"Are you going to tell me, what exactly happened to make you smile so brightly?" Su Zixin asked with curiosity. 

"Su Zixin, director Chang has decided to sign me in for his movie. He also wanted to sign you in the same movie if only he can get your dates."

"Wow?" Su Zixin yelled happily. "You are not pranking me, right?"

"I am not fooling you, Zixin." Xin Mei then explained to him all the things that had happened in the cabin of TingTing.

"Ah….I think I am dreaming Xin Mei. I"m on cloud nine." Su Zixin fell on the couch. A dreamy smile was on his lips.

Xin Mei chuckled when she saw him. "Let me cook something delicious for our success, we should celebrate this moment."

Both Xin Mei and Su Zixin celebrated the success of Xin Mei by having delicious food from the hands of Xin Mei. Later, they played video games until the late night.

After that Xin Mei had returned to her room and changed her dress. She wore a s.h.i.+rt of Su Yuchen because she was also missing the feel of his touch. She fell on the bed, feeling tired. She was about to fall asleep when she received a call from Su Yuchen.

She frowned and checked the time on her mobile. It was four in the morning, which meant that it was two in the morning at the place of Su Yuchen.

"I hope I didn"t disturb you my wife at this late hour." she heard the voice of Su Yuchen, the moment she picked up the phone.

"You didn"t disturb my sleep husband, but you tell me, why aren"t you sleeping?" Xin Mei asked in a strict voice.

"I cannot fall asleep without you in my arms." He spoke. Tiredness could be heard in his voice. "Now can I face time you. I want to see your beautiful face."


Su Yuchen hung up the voice call and within a minute, she received a face time call from Su Yuchen.

"Husband," she smiled when she saw his face. He was also lying on the bed just like her. Xin Mei looked at his face and could see weariness and sleepiness on his face.

"You should try to sleep. Otherwise, you will fall sick." Xin Mei felt a pinch in her heart when she saw his features. 

"I know," Su Yuchen sighed. "I tried to sleep but I couldn"t. Now can you please talk with me so I can sleep thinking you are beside me?"

Xin Mei nodded her head and started to tell him about her day. Su Yuchen looked at her without a blink of eyes. He smiled when he saw a happy smile on her face.

Su Yuchen was feeling h.e.l.l tired of his one after another meetings. He was even more tired because he could not fall asleep. He did not want to take any sleeping pills to fall asleep.

Now looking at the face of Xin Mei, he felt quite relaxed and soon after he fell asleep while looking at the face of Xin Mei.

Xin Mei sighed and looked at the sleeping face of Su Yuchen. She admired his face for sometime before ending the call. She made herself comfortable on the bed before falling asleep.

Xin Mei woke up due to ringing of her mobile. She cursed the caller and opened her eye. She looked at the display to find it was a call from Su Yuchen. She groaned and picked up the call.

"Husband, I know its morning at your place…" Xin Mei started to yell. She was cut off by Su Yuchen who spoke hurriedly.

"Xin Mei...!!! doctors have found a matching heart for grandma. They will be going to take her for surgery within two hours. Please reach the hospital with Su Zixin."

Xin Mei jumped from the bed when she heard him. "I am leaving to the hospital right now. Where are you?"

"I"m on my way towards the airport."


Xin Mei hung up the phone. Without any caring that she was wearing one of the s.h.i.+rts of Su Yuchen as nightdress, Xin Mei ran towards the room of Su Zixin to give him the news.

"Su Zixin wake up." She banged on his room door and entered in. She started to shake him, trying to wake him up. "Come on, wakeup Su Zixin."

"What happened Xin Mei?" Su Zixin looked at her with sleepy eyes. "Don"t tell me that you are here to seduce me. Let me remind you, you are my brother"s wife. I will not look at you with any other eyes except for a sister in law. You cannot seduce me."

"Stupid." Xin Mei yelled in anger. She slapped hard on his cheeks. "Su Zixin, wake up. I am not here to seduce you but to tell you that doctors have found a matching heart for Grandma. We should leave for the hospital. They are taking her to surgery."

Su Zixin woke up when he heard her. Within a minute, he was also off the bed.

Both Xin Mei and Su Zixin got ready in their respective rooms before they met in the parking. They made their journey toward the hospital and to the room of Bai Yue.

"Grandpa, where is a grandma?" Xin Mei asked Su Lingtian who was talking with a doctor.

"She is getting ready for the surgery. Doctors are taking down her vitals." He informed and Xin Mei nodded her head.

Soon enough, Bai Yue was pushed out of her room on a stretcher. Lying on a stretcher, she was looking so weak.



Xin Mei and Su Zixin ran towards her. They both hold on her each hand from each side of her.

"Girlfriend, don"t worry, after the operation you will become all fit and fine." Su Zixin spoke. He was feeling emotional. What if the operation got failed!

"Grandma, please be strong during the operation. You have to live through it."

Bai Yue smiled when she heard Xin Mei.

"Chen"er," she spoke in a weak voice.

"He has gone for some business trip. He is on his way back to here."

Bai Yue nodded her head and gripped on the hand of Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, please look after my family and…Chen"er…if…if something happens to…me." Bai Yue spoke with much difficulty.

"Don"t worry grandma. I will look after everyone nothing is going to happen to you, but you also have to fight. You will not going to leave any of us. Your heart transplant will be successful."

"Tian, be strong." She spoke tiredly and looked at her husband. "Xin Mei...I ….am…leave…this…family…you." Bai Yue spoke before she fell into an unconscious state due to anaesthesia, which had given to her.

"Miss, please get aside. We have to take her to the operation room."

Xin Mei nodded her head and stepped away from Bai Yue who was pushed towards the operating room. Su Zixin, Xin Mei and Su Lingtian followed behind her. Three of them were stopped outside the operation room.

"Grandpa, please be strong. Nothing will happen to grandma." Xin Mei held tight on the arm of Su Lingtian who was looking lost and tired.

Su Zixin came to his other side and helped him in sitting down on a chair.

"Grandpa, why are our worrying? You know grandma is strong. She will fight with G.o.d and will come out from the operation room, all safe and sound. You know she is a stubborn head."

"I know."

Su Lingtian nodded his head and looked at the door of operating room with teary eyes.

"And that"s why I am worried. Bai Yue did not want to live for longer time. She had already lived this life to the full. She had seen you getting successful and Su Yuchen married. Now she did not want anything. I am afraid of her body. What if her body will not accept the transplanted heart?"

Su Lingtian sighed and looked down. Su Zixin squeezed hard on the hand of his grandpa to give him some support.

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