Half-face Make-up

Chapter 24 At this moment, Xiao Zhengde came up to Xiao Yi with a sneer and said, “Brother, it’s really difficult for you. If you are afraid of losing, you’d better not play this game. Otherwise, if you lose too badly, you’ll only see half of your wife’s face when you are drunk and lying in bed. Ha ha.” After saying that, he staggered and suddenly hit Xiao Yi’s body.   “You!” Xiao Yi’s face suddenly turned gloomy. He stared at Xiao Zhengde angrily, and clenched his fists in silence.   Finally, I couldn’t bear it any longer. So I stepped forward bravely and said, “My Prince, I’m coming. I’ll be here to help you.”   When Xiao Yi saw me, he relaxed and said, “Here you are at last.”   I was about to nod. Xiao Zhengde, with his narrow eyes open, came closer with the unpleasant smell of alcohol.   As I covered my mouth and nose, I said, “Prince of Linhe, it’s you who were fanning the flames of trouble, as I expected.”   Xiao Zhengde rolled his eyes and said with a lisp, “The Concubine of Xiangdong, you are equal to your reputation. I’m sorry I used to have the wrong idea about you. It seems that you are really an outstanding woman.”   “Thanks for your praise. All of you here, why do you use your expertise to attack other people’s shortcomings? I’m afraid that’s not what a gentleman should do.” I was neither humble nor pushy, and responded to them with trenchant words.   “Why do you say that?” Xiao Zhengde asked, pretending to be ignorant of everything.   “I think everyone here can understand what I said just now.”   “We are all brothers in one family; don’t be so serious,” the prince of Jin’an said, trying to ease the situation. “It’s just a game.”   “Well, If it’s just a game, I’ll take part in it.” As I spoke, I secretly held Xiao Yi’s hand.   To my surprise, Xiao Yi gently broke away from my hand and whispered, “Pei, don’t be impolite to them.”   What? At present, we have been ridiculed by those people. Why should we be polite to them? I complained in my heart. I was annoyed by Xiao Yi’s cold att.i.tude, but I couldn’t be angry with him in front of so many people. So I had to vent my anger at those people instead.   “Don’t underestimate me.”   “Okay, great!” At this moment, Xiao Lun suddenly said, “The Concubine of Xiangdong, you really are decisive.”   The game finally started. In the first three rounds, I lost completely. As a result, I did not hesitate to drink three gla.s.ses of wine. Xiao Yi stopped me. “Pei, don’t go on anymore. Why don’t you just give up? Why torture yourself so?”   I closed my eyes and shook my head. A voice in my heart said to me, “Xiao Yi, if we admit defeat today, we won’t have a chance to stand in this hall in the future. We will be sneered at for a lifetime. It’s your belief that a gentleman preferred death to humiliation—do you remember that? What’s more, you and I are all in the same boat. If one of us is respected, they will respect both of us. And if one of us is injured, they will injure both of us.”   Then I calmed down for a while, and the situation finally changed. This time, the score was tied. Xiao Yi stared at me with his concerned eyes. I looked firmly back at him and told him the truth, that from then on, I was his eyes.   After a while, those people were somewhat delirious because they drank too much alcohol. Especially Xiao Zhengde, who shook his head and was about to throw an arrow. As a result, the arrow was almost thrown at a maid. The maid’s face suddenly turned pale, and she was sweating. Xiao Zhengde finally missed out in the third round. He fell on the cold ground and could not get up, so he was carried away by the servants. At the same time, I was grew more and more brave, and my skill was improving. The arrows flew into the pot one by one, and Xiao Lun was startled. The younger generation was also doing well, especially Xiao Dahuan, the son of the prince of Jin’an. Although he was very young, he was meticulous and respectful. Every arrow was thrown into the pot by him, and he won a lot of applause.   This game was finally over, and the result was unexpected to everyone. Gentle Xiao Dahuan won the championship. Although I didn’t get first place, I was in the top three. Not only did Xiao Yi’s face show a slight smile, but all the people had a completely new appraisal of me.   “Ha ha, congratulations to the Concubine of Xiangdong. Your skill is amazing.” The prince of Jin’an was elegant and spoke politely.   “Today is a day of reunion and celebration. I am very happy. Let me recite a poem for all of you here. Please appreciate it.” I just wanted to show off my talent.   “That would be great, please!” The prince of Jin’an was also interested. I didn’t know when Xiao Lun had disappeared.   I smiled at those people and said, “Let’s take this game as the theme.” After thinking for a moment, I was ready. “The light of the gemstone reflects the tall buildings, and the flying arrows plunge straight into the pot. When the cups go gaily round, everyone gets drunk. Taking drinks as punishment for losing, all the princes have the courtesy. Everyone gets drunk one after another, so they could only count the empty cups on the table slowly.”   When I finished this poem, everyone was shocked.   “Great, well done, this poem naturally fits in with the theme and is very innovative,” the prince of Jin’an said appreciatively.   “Aunt, I candidly admit defeat.” Xiao Dahuan looked at me admiringly.   The Concubine of Jin’an, who had been silent for a long time, came over and said, “Sister, you are so talented that I have a completely new estimation of you.”   I was very happy. I knew that we had won this battle at last, and this could make me famous among the member of the royal family in the future.   I thought Xiao Yi would be as happy as I was. I looked around for him, then I saw him hiding in a dark corner and drinking. His face had turned red from drinking, but I could not find any trace of happiness in his face. My heart fell down in an instant and dropped into a deep, bottomless abyss.   It was a sleepless New Year’s Eve.

