There was a complete silence in front of the operating theatre. Everyone was praying for the well-being of Bai Yue. Doctors had informed that the operation will be a long one and the chances of success that the body will accept the heart were very low.

Everyone was worried about Bai Yue. No one wanted to loss her!

Xin Mei silently looked at Su Zixin and Su Lingtian; they both were hugging one another tightly, finding comfort in each other. Su Zixin who was always full of gusto was extra quiet today.

Xin Mei heard some noises coming from the corridor. She turned her face to find Su Yuchen running towards the operating room.

He was looking like a lost boy. His s.h.i.+rt was half out of his pants, his tie was loosened around his neck and hair was ruffled multiple times. His eyes were also red. Xin Mei felt a pinch in her heat when she looked at him.

"Su Yuchen," she walked towards him and held on his hand.

Su Yuchen sighed when he saw her. Without any hitch he pulled her in his arms. He hugged her tightly. He started to breathe heavily.

Su Yuchen was h.e.l.l worried for Bai Yue. Only he knew how he had spent his journey in that long flight. He wanted to come here and be on the side of his family.

He was felt betrayed that the matching heart found for Grandma, when he was not in the city. What if something happened to Grandma? Was he going to live in regret that he did not get to speak to her before taking her to the operation?

"Calm down, nothing will happen to grandma." Xin Mei patted on the back of Su Yuchen. She could feel his body was all stiff with worries. "Grandma is a strong woman. She will fight her death."

She smiled and broke the hug. She cupped the face of Su Yuchen in her hand. Su Yuchen kissed her palm before again hugging her tight.

"Keep hugging me like this. Your hug makes me feel relaxed that you will be here for me. I will not be left alone after the death of grandma."

"Why so negative hubby?" Xin Mei coaxed. "Nothing will happen to grandma. Besides, you can never be alone; I, Su Zixin and grandpa will always be there for you."

Su Yuchen relaxed when he heard her. He was in the arms of Xin Mei, who was trying her best to make him calm down, he could understand the reason why Grandma was so adamant to get him married.

He needed someone who could take care of him in her arms and take away all his worries and tension. With him being in her arms, he no longer worried that he would be alone after the death of his grandparents. His wife would always be there besides him.

After a long hug, Su Yuchen parted from Xin Mei. They both walked towards the empty bench and took their seats. Xin Mei kept her arms around the bicep of Su Yuchen, giving him the needed warmth.

Soon Huang Chu also arrived at the corridor where whole Su family was sited. He looked at everyone with sad eyes. He knew Bai Yue was the life of this family.

Xin Mei looked at Huang Chu. She stood up from her chair and walked towards him. She ignored the protestation of Su Yuchen.

"Huang Chu, you must be tired. You should go to your home."

"No missus, I am not tired. Last day, boss asked me to not attend any meetings. He gave me a free day for rest. So now, I am all fresh."

Xin Mei nodded her head and asked Huang Chu to arrange for the breakfast for everyone. It was already morning and Xin Mei could predict that everyone must be hungry.

Huang Chu nodded his head and left. He returned after some time with food. He brought the food of the choice of Su Lingtian. Xin Mei praised his thoughtfulness.

Xin Mei took a bowl of food and walked toward Su Lingtian. He was looking at the operation room without a blink of eyes.

"Grandpa, have some food. I am sure you must be hungry." Xin Mei crouched down in front of Su Lingtian with a bowl in her hand.

"Take it away, Xin Mei. I am not hungry."

"Stop lying grandpa. I know you are hungry. So, please have some food. If you will not have food then, I am sure grandma will beat me up after coming out of the operation room. She loves you very much and she will not bear, that her granddaughter in law has kept you hungry. So please have some food."

Xin Mei looked in the direction of Su Zixin for some help. Su Zixin smiled and took the bowl from the hand of Xin Mei.

"Grandpa, Xin Mei is right. Grandma will get angry with all of us if she get to know that you skipped your meal. So, please have some."

Su Lingtian looked at Xin Mei and then at Su Zixin. He could see the sadness and worry on their faces. Their worry was not only for Bai Yue but also for himself. He sighed and took the bowl from the hands of Su Zixin. Slowly, he started to have his food.

Xin Mei gestured to Huang Chu to serve her another bowl. She took the bowl from his hand and gave it to Su Zixin. Su Zixin was about to protest when she glared at him. Su Zixin sighed in defeat and took the bowl from her hand.

"Husband, have some breakfast. I am sure you are hungry." Xin Mei walked toward Su Yuchen and placed the bowl in front of him.

"I am not hungry." Su Yuchen sighed. "I will not eat till grandma come out from the operation theatre."

"Please don"t skip your meal," Xin Mei whined. She looked at him but he was adamant to not eat the food.

"Ok, don"t eat. I will also not eat my breakfast if you will not eat it. I am also adamant like you." She declared. "Huang Chu, come here and take the breakfast away."

Su Yuchen looked at Xin Mei who was looking all too adamant. He sighed and stopped her. "Feed me."

Xin Mei smiled and feed him a spoon of food. Su Yuchen also returned the gesture.

Xin Mei smiled when she saw everyone had finished their breakfast. She gave empty bowls to Huang Chu.

Later on... with Huang Chu, she went to her home to bring back some fresh clothes for everyone which they could wear after having a bath. 

Huang Chu had informed her that Su family had booked the whole floor where the operation room was located. Therefore, they would not find a shortage for bathrooms.

"Missus, you get freshen up. I will visit the Su mansion to fetch some clothes for elder Su." Huang Chu informed her.

Xin Mei got freshen up and changed into a fresh pairs of clothes. She packed a small duffle bag with light clothes for Su Yuchen and Su Zixin.

Then she prepared porridge for lunch. By the time, she was done packing a lunch box, Huang Chu also returned with toiletries and fresh clothes of elder Su.

Xin Mei returned to the hospital and forced everyone to take a bath.

"Grandpa, do you want grandma to get angry on you for skipping a bath for the day?" Xin Mei chided slightly. "You will smell and Grandma will not let you hug her after her operation."

Su Lingtian sniffed himself and he could smell the faint odour. He knew how much Bai Yue hated body odour. Therefore, without any fight, he went towards the bathroom to have a shower.

"Su Zixin, go and have a bath. If you did not, then in the next one minute, I will post your present photo on my social media account. You will go viral by today and everyone will start slandering you." Xin Mei caught his right nerves and next second, Su Zixin was in the bathroom.

"Husband, go and have a bath. I do not want to see my handsome husband look like a beggar. Besides, you smell. I will not hug you anymore before you take a bath."

Xin Mei dramatically pinched her nose. Su Yuchen smiled when he saw her small hard work to send him to the bathroom. As to not disappoint her, he went to the bathroom for a bath.

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