After leaving his brother"s house, Su Zixin had rushed back to his house. He couldn"t go to the set without bath and fresh clothes, right?

He took a quick bath and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. Meanwhile, he called the café down his apartment to deliver a cup of coffee and a sandwich for him.

With a sandwich in one hand and coffee in another, Su Zixin made his way towards his car. He kept on checking his wrist.w.a.tch. He was also feeling glad that director Zhang hadn"t called him till then.

"G.o.d, save me from director Zhang. d.a.m.n, I know how he hates people who are tardy."

Su Zixin drove his car as fast as he could while having his food. He missed his a.s.sistant whom he had sent on a one-month vacation around the Europe for free.

When he reached the studio, he immediately made his way only to be stopped by a guard.

"Sir. What are you doing here? Didn"t you receive a message that Director Zhang has scheduled a break of two days starting today?"

"What do you mean?"

Puzzled, Su Zixin pulled out his smartphone to check his messages. There was a message from director Zhang. He cursed himself. How could he forget to check his messages?

"Let me inform Xin Mei. She should be tired, like me." Thinking about his sister in law he soon called Xin Mei, only to find that she knows. 

Su Zixin walked towards his car dejectedly and placed his head against the steering. He took a deep breath. Then he started to mumbling to himself in anger.

"Why didn"t you tell me about the non-filming day brother?"

"Why did you change after marrying Xin Mei? I know she is very important to you. But you didn"t tell me about the non-filming day? Why brother? Why? Why?"

Su Zixin sighed and shook his head. He took long deep breath to calm himself down before making his way towards the hospital. He was going make a good use of this holiday that is, spending it with Bai Yue.

Last night, before Su Zixin had arrived, Su Yuchen had already called director Zhang about making today a non-filming day. He was afraid that his wife would sleep late, besides; he had noticed the long hours in the schedule of Xin Mei. He knew she was a lot tired these days after getting back home.

So, he had called director for his wife.

"Director, I have received a complaint that you are making your cast work without any break. I think they deserve a break." He spoke.

He had received a complaint. This compliant was from Su Yuchen who was the husband of Xin Mei!

"I was also thinking about the same, mister Su. Scenes of Chen Bai and Xin Mei are already ahead of the schedule. So, I was planning to give the cast a little break before continuing the shoot."

"Then please do so."

Director Zhang nervously chuckled when he heard mister Su. Who could have dared to complain about him? He didn"t know.

"Ok mister Su. I will send a message immediately that all my cast is free for the next two days."

Su Yuchen smiled and hung up. His call was the reason he didn"t force Xin Mei to sleep early the last day!

One week flew by from the time Xin Mei and Chen Bai had known about the secrets of one another. They had a mutual understanding of not disclosing each other"s secrets.

Now their relations.h.i.+p had also improved. They didn"t keep fighting on silly or small matters. They only fought in front of Su Yuchen. You could say they did that just to trouble him!

"Xin Mei, try this dish. I am sure you will like it. Grandpa was cooking some for grandma, I asked him to cook some for us."

Su Zixin gave a small portion of his food to Xin Mei. Xin Mei also accepted the portion of food after knowing that it was cooked by Su Lingtian.

They enjoyed the food, sharing with one another. Cast and crew who were also having their lunch looked at both of them with wide eyes. They could not believe that instead of bickering with each other, they were harmoniously sharing their food.

"Did something happen? Why does it looks like they are getting along just fine?" One of extra cast member asked another.

"What do you think?? Haven"t you heard there is a small, nearly invisible line in between hate and love? I think they have crossed the same line. And why not? Look at them; they both look so perfect with one another."

They weren"t the only ones who were talking about them. Everyone was talking about them and were making guesses. It wasn"t new in the film industry for two co-stars to fall in love with one another.

During the shooting also, they enacted their scenes with much more chemistry. Whenever there was an intimate scene in-between them, Su Zixin did not get much close to Xin Mei. He made her completely comfortable with her scenes.

After shooting, Xin Mei went to meet Bai Yue. She felt her heart hurt when she saw her poor condition. She could feel tears in her eyes.

After leaving the hospital, she decided to visit the Head of the Trust, Mr Nian, same trust that had promised her to find a matching heart for Bai Yue.

"Sir, can"t we find a heart for Miss Bai? It has been more than a month. We can"t delay anymore."

"Xin Mei, I understand your condition but you also have to understand. Her blood group is very rare and it"s not easy to find a healthy heart for her heart transplant. Besides, the heart of that particular blood group commonly suffers from heart diseases. Don"t worry Xin Mei, we are still looking. We will find a matching heart in time."

"Hope so." Xin Mei nodded her head with sadness visible on her face. She then thanked Mr Nian for his help and left his place.

"Husband, I am home." Xin Mei announced when she had returned home.

"What are you doing here?" she asked when she saw Su Zixin who was sitting on the kitchen counter.

"He said he needs to talk to you." Su Yuchen replied for Su Zixin. "Now come here, wifey. Give me a hug and kiss."

Su Zixin groaned when he heard his brother. He kept on sulking when Xin Mei entered the kitchen and shared a hug and kiss with her husband.

"Go have a shower. While, I prepare for dinner."

"Ok Dear." Xin Mei stopped hugging him and looked at Su Zixin. "Husband, don"t let him sit there like a statue. Ask him to help too."

"As you wish wifey."

Xin Mei went away. Su Yuchen looked at Su Zixin.

"Why are you still sitting there? Didn"t you listen to your sister in law? Come and help me."

"Brother, don"t tell me you are going to order me around just because of Xin Mei?" Su Zixin asked with an unbelievable look.

"She is the boss at home." Su Yuchen replied and made some s.p.a.ce for Su Zixin.

His brother has a become a wife slave!

"I am back." Xin Mei entered the kitchen and threw her arm around the shoulder of Su Yuchen.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, giving a kiss on her lips. Xin Mei chuckled and returned his kiss.

"Agh! Both of you stop forcing dog food down my throat. Jeez, get a room you two." Su Zixin was grumbling unhappily when he got hit by an apple the very next second.

Su Zixin yelped and glared at his brother who was showing off his love in front of his eyes.

"Wifey, taste this and tell me how is it?" Su Yuchen put a spoon in front of Xin Mei"s mouth.

"It"s so delicious. You have cooked it with so much love." Xin Mei licked her lips and smiled at Su Yuchen.

"Give me a taste." Su Yuchen wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips. Xin Mei chuckled and opened her mouth for him.

Su Zixin groaned. He covered his eyes and ran away from the kitchen as fast as possible.

"What happened to my brother??"

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