai then they should have both married her and it would have been fine. There would be no need to cause all the other stuff."

When Xu Mo heard this, the corners of her mouth winced, "That"s because a woman can only marry one husband, if there were two then……"

"Mo-er!" The silent Ji Rufeng finally spoke with a serious tone.

Xu Mo blankly looked to him and saw his head shake. Her face was puzzled until she saw the other two"s horrified faces and suddenly remembered they shared wives here. She quickly fell silent because if she were to talk about women who refused to marry two husbands then it would be considered hearsay.

When the couple returned home, Ji Rufeng was still telling her that she should never read these legends again. Nevertheless, he had never expected that his cute little wife would actually get along with his cousin who always looked down on women. She really did have some skill.

After a busy few days, a few elders wanted him to meet and chat with them after court but he tactfully declined. It was hard to get through the past six days and he was not going to be further delayed by a bunch of men as he sat in the carriage and hurried home.

Xu Mo was waiting for him to come back for lunch so when she heard the servant announce his return, she quickly gave the orders to prepare the meals.

Ji Rufeng stepped into the room and his wife sat smiling and enticing him. It was lunchtime now and he could only push down the l.u.s.t underneath.

After lunch, Xu Mo was used to an afternoon nap but she knew her rest days have come to an end when she saw his dark twinkling eyes like a wolf that is ready to pounce.

Beyond the violent tremble behind the screen, the young lady"s frail voice and the man"s coa.r.s.e gasps lingered on never ending……

Doing it during the daytime made Xu Mo more ashamed and sensitive. Ji Rufeng endured for many days and without any foreplay, he entered his big thing into the centre of her tight flower. When he heard her whimper, he consoled her with a kiss and began to move at a rapid speed. His st.u.r.dy lower waist moved like a motor back and forward at a speed that would make anyone shocked. Wetness overflowed from the narrow pathway as he ferociously tormented her repeatedly.

"Ah……a bit……slower……stop……" Xu Mo was made nonsensical as her body moved up and down no longer under her control.

Ji Rufeng had limited s.p.a.ce to thrust and each thrust he did not give up until he was able to hit her innermost tender part. Every time he would withdraw slowly followed quickly by an even more sudden thrust.

"Ru……feng……slower……slower……ah……" The young lady began to twitch from his violent thrusts. He suddenly pulled out and flipped her over while she was feeling empty. Her heart was full of panic but she had no other choice but let him lift her b.u.t.t while she lay on her stomach and parted her legs. Her tight flower path was not used to being invaded and let alone a giant valiant thing as it not so gently thrust directly into her deepest part. The mix of pain and pleasure was the best catalyst to l.u.s.t.

When the young lady climaxed, the giant thing inside was filled to bursting point as her inner walls convulsed which could be faintly seen on her flat stomach as it fiercely travelled back and forth. With each climax and convulsion, it firmly sucked on the man"s desire and brought him a wave of pleasure again and again.

"Mo-er……my…….Mo-er……" Ji Rufeng repeated called out to her. Only in bed, he was at in ease to let his madness rise up and consume her.

He groaned and lowered his head to ruthlessly suck on her neck. His lower body continued to thrust violently until each impact made a sound from their love fluid.

After one final deep and heavy impact, he shot all his burning pa.s.sion inside her body.

The poor Xu Mo had already been knocked unconscious but her body continued to tremble non-stop.

Ji Rufentg took out his member, he stared at her unconscious body and felt a twinge of guilt. Her snow-like skin was easy to sustain injuries and every time he was unable to restrain himself from leaving love marks. These marks took a very long time to fade and he always felt he had abused her but still could not always control himself.

That day when she said that a woman can only marry a husband, he had an urge to make such a system and make her solely his but this was just wishful thoughts. As the foremost legal husband, he even said that she must have seven husbands but another six people will make their time together shorter. For the first time in his left as the patriotic right chancellor, he began to harbor resentment against the wife sharing system.

The young lady was unaware at that moment, the white sticky fluid began to slowly seep out between her thighs and on to the bed.

The man sighed and found a clean handkerchief to wipe away the mess. He stared at the swollen red flower petals and a stream of heat quickly travelled to his lower abdomen. If this was any other day, he would have left her rest but today he needed to possess her over and over again.

As he thought about this, the man slowly plunged his member into the tight secluded path again…

When Xu Mo woke up again it was already dusk and the low sunlight was s.h.i.+ning through the screen and on to the bed. The man as pretty as an orchid was fast asleep but his brows were tense as if he was in distress. She reached out to smoothen it but her body was. .h.i.t by a wave of pain as she her whole body had been crushed. Even the first time was not this miserable.

The man woke up immediately from the young lady"s cry and sat up to ask her what was wrong.

Xu Mo felt somewhat wronged and mumbled, "It hurts, my whole body hurts."

Ji Rufeng consoled her with a hug and then ma.s.saged her to ease the pain. Today,  he had gone too far. By the time he was cool-headed, she was already hurt by his shameless.

The darkness in his eyes grew more and more then the man let out a sigh. He would not let this go on. He could not let his desire for possessiveness cause trouble because she is the only one who gets hurt in the end.

Naturally, Xu Mo did not know she was always soft-hearted and some sweet-talk would make her temper go away.  But the time she knew his decision, he was already thousands of miles away.

  Chapter 16

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