Next day, they left the hotel and took their seats in their already booked safari jeep. They also had a private guide. He took them to the park and they both got to see so many animals.

They saw lions, leopards, rhinos, cape buffaloes and elephants. They also saw many other animals like giraffes, crocodiles, hippos, kudus, wildebeests, hyenas, zebra, etc.

Xin Mei was feeling ecstatic when she saw so many animals. She had always wished to see all the animals. She did not lag in clicking their photos.

When she saw Lion, she video called Su Zixin. She knew he loved lions.

"Su Zixin, look lion," She squealed like a five-year-old girl.

Su Zixin frowned and looked at the girl from his mobile screen.

"Xiao Mei, are you trying to tease me? Are you trying to rub salt on my wounds? There you are enjoying your breaks and here I am, working!" he groaned with irritation.

Xin Mei frowned and carefully looked in the mobile screen. She could catch a glimpse of files spread around Su Zixin.

"Why are you working? Weren"t you planning to finish all the latest PC games?"

"Yeah, I was, but your husband, my brother, Mister Su Yuchen spread water on all of my plans. He had set me in charge of his business behind his back. Now my game room is filled with files sent by Huang Chu. He wants me to see them and sign on them."

Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes, and then she looked at Su Yuchen who shrugged.

"He should have some knowledge of the business. Besides, I have signed my power of attorney on his name. He must look after my business in case of my absence."

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard Su Yuchen. She teased Su Zixin by revolving her mobile all around. Su Zixin"s face turned black when he noticed what she was doing.

"Xiao Mei, you come back to the country. I will not leave you for teasing me." He groaned and ended the call.

Xin Mei chuckled and put her phone back in her pocket. She again started to enjoy the view in front of her.

After Kruger national park, they travelled to Saint Lucia and other national parks located in South Africa. They got to see many animals. They also got to see many different varieties of trees and flowers.

They also visited Harwich waterfall where they watched a romantic sunset. They walked along the waterfall enjoying the mesmerizing scenery. They also went to horse ride and Su Yuchen played golf, a facility provided by their hotel.

During their traveling, Su Yuchen did not forget to make love with Xin Mei. Every day, Xin Mei woke up with a sore and tired body. If not for the excitement of traveling, she would not have gotten up from the bed each day.

During their visit to one of the museum, they were captured on camera by one of the visitors. That visitor was immediately caught by the guards of Su Yuchen and photos were deleted from his phone.

Su Yuchen had strictly ordered his guards that no photo of him or Xin Mei could leak to the media. He knew the effect of the disclosure of their marriage would have on Xin Mei. Therefore, he had taken all the precautions.

They ended their vacation at the cape of good hope where Su Yuchen confessed his love to Xin Mei.

Xin Mei was tired of traveling and wanted to retire in her room. Su Yuchen gave her the keys and asked her to open the room. She frowned but nonetheless, she opened the room and a surprised gasp left from her mouth.

The whole room was decorated with roses and fragmented candles in gla.s.s. A table was placed in the centre of the room, which was also beautifully decorated.

"What is this?" she turned around to look at Su Yuchen but he was not there.

She turned and looked in front of her only to gasp in surprise. Su Yuchen was kneeling in front of her with a rose in his hand.

"Wifey, I know I am late, very late but I don"t want to be late anymore." Su Yuchen took a deep breath in nervousness. He wanted to confess but he did not know what was coming out from his mouth.

"Truthfully, from the time I have seen you, I feel so attracted towards you. I always wanted to see you and stay with you. I was like a bee and you are like a rose. I am like a thirsty crow and you are my water. You are an ocean and I am a fish in it. You are my sky and I a little, tiny star in it."

Su Yuchen gulped and again looked at her.

"From the moment we had returned from city B, I had lost my dreams and sleep. I have become mad and now when you are with me, I am afraid that you are a dream. If I close my eyes then I will lose you.  You are getting me right; you understand what I want to say right?"

Su Yuchen had given so many presentations in his career but he never thought confessing love would be so difficult.

Xin Mei looked at him with a frown. She had an idea that Su Yuchen was confessing his love but she did not want her thoughts to run so wild.

"Xiao Mei, wife." He spoke softly and took her hand in his. He took a deep breath and spoke. "I love you. I love you badly. I am head over heels in love with you. I wanted to give you a great confession but you see I mashed up my speech."

Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes. She could not believe he loved her…like really loved her.

"Hubby….I…." Xin Mei felt hesitate.

"Love, you don"t need to confess today. I am ready to wait for the day when you will be comfortable to confess your feelings to me."

Xin Mei wanted to say something but before she could say anymore, Su Yuchen pressed his lips against her. "My love, I am happy to confess today. I can wait for your confession."

Xin Mei wrapped her arms around him getting lost in his kisses. She was feeling overwhelmed with his confession. She was feeling calm in his arms.

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei spent their night tossing and turning on the bed. Su Yuchen did not want to waste his last night of their honeymoon. He wanted to savour her as much as he could, especially after confessing his love.

Next day, in the flight, Su Yuchen did not leave Xin Mei. She was planning that she would complete her sleep in the flight but Su Yuchen did not leave her. He was perfect in seducing her.

"Come on love, let me love you, please. After today, we will return to our normal life then I will not get much time to love you. So, please let me love you."

Su Yuchen started to kiss all over her face. "Moreover, I want to have an experience of lovemaking on the jet with you."

"If you keep making love me like this, then I am afraid, even the birth control pills will fail and I will get pregnant." She complained and tried to push Su Yuchen away from herself.

"Don"t worry wife, it will not happen." Su Yuchen mumbled and kissed behind her ears, which was her soft spot.

And here they were, doing their next round.

When their jet touched the land, Xin Mei was completely sated and tired. Su Yuchen was the one who made her wear her clothes and carried her out of the private room.

Xin Mei blushed when she saw everyone was looking at her.

"It"s your fault that everyone is looking at us like this. You were crying so loud that even walls failed and everyone was able to hear from you. Now everyone knows what we did inside our room."

Xin Mei blushed and hidden her face in his chest. Su Yuchen chuckled and stepped down with her form the jet.

Also, with that, their honeymoon period came to an end. Now they had to focus on their private and professional life!

Also, Xin Mei on her revenge!

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