Chapter 24 At this moment, Xiao Zhengde came up to Xiao Yi with a sneer and said, “Brother, it’s really difficult for you. If you are afraid of losing, you’d better not play this game. Otherwise, if you lose too badly, you’ll only see half of your wife’s face when you are drunk and lying in bed. Ha ha.” After saying that, he staggered and suddenly hit Xiao Yi’s body.   “You!” Xiao Yi’s face suddenly turned gloomy. He stared at Xiao Zhengde angrily, and clenched his fists in silence.   Finally, I couldn’t bear it any longer. So I stepped forward bravely and said, “My Prince, I’m coming. I’ll be here to help you.”   When Xiao Yi saw me, he relaxed and said, “Here you are at last.”   I was about to nod. Xiao Zhengde, with his narrow eyes open, came closer with the unpleasant smell of alcohol.   As I covered my mouth and nose, I said, “Prince of Linhe, it’s you who were fanning the flames of trouble, as I expected.”   Xiao Zhengde rolled his eyes and said with a lisp, “The Concubine of Xiangdong, you are equal to your reputation. I’m sorry I used to have the wrong idea about you. It seems that you are really an outstanding woman.”   “Thanks for your praise. All of you here, why do you use your expertise to attack other people’s shortcomings? I’m afraid that’s not what a gentleman should do.” I was neither humble nor pushy, and responded to them with trenchant words.   “Why do you say that?” Xiao Zhengde asked, pretending to be ignorant of everything.   “I think everyone here can understand what I said just now.”   “We are all brothers in one family; don’t be so serious,” the prince of Jin’an said, trying to ease the situation. “It’s just a game.”   “Well, If it’s just a game, I’ll take part in it.” As I spoke, I secretly held Xiao Yi’s hand.   To my surprise, Xiao Yi gently broke away from my hand and whispered, “Pei, don’t be impolite to them.”   What? At present, we have been ridiculed by those people. Why should we be polite to them? I complained in my heart. I was annoyed by Xiao Yi’s cold att.i.tude, but I couldn’t be angry with him in front of so many people. So I had to vent my anger at those people instead.   “Don’t underestimate me.”   “Okay, great!” At this moment, Xiao Lun suddenly said, “The Concubine of Xiangdong, you really are decisive.”   The game finally started. In the first three rounds, I lost completely. As a result, I did not hesitate to drink three gla.s.ses of wine. Xiao Yi stopped me. “Pei, don’t go on anymore. Why don’t you just give up? Why torture yourself so?”   I closed my eyes and shook my head. A voice in my heart said to me, “Xiao Yi, if we admit defeat today, we won’t have a chance to stand in this hall in the future. We will be sneered at for a lifetime. It’s your belief that a gentleman preferred death to humiliation—do you remember that? What’s more, you and I are all in the same boat. If one of us is respected, they will respect both of us. And if one of us is injured, they will injure both of us.”   Then I calmed down for a while, and the situation finally changed. This time, the score was tied. Xiao Yi stared at me with his concerned eyes. I looked firmly back at him and told him the truth, that from then on, I was his eyes.   After a while, those people were somewhat delirious because they drank too much alcohol. Especially Xiao Zhengde, who shook his head and was about to throw an arrow. As a result, the arrow was almost thrown at a maid. The maid’s face suddenly turned pale, and she was sweating. Xiao Zhengde finally missed out in the third round. He fell on the cold ground and could not get up, so he was carried away by the servants. At the same time, I was grew more and more brave, and my skill was improving. The arrows flew into the pot one by one, and Xiao Lun was startled. The younger generation was also doing well, especially Xiao Dahuan, the son of the prince of Jin’an. Although he was very young, he was meticulous and respectful. Every arrow was thrown into the pot by him, and he won a lot of applause.   This game was finally over, and the result was unexpected to everyone. Gentle Xiao Dahuan won the championship. Although I didn’t get first place, I was in the top three. Not only did Xiao Yi’s face show a slight smile, but all the people had a completely new appraisal of me.   “Ha ha, congratulations to the Concubine of Xiangdong. Your skill is amazing.” The prince of Jin’an was elegant and spoke politely.   “Today is a day of reunion and celebration. I am very happy. Let me recite a poem for all of you here. Please appreciate it.” I just wanted to show off my talent.   “That would be great, please!” The prince of Jin’an was also interested. I didn’t know when Xiao Lun had disappeared.   I smiled at those people and said, “Let’s take this game as the theme.” After thinking for a moment, I was ready. “The light of the gemstone reflects the tall buildings, and the flying arrows plunge straight into the pot. When the cups go gaily round, everyone gets drunk. Taking drinks as punishment for losing, all the princes have the courtesy. Everyone gets drunk one after another, so they could only count the empty cups on the table slowly.”   When I finished this poem, everyone was shocked.   “Great, well done, this poem naturally fits in with the theme and is very innovative,” the prince of Jin’an said appreciatively.   “Aunt, I candidly admit defeat.” Xiao Dahuan looked at me admiringly.   The Concubine of Jin’an, who had been silent for a long time, came over and said, “Sister, you are so talented that I have a completely new estimation of you.”   I was very happy. I knew that we had won this battle at last, and this could make me famous among the member of the royal family in the future.   I thought Xiao Yi would be as happy as I was. I looked around for him, then I saw him hiding in a dark corner and drinking. His face had turned red from drinking, but I could not find any trace of happiness in his face. My heart fell down in an instant and dropped into a deep, bottomless abyss.   It was a sleepless New Year’s Eve.

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