Xin Mei and Su Zixin have been playing a game for a while then they lost the round due to Su Zixin" s mistake.

"Su Zixin, because of you we lost the last round." Xin Mei yelled angrily and kicked Su Zixin down to the floor from the couch where they were sitting.

She climbed on to his stomach and started hitting him. "I warned you, that player is tough to beat but you didn"t listen to me. Now look, we lost!"

Xin Mei was still angrily punching him and that was the moment when Su Yuchen entered in the room. For a second, he froze upon seeing their position then he realized that they were fighting.

"What is going on?" he asked.

Both Su Zixin and Xin Mei were shocked for a second before barrelling towards him and then started complaining like kids.

"Brother, look how your wife is physically abusing me!!"

"Husband, it is your brother"s fault. We lost the last round due to his stupid mistake."

"It wasn"t my fault!" Su Zixin yelled. "It was her who didn"t co-ordinate with my plan. She isn"t a good player. She doesn"t know about the tricks, which experienced players like me have."

"What do you mean by that? I am not a good player? I"m better than you. I"m the best player." Xin Mei placed her hand on her hips and glared at Su Zixin. "You are a newbie player who lost due to silly mistakes."

"I"m the better player, not you."

"No, I"m the better player."

"I"m the better player, not you."

"No, I"m the best!"

"Let"s ask brother."

"Yes, husband, who is a better player, me or Su Zixin?" Xin Mei asked and looked at Su Yuchen.

"Yes brother, tell her! I"m the best, right?" Su Zixin asked happily.

"Zixin, sorry to burst your bubble but I think that Xin Mei is better than you." Su Yuchen replied truthfully. The moment he finished speaking, Xin Mei started to tease Su Zixin.

"See, I told you. I"m a better player than you. Even Su Yuchen accepts that."

"You…." Su Zixin gritted his teeth.

Su Yuchen could see that, again a fight was going to break out, so he interrupted them both. "Wifey, let"s go back to our room. You must be sleepy."

"She is not going to her room.""I am not going to our room." They spoke simultaneously.

"Brother, we want play more! I also have to try some new games with her."

"Don"t blame him husband. We just want to play more. You should get some rest." Xin Mei coaxed Su Yuchen and patted his back before sending him out of the room.

Su Zixin and Xin Mei went back to playing whereas Su Yuchen was looking at them with a frown in between his brows.

Weren"t they about to fight?

 Looking at them now, one thing was sure that they both loved making a huge drama out of it, the same way little kids acted in front of their parents!

"Brother, lest I forget, the gifts for you are on the table in the living room. Please take them." Su Zixin told him but his eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him.

Su Yuchen sighed and made his way towards the living room. He went through the gifts which were brought by Su Zixin before making his way towards the master bedroom.

After getting into the bedroom and he started to work on a presentation. He knew he could not fall asleep without Xin Mei and especially when he knew she was enjoying with his little brother.

For the first time in his life, Su Yuchen regretted that he didn"t have any interest in video games. Otherwise, he would be the one playing beside Xin Mei, not his dumba.s.s of a brother.

Su Zixin and Xin Mei were completely immersed in the game when Xin Mei reminded him, "Su Zixin, this is the last round. After this, we have to sleep. Don"t forget that tomorrow there is filming of an important scene. Director Zhang will kill us if we get sleepy on the set."

"Hmm. Ok!" Su Zixin agreed with her.

Initially they had planned to finish the round they were on. But little did they expect they would end up playing more than ten rounds.

Alas, it was early in the morning when they decided to end their games. So much for the last one round! Su Zixin made himself comfortable on the couch of games room where Xin Mei returned to the master bedroom.

"Husband, why are you up so early?" Xin Mei asked when she saw Su Yuchen wasn"t asleep.

"Didn"t I tell you I can"t sleep without you?"

Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes and then looked at his open arms. She slid inside the blankets making herself comfortable and looked up at him.

"Husband, don"t be so dependent. What will you do when I have to leave the city with a lengthy schedule?" she scolded him.

"We will take care of that when its necessary. Now try to get some sleep."

Su Yuchen lovingly patted her head. She closed her eyes and within a minute, she fell asleep, followed by Su Yuchen.

Next morning, Su Yuchen woke up to the sound of alarm ringing off. Opening his eyes and he looked at Xin Mei. She was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He smiled running his finger over her face. He admired his pleasingly beautiful wife for some time before starting his day.

Su Yuchen got ready for the office and cooked breakfast before returning to the bedroom. He tried to wake up his wife but she was sleeping like a log.

Su Yuchen sighed. He opened the bedside drawer from which he pulled out a notepad. He wrote a note for her and placed it below her smartphone.

"OH s.h.i.+T! OH s.h.i.+T! WE ARE LATE!! THE DIRECTOR IS GOING TO CRUCIFY US!!" Su Zixin yelled in fear and rushed towards his brother"s bedroom. "Brother, wake Xin Mei up. She wouldn"t like be late for today"s filming. I am leaving now. I have to visit home before the set. Bye, bye, bye…."

"Su Zixin, listen to me..." Su Yuchen tried to stop Su Zixin but he was already gone. He had something important which he wanted to tell Su Zixin but he was already gone. Su Yuchen didn"t bother to stop Su Zixin anymore.

"Wifey, I am going to the office." Su Yuchen informed to a sleeping Xin Mei. He pressed a kiss on her lips. He adjusted the curtains so the room remains dark without light peeping through before leaving for the office.

After an hour or so, Xin Mei woke up to the grumbling of her stomach. She mumbled incoherently and opened her eyes. She was feeling a dull ache in her head and felt as if she hadn"t slept for a very long time.

She opened her eyes and picked up her smartphone to check the time. Her eyes widened when she saw it was 09:52 am.

"s.h.i.+t, I am late." She smacked her forehead while picking up the slip left by her husband.


I hope you slept well. I knew you must be tired so I have already asked the director Zhang to approve a day- leave. You don"t need to visit the set for today. Stay at home and get some sleep.

 Your loving husband."

Xin Mei was smiling while reading the note. She picked up her smartphone and found a message from director Zhang stating that today was no filming day.

She was about to place her smartphone back on the bedside table when it started ringing, a call from Su Zixin.

"Xin Mei, if you are planning to visit the set then don"t. It"s no filming day today."

"I know. Su Yuchen had left a note for me."

Su Zixin who was standing outside the studio felt a 440-volt shock.

"How could big brother betray me like this?"

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