During lunch, Xin Mei tried to meet her second male lead but could not because all the time he was surrounded by the female staff of hotel and crew members of Revenge.

After that, she was pulled towards her changing room to get dressed, so she didn"t get any time to meet her second male lead.

"I think G.o.d also wants to keep me in dark about the ident.i.ty of my second male lead." Xin Mei thought to herself.

When she reached to sets, she found female staffs were missing and it didn"t take her science to know the reason. Maybe they all were flattering her second male lead.

"Who is him?" she questioned herself.

"Xin Mei, you have arrived." Director Zhang greeted when he saw her. "You ready for the scene. Should we start the scene?"

"Yes, director." Xin Mei nodded her head. She looked around the sets for a sight of another hero but didn"t find one. Whom she caught was Tang Min who was standing behind the camera.

Tang Min was feeling frustrated with the presence of second male lead on the set. He didn"t think director would select "him" to be the second male lead. Now all his fan following for the sets were gone.

How was he to impress Xin Mei in the presence of such a handsome second male lead!

"Xin Mei, are you ready for the scene?"

Xin Mei, who was lying on the bed, acting to be unconscious, gave thumbs up to the director.

"And action."

The moment director yelled action; Xin Mei acted to be faint.

In this scene, Ruyi was lying on the bed in one of the guest room of Emperor Jun"s Guest house. Emperor Jun had come to his house which was located on a hill, for some hunting. He and his soldiers were hunting when a group of soldiers found Ruyi and brought her back to the place where their emperor was staying.

"Emperor, please forgive us for bringing her here to your house. But that lady was very sick and we know about your helping nature."

Xin Mei, who was acting to be unconscious, heard the worried voice of a man, probably the person who was acting to be a soldier in the movie.

And the next second, she heard another voice. "Don"t worry. You did well by bringing that lady here. Now you can go. I will check upon her."

Xin Mei frowned when she heard the very familiar voice. She wanted to open her eyes and look at her second male lead, but she was acting and couldn"t open her eyes. She could only ponder about the ident.i.ty of the second male lead.

Emperor Jun walked in the room where Xin Mei was lying on the bed. He immediately felt bewitched with her beauty. He looked at her beautiful face. He felt some angle was lying on his bed.

He looked at her hand which was protectively placed over her stomach. He could see a small baby b.u.mp on her stomach and it didn"t take him much time to predict that she was pregnant.

"Water," Ruyi murmured. "Wat…ter."

"Here" Emperor Jun ran towards her with a gla.s.s of water in his hand. He placed his hand behind her back and placed a gla.s.s of water on her mouth.

This was the moment for which Xin Mei was waiting for.

Xin Mei gulped water and opened her eyes. She acted as if it was difficult for her to open her eyes.

The moment her eyes were opened and the moment she saw her second male lead, she spurted out the water on his face, in a heart attacking shock.

"You….?" she muttered with horror in her voice. Her eyes also held the same fear.

Xin Mei looked at the pair of black eyes with horror. These eyes held humor and mischievousness on recognizing horror on her face.

Why would second male lead be this guy...…

This. Is. Not. Real.....

She pinched herself and the very next second cried loudly, "Ah!!"

She looked at Chen Bai with wide eyes before moving away from him.

"What happened Xin Mei?" director Zhang asked with concern. He was shocked to see a sudden change in his actress.

"Director, is Chen Bai playing the role of emperor Jun?" she asked with shock.

"Didn"t you know?" director Zhang grinned. "No doubt you are so shocked. You are surprised, right? You are also happy that you got to play opposite to our Chen Bai."

Happy, my foot!

"I am in shock director, why him? Why him? He would destroy my life. He would bully me that I will forget about acting." Xin Mei wanted to yell. She didn"t want to shot with this demon that would make her life h.e.l.l.

"Xin Mei, I know you are in shock but we need to continue the shooting. So can you keep your shock aside for a minute? After shooting, I will officially introduce you to your co-star."

Introduction? Did she need any introduction with the king of the demon?

Xin Mei glared at Chen Bai who was grinning after seeing her expressions. He was wis.h.i.+ng from the last night to see the same expression on her face.

"Director, we shall continue." Xin Mei smiled to the director before again glaring at Chen Bai.

Director Zhang walked back to his chair and asked everyone to take their places.

With much difficulty, Xin Mei completed her scene. She wanted to glare and yell at Chen Bai but she kept her demur of a weak and fragile girl.

"Excellent, we will end shooting for the day here." Director Zhang announced once he was satisfied with the filming of scenes.

"Xin Mei, you are happy to find me as your co-star, right?" Chen Bai grinned and ran around Xin Mei like a fool.

Her whole mood was turned off now that Chen Bai was her co-star. What not had she hoped from her co-star? She had thought her co-star would help her to improve her fan base but he, his fans would eat her raw.

Not only that, he would give her a headache like right now!

"Chen Bai, what will you take to leave me alone? Can"t you see I am not interested in you? Now stop following me."

"How can I leave you alone sweetheart?" Chen Bai looked at her with a crooked smile on his lips. "If I leave you alone, then how am I to sway you to be my girlfriend?"

"Chen Bai..." Xin Mei yelled. "Leave me alone, for G.o.d sake. Already finding you as my co-star is a horrific dream for me. I don"t know how I will be bearing you for the rest of the movie."

"Don"t say like that Xiao Mei. You know I am not so bad to give you a headache. I am sure you will love to act with me. After this movie, your fan base will reach the skies."

"Oh please," Xin Mei placed her hand in front of him. "I don"t need your fan base which wouldn"t take a second before murdering me. Now please…"

Xin Mei looked at Chen Bai who still stood in front of her with a stubborn smile on his lips. She huffed loudly before angrily pus.h.i.+ng him out of the way.

She made her way towards her room and closed the door on his face.

"Why G.o.d why? Why have you made him my co-star? I know he doesn"t have ill will against me, but you know how much he troubles me. I can"t face his pranks."

Xin Mei fell against the door, cursing everyone; her fate, Chen Bai, director Zhang, G.o.d, Su Yuchen….everyone who was a.s.sociated with this movie.

Xin Mei was mourning her independence on the sets of revenge when she received a phone call from her mother.

"Mother..." Xin Mei whined.

"Xin Mei, my daughter." She heard an excitement filled voice of her mother. "Now quick and tell me about your second male lead. Who is he?"

Xin Mei slapped her head when she heard her mother. Her mother would go crazy if she got to know that Chen Bai was her co-star.

"Mother, he is Chen Bai." She took a deep breath and placed mobile away from her ears and the very next second, she heard the ear-piercing scream of her mother.

"Oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d, my daughter is so lucky to work with him. Let me invite Bai"er on a dinner treat. I will personally thank him for being your co-star."

Look at her mother, here Xin Mei was cursing for Chen Bai being her co-star and here her mother was planning to thank him.

What an irony!

"Let me call your father and inform him about the same. He will also get happy. With Bai"er, we don"t need to worry about your intimate scenes."

Xin Mei hung up the call and sunk lower in the ground. She didn"t remember she had to film intimate scenes with him. What was she going to do now?

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