Half-face Make-up

Chapter 23

Publishedat 16th of May 2019 03:14:25 PMChapter 23
Chapter 23

My hand pa.s.sed through the hair scattered by my ear, and then I said, “You don’t like this noisy music, am I right?” “Ha ha, you are really smart . It’s no wonder everyone praises you . ”Hearing such praise, my face slightly reddened . The dirty scene just now was fading away in my mind . “I heard that there were many eminent people staying in the Purple Cloud Hall of your palace, and they often get together to discuss poetry and current politics . I really admire it . ”“Ha ha, these famous experts are all precious treasures of our country, and they are our hope for revitalizing our country . No amount of money can compare to them . ” The prince sighed . “You are too modest . Although I’m a woman, I know that you have paid a lot for the revitalization of our country . ” At that moment, music gradually came out of the hall . It seemed that the joy party would last all night .  The prince just smiled and shook his head . “Mountains and rivers can play the most natural music . All instruments are less melodious than them . This poem describes exactly our mental state, doesn’t it?” The prince had dug rivers and pools, and built rockeries and pavilions in his palace . He liked to go boating and recite poems with refined scholars, and they enjoyed the nature and the way of life .

 “Your words have benefited me a lot, and they are precious to me . I heard that you were writing a book, so both Qifu and I want to borrow the book and read it . ” “What a precious thing it is to like reading . I will never fail your expectations . I’ll show you when I finish writing . ”“My Prince, I’d like to ask you if there are any good books worth reading these days,” I continued to ask . “There is indeed a good book . Unfortunately, I haven’t met the person who wrote it . If people like this can help me write together, my book will be finished soon . ” The tone of the prince’s voice showed a trace of regret .  Who was it that the prince cherished so much? Who is he? I was puzzled .  “Ha ha, are you curious about this man?” The prince had no difficulty in knowing my mind, and I had to laugh in embarra.s.sment . “This man is not from an eminent family, and he is just a scholar who’s lived in a temple since childhood . The t.i.tle of the book is ‘Wenxin Carved the Dragon . ’”

“What a brilliant name! What does the book say?” “This book is not an ordinary literary book, but an extensive and profound criticism book . There are ten chapters in this book, and it’s divided into two parts . The content is vast and contains profound aesthetic thoughts . The book advocates that the style of ancient and modern literature should have both characteristics and quality . It advocates ‘Writing books for expressing feelings’ rather than ‘creating emotions for writing books . ’ Six criteria for commenting on literary works are put forward in this book . The most precious thing is that the writer is not overambitious and does not seek fame and gain, so he wrote such a good book . ” The prince talked freely .  I admired him very much . In a flash, it seemed that Xiao Yi was standing in front of me . If he could communicate with me like this, how wonderful that would be! Several rows of candles flickered and jumped . The prince’s face was more handsome and graceful . A strange feeling pa.s.sed through my body . Suddenly, I remembered something . After a little while, the servants would come to light candles . It was improper for me to be alone with the prince .  “I have to leave . I’ll talk to you again if I have the chance . ” The prince nodded and said with a smile, “It’s been my pleasure . ” I hurried to the hall, feeling that I was still running away . If I continued on, I might be deeply attracted by the handsome and eloquent prince . My husband was very talented like him, but unfortunately he never talked to me like that .  I had to go back to the banquet that bored me . Before entering the hall, I heard Xiao Lun’s unbridled voice from inside . “Xiao Yi, come on, hurry up, let’s have a compet.i.tion, and let everybody see who is better . ” However, I didn’t hear any reply from Xiao Yi . I was anxious . I hurried in .  I saw that Xiao Yi was standing alone as soon as I went in . He was silent and looked sullen .  Xiao Lun obviously drank too much . He had disregarded the rules and destroyed his image . His hat was crooked to one side . At this moment, he took a pot of chrysanthemum wine and drank a big mouthful, then he burst out laughing . “What’s wrong? Are you scared? Xiao Yi, I’m not as good as you in poems and songs, but this time I’m not going to lose to you anymore . Ha ha ha . ” The prince of Jin’an quickly came in to persuade, saying, “My brother, you have drunk too much . You need to go back to get some rest quickly . ” “Never mind, I’m all right . ” Xiao Lun wobbled his hand away .  The prince of Jin’an shook his head helplessly .  I finally figured it out . It turned out that they were playing the pitch-pot game, which was an ancient game from the royal court . This game often appeared at banquets . All they needed was a beautiful pot and arrows to throw into the pot . People in turn took an arrow in their hands and threw them it into the pot . The winner was the one who threw the most arrows, and the person who threw the fewest arrows would be punished with drinking . The pots and arrows used for this game were very unusual, and they looked exquisite . This game was not only elegant, but also took skill . People could enjoy the interesting entertainment while drinking . But for Xiao Yi, who had only one eye, it was certainly a challenge and an invisible irony . What’s more, Xiao Yi’s eye disease had flared up these days, and he often felt unwell . Xiao Yi was his brother, but he was still so aggressive . He thought of the game as a compet.i.tion, and it made me a little angry .

