Next day, when Xin Mei woke up, she received a call from He Ye. She cursed, well aware of the reason for his call.

"Ye gege," she greeted him with fake enthusiasm.

"Xiao Mei, how are you doing in Hill city?" she heard the voice of He Ye. She was well aware that he would talk about the random topic before coming to the point of his call.

"Gege, I am doing all well. You tell me, why did you call?"

"Can I not call my little sister to talk randomly?"

"Cut the c.r.a.p ye gege. I know you haven"t called me without any motto. So, speak."

She heard a heavy sigh from the other side of the phone and again heard the voice of He Ye.

"Aunty told me that Chen Bai is your second male lead and I wanted to talk about him with you. I know you must be cursing your fate that he is your male lead."

"You know me so well gege," Xin Mei mocked. "I must have done some crime in my previous life that I am suffering so badly. Why is it Chen Bai to act opposite to me? Why him out of all the other male actors present in the film industry?" she grumbled with displeasure.

"Here you are cursing your fate and as a manager and your brother, I think you are lucky to have him opposite to you."

"Gege, you…"

"Listen to me first," He Ye interrupted her. "I know Chen Bai loves to play a prank with you and he bullies you but we can"t forget that he is also one of the people who always wanted you to debut in the film industry. I can bet that he will help you in rising. You know his views about you will have a great impact on your image and he will be always positive to you."

"Besides, during intimate scenes, you will feel more comfortable in his presence than the presence of any other male. He may flirt with you but you know he will never make you uncomfortable."

"But gege," Xin Mei groaned. "What should I do about his nonsense talking? I feel a headache whenever I hear him. He had again started with his prank proposal. I can"t stand his presence for even a second."

Xin Mei ma.s.saged her head in irritation. He Ye chuckled when he heard her.

"Xin Mei, we both know that you also love to hear his rant. He is the only one who can meet your energy and naughty mind. I still haven"t forgotten that night when Xin Yan and I had fallen asleep but you two had played video games for the whole night. So stop with your nonsense that you can"t stand his presence."

Xin Mei pouted when she heard the scolding in the voice of He Ye. 

"Ok, ok, I understand you. I will not complain about Chen Bai being my male lead. Now stop scolding me."

"Still little sister, I will again advise you to think and compare Chen Bai with all other actors. You will realize that Chen Bai is the best option for your second male. And about his chattering, you know once you give him your attention, he will stop bugging you. He only wants to talk with you in a civilized way."

"Which is not possible?"

Xin Mei denied straightforwardly which again made He Ye chuckle. He Ye laughed for sometime before Xin Mei told him about the script which director Zhang had given to her.

"Gege, what do you think about this movie? I am confused."

"Meimei, I think you should accept this movie."


"Once, you were a manger. So, you know how much importance a biographical movie plays in the life of an actor. It may not give you a huge box office collection but it can highlight your strong acting power in front of critiques and not to forget, biographical movies tend to receive more awards and appreciations in any award show. So, you should accept it."

"I was also thinking the same." Xin Mei agreed to him. "But what if I can"t stand upon the standard of the film?"

"Meimei, do you again doubt your acting?" He Ye chuckled. "Stop feeling confused and say yes for this movie. Besides, you only have to spend a month in this movie. It can play a big role in your success."

"Ok Gege, I will talk with my manager too before reaching to a conclusion."

Xin Mei hung up on He Ye and called TingTing at the same time. She informed her about the movie and TingTing was also of the opinion to select the script.

"Xin Mei, this movie is offered by director Zhang. You should not reject it and if possible, we can schedule its filming date right after you finish the filming of Revenge. If this biography movie is released before revenge, then it will have a great boost to your career. I have seen many stars that had started their career with a low budget movie before getting a role in the high budget movie and they had a very long and strong life in the film industry."

"Thanks for your advice, TingTing. I will think about it."

"Return to the city and meet me with the script. After reading the script, we will talk with director Zhang."


Xin Mei hung up the call. She had made her mind that her next movie was going to be a biography of Director Zhang"s mother.

That night, when Su Yuchen called her, Xin Mei informed him about the movie offer which she had received from director zhang.

"Hubby, what do you think?"

"What can I say, Xin Mei? I don"t have much knowledge about the film industry." Su Yuchen replied. He felt useless that he didn"t have full knowledge of the film industry.

"Liar," Xin Mei pouted. "You are running such a big management company but still you don"t have any idea. How is that possible?"

"Xin Mei, I have managers under myself who run the company for me. I have many other businesses which are of my prime focus. But don"t worry, I will ask my advisors about a biography movie, hmm?"

"No, no need. I have already taken advice from many people. I only need your personal opinion."

Xin Mei had denied him to take advice from other experts but Su Yuchen wasn"t the one to stay quiet.

The moment he had hung up on Xin Mei, he immediately dialed the number of managers who were managing Heritage. He took their opinions about the biography movie. He also called other actors and actresses to take their opinion.

Early in the next morning, he called Xin Mei to give her his opinion.

"I think you should accept it?"

"Huh?" Xin Mei frowned when she heard him. She didn"t remember about her chat with him, the last night. She was still in a sleepy haze.

"I mean, you should accept this script given by director Zhang. I have talked with the managers and they said this movie has much potential. Probably, heritage will invest in it so you don"t need to hesitate."

"Su Yuchen, you still took advice, even when I have asked you to not do so?" Xin Mei chided.

"What to do wife? I want to help you in getting success. I can"t let you take any wrong decision."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him. They talked for sometime before she hung up because she didn"t want to get late for her scenes.

Today, all the scenes were of Xin Mei and Chen Bai. During shooting, they both were trying to dominate one another with their strong acting which resulted in very powerful scenes.

Director Zhang could feel stars in front of his eyes whenever he yelled action or cut. Their acting was so strong that he was sure that they would beat all records of favorite movie couple.

He was feeling hesitate when selecting Chen Bai as the second male lead. He was well aware of his high level of acting. He was afraid that Xin Mei would fail to cope up with his powerful acting but now she had proved him very wrong.

Acting level of Xin Mei matched perfectly with that of Chen Bai.

"Perfect," Director Zhang stood up from his seat and clapped for both Xin Mei and Chen Bai.

"This is the level of acting which I was searching from the start of this movie. You both are a power couple, perfect to act opposite to one another. If possible, I will like to have another movie with only both of you."

Xin Mei and Chen Bai both bowed to the director. Happiness was visible on their faces. They were happy to be praised like this. Both were unaware of the burning soul who was standing behind the director, not a little far from them.

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