Haikei Heika, Nidome No Ouhii Wa Okotowari!

Chapter 1: The King"s Proposal part.2

Chapter 1: The King"s Proposal part.2

The king"s coronation ceremony will take place at the palace town"s cathedral.

Alicia changes from her black mourning dress to a red formal dress. n.o.bles of Kingdom of Emblem are supposed to wear red formal clothes or dresses at the coronation ceremony.

(You looks amazing, Julian-sama!)

Alicia gazes at Julian, who just received the gold crown from the Pope, as she wipes her eyes with her handkerchief.

Alexis died, and Julian has become a king the year next.
Some underestimated Julian, who was only sixteen at the. Even some were against his commands. Some were trying to control him to gain his power since he is young by comparing him to his older brother like, "If it is His Highness, Alexis, he would…." And that was how they tried to reduce his self-esteem. There was a rumor going around that Alexis"s death was caused by Julian"s conspiracy, and apparently Julian caused his death to seize the throne, and there were many who suspected him.
But, he fought his way to where he is now. Indeed, it was also because of those who have supported him for this whole year, but it was all due to Julian"s effort to overcome those obstacles.
Alexis is perhaps watching over his younger brother reigning his country splendidly up from the heaven.

The coronation ended without problems, and Alicia returned to the royal palace. Only few minutes after she changed from her formal dress to her casual dress, Alicia could hear someone knocking her door, and then her maids lower their head.

"Alicisama, His Majesty calls for you."

A young man in Imperial Knight"s uniform enters the room as he calls out to Alicia in a friendly manner. This young man with long red hair smiles as soon he sees Alicia.

"It has been a year since the last time I saw you wearing a dress, which is not black. You are a fine woman as ever."

"You think so? I"m so used to dress in black, so such vivid colors like this make me a bit uncomfortable."

Alicia lowers her head after replying to such light and cheerful voice in such concerned manner.

"…… Oh, would you be my escort for today?"

"It was actually another guy, but I came in his stead."

"Hee…… It is rather unusual for Reivan to be so organized."

"Something happened, so I came as a replacement."

"……What happened?"

In respond to Alicia, Reivan only laughs, grinning his teeth.
The escort knight, Reivan, is the eldest son of a marquis, and he was originally Alicia"s escort. After Alexis"s death, he intended to retire, but he was entrusted by Julian in according to Alexis"s will to remain in his current position. He is little rowdy and mischievous, but he is faithful to his duties. He is also one of those certain people that can speak in equal standing to Alicia, who was his former master and a present female official.

It is already night time when she leaves the room, and it is just after the great celebration after the coronation, and she still can her some cheerful tunes from the distant. It seems they are enjoying their day off to the fullest for the rest of the evening to celebrate Julian"s first anniversary as the king.

Reivan escorted her to a garden. The royal palace has several gardens, some with seasonal flowers, and some with narrow waterways spreading like a maze. This time, Reivan escorted Alicia to the rose garden where the arches continuing like a tunnel.

"Now then, we"ve arrived. His Majesty is waiting for you in the central gazebo. I"ll be waiting here, so take your time."

"Thank you. Here I go."

After waving her hand, Alicia walks further into the garden.

She pa.s.ses through the hedges of rose, which go on like a simple maze. Most flowers seem dull because it"s night time, but roses here are blooming colorfully even though it"s still in midwinter.

(I used to stroll here with Alexis-sama.)

Alicia first came here when she was still a child, shorter than the hedges. She often got lost because she could not see her surrounding, and she almost cried. As she keeps remembering her memory with Alexis, she picks up her pace.

Today, Alicia is tall enough to go without her sight being blocked by the hedge and eventually arrives at a bell-shaped gazebo in the center of the garden. The area is enveloped by darkness, but a lantern lightens the surrounding area, making the gazebo seeming like a large birdcage entwined with rose vines.

Alicia walks through the stone road as she lifts the hem of her dress, drawn by a young man sitting on a bench inside the gazebo.

"Thanks for coming, Alicia."

"I apologize for making you wait, Your Highness."

Respectfully, Alicia bows toward Julian before going up the stairs leading to the gazebo.
After Julian says, "Sit here," Alicia sits down on a stone bench.

Julian, who sits in front of her, has already changed to his casual attire just like Alicia. He wears a long-sleeved shirt with a royal cuff-link and a black vest with golden embroidery around the hem. Although the mourning period is already over, he originally likes monotonous outfits, and his trousers and hair are as dark as the night sky.

"I"m glad that today"s coronation was successful."

Alicia starts the conversation, and Julian only smiles with a gentle gaze.
"Indeed, it"s all thanks to those who have supported me, the ministers, and Alicia. Thank you, Alicia."

"My…… it is such a shame. The ministers would be very delighted if you tell them so."

"……True. They often treated me like a grandchild, but they are very reliable."

Alicia giggles in respond to his remark.
For the ministers, Julian is their lord they should support, but perhaps they also see him as their grandson.

Noticing Alicia"s laughing; Julian widens his eyes and coughs as he seems to be clearing his throat.
"……Up until recently, I"ve been suggested by the ministers. After one year of hard work, I"m thinking of welcoming a royal wife soon."

Alicia comes to face to face with Julian after listening to his words, and she remembers what she overheard the other day at the hallway.

(Those officials have also said that Julian-sama is ready to welcome a wife.)

Their remarks are sound.
A year has pa.s.sed since he rose to the throne, and the country has stabilized after the shock of Alexis"s death. Right now, if Julian welcomes a n.o.ble lady to be his wife, he can also get cooperation from his wife"s family. Not like during the Alexis"s reign when Julian was a prince, but there is no successor after him now, so it is not too late to consider about his heir.
"……You"re right. It would be nice if Your Majesty welcome a wonderful lady as your wife."

"So, do you also agree, Alicia?"

"Of course."

"Alright, then I should make a move right away."

Alicia is startled by Julian who just made a shocking statement.
(Oh my…… that means there is already a lady in Julian-sama"s mind?)

Alicia reflects on her carelessness for not noticing her lord"s romantic interest even though she has been his attendant all this time, and then her eyes beam with curiosity.
Who is the lucky lady he fancies?
(Perhaps……Would it be Lady Maisy, the eldest daughter of Duke Samuel? Wait, now that I remember, I think Count Burgman"s distant relative just made her debut recently—)

Julian stands in the front of Alicia, while she is still lost in her thoughts, guessing the n.o.ble ladies she could remember. His face looks determined, illuminated by a lantern.


"Ah…… yes?"

After being called, Alicia finally notices that Julian bends down on one knee in front of her.
Alicia gasps in surprise.
Even though he is a 17-year-old young man, the king of this country bends in front of his subject. His beautiful violet eyes looks up to Alicia.

"Your Majes—"

"Alicia. Marry me and become my wife."

The young king"s voice sounds so nervous, asking a hand Alicia for marriage.

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