Note1: Because The Prince liked mountains and rivers, so he dug rivers and ponds, built rockeries and pavilions in his palace . He often traveled here with prominent ministers . Once, when he was rowing in the pond, Minister Panyu persuaded The Prince to play music here . Then The Prince recited this poem to answer . This allusion was quoted here .  Note2: The ancients were very particular about the pitch-pot game . Depending on the different venue of the game, the arrows used to throw pots were also different . Pots were usually filled with beans to prevent arrows from bouncing out . The pot was about seven feet away from the place where the arrows were . The materials for making the arrows were also exquisite . To make this arrow, you needed to find a precious wood, remove its bitterness and peel off the bark for processing . It said that there were three places to do this game . In the middle of the day, the best place to play was in the rooms . In the toward evening, the best place to play was in the halls . At night, the best place to play was in the courtyards . According the book, twelve arrows made a game, and it was a symbol of the twelve month of the year . The ancients said that people were also very strict about the pots used in games . The diameter of the pot was seven inches, the middle was five inches, the caliber was two inches and a half, and the volume was five liters . What’s more, players should pay attention to the momentum when they were in the game . The sound of drum beating was the best reminder, and one drum beating was one pitch .Chapter 23 My hand pa.s.sed through the hair scattered by my ear, and then I said, “You don’t like this noisy music, am I right?”   “Ha ha, you are really smart . It’s no wonder everyone praises you . ” Hearing such praise, my face slightly reddened . The dirty scene just now was fading away in my mind . “I heard that there were many eminent people staying in the Purple Cloud Hall of your palace, and they often get together to discuss poetry and current politics . I really admire it . ” “Ha ha, these famous experts are all precious treasures of our country, and they are our hope for revitalizing our country . No amount of money can compare to them . ” The prince sighed . “You are too modest . Although I’m a woman, I know that you have paid a lot for the revitalization of our country . ”   At that moment, music gradually came out of the hall . It seemed that the joy party would last all night .   The prince just smiled and shook his head . “Mountains and rivers can play the most natural music . All instruments are less melodious than them . This poem describes exactly our mental state, doesn’t it?” The prince had dug rivers and pools, and built rockeries and pavilions in his palace . He liked to go boating and recite poems with refined scholars, and they enjoyed the nature and the way of life .   “Your words have benefited me a lot, and they are precious to me . I heard that you were writing a book, so both Qifu and I want to borrow the book and read it . ”   “What a precious thing it is to like reading . I will never fail your expectations . I’ll show you when I finish writing . ” “My Prince, I’d like to ask you if there are any good books worth reading these days,” I continued to ask . “There is indeed a good book . Unfortunately, I haven’t met the person who wrote it . If people like this can help me write together, my book will be finished soon . ” The tone of the prince’s voice showed a trace of regret .   Who was it that the prince cherished so much? Who is he? I was puzzled .   “Ha ha, are you curious about this man?” The prince had no difficulty in knowing my mind, and I had to laugh in embarra.s.sment . “This man is not from an eminent family, and he is just a scholar who’s lived in a temple since childhood . The t.i.tle of the book is ‘Wenxin Carved the Dragon . ’” “What a brilliant name! What does the book say?”   “This book is not an ordinary literary book, but an extensive and profound criticism book . There are ten chapters in this book, and it’s divided into two parts . The content is vast and contains profound aesthetic thoughts . The book advocates that the style of ancient and modern literature should have both characteristics and quality . It advocates ‘Writing books for expressing feelings’ rather than ‘creating emotions for writing books . ’ Six criteria for commenting on literary works are put forward in this book . The most precious thing is that the writer is not overambitious and does not seek fame and gain, so he wrote such a good book . ” The prince talked freely .   I admired him very much . In a flash, it seemed that Xiao Yi was standing in front of me . If he could communicate with me like this, how wonderful that would be!   Several rows of candles flickered and jumped . The prince’s face was more handsome and graceful . A strange feeling pa.s.sed through my body . Suddenly, I remembered something . After a little while, the servants would come to light candles . It was improper for me to be alone with the prince .   “I have to leave . I’ll talk to you again if I have the chance . ”   The prince nodded and said with a smile, “It’s been my pleasure . ”   I hurried to the hall, feeling that I was still running away . If I continued on, I might be deeply attracted by the handsome and eloquent prince . My husband was very talented like him, but unfortunately he never talked to me like that .   I had to go back to the banquet that bored me . Before entering the hall, I heard Xiao Lun’s unbridled voice from inside . “Xiao Yi, come on, hurry up, let’s have a compet.i.tion, and let everybody see who is better . ”   However, I didn’t hear any reply from Xiao Yi . I was anxious . I hurried in .   I saw that Xiao Yi was standing alone as soon as I went in . He was silent and looked sullen .   Xiao Lun obviously drank too much . He had disregarded the rules and destroyed his image . His hat was crooked to one side . At this moment, he took a pot of chrysanthemum wine and drank a big mouthful, then he burst out laughing . “What’s wrong? Are you scared? Xiao Yi, I’m not as good as you in poems and songs, but this time I’m not going to lose to you anymore . Ha ha ha . ”   The prince of Jin’an quickly came in to persuade, saying, “My brother, you have drunk too much . You need to go back to get some rest quickly . ”   “Never mind, I’m all right . ” Xiao Lun wobbled his hand away .   The prince of Jin’an shook his head helplessly .   I finally figured it out . It turned out that they were playing the pitch-pot game, which was an ancient game from the royal court . This game often appeared at banquets . All they needed was a beautiful pot and arrows to throw into the pot . People in turn took an arrow in their hands and threw them it into the pot . The winner was the one who threw the most arrows, and the person who threw the fewest arrows would be punished with drinking . The pots and arrows used for this game were very unusual, and they looked exquisite . This game was not only elegant, but also took skill . People could enjoy the interesting entertainment while drinking . But for Xiao Yi, who had only one eye, it was certainly a challenge and an invisible irony . What’s more, Xiao Yi’s eye disease had flared up these days, and he often felt unwell . Xiao Yi was his brother, but he was still so aggressive . He thought of the game as a compet.i.tion, and it made me a little angry .

 . Note1: Because The Prince liked mountains and rivers, so he dug rivers and ponds, built rockeries and pavilions in his palace . He often traveled here with prominent ministers . Once, when he was rowing in the pond, Minister Panyu persuaded The Prince to play music here . Then The Prince recited this poem to answer . This allusion was quoted here .   Note2: The ancients were very particular about the pitch-pot game . Depending on the different venue of the game, the arrows used to throw pots were also different . Pots were usually filled with beans to prevent arrows from bouncing out . The pot was about seven feet away from the place where the arrows were . The materials for making the arrows were also exquisite . To make this arrow, you needed to find a precious wood, remove its bitterness and peel off the bark for processing . It said that there were three places to do this game . In the middle of the day, the best place to play was in the rooms . In the toward evening, the best place to play was in the halls . At night, the best place to play was in the courtyards . According the book, twelve arrows made a game, and it was a symbol of the twelve month of the year . The ancients said that people were also very strict about the pots used in games . The diameter of the pot was seven inches, the middle was five inches, the caliber was two inches and a half, and the volume was five liters . What’s more, players should pay attention to the momentum when they were in the game . The sound of drum beating was the best reminder, and one drum beating was one pitch .

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