On their way toward their mansion, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei decided to stop at the hospital to meet Bai Yue. Xin Mei knew that she would not be leaving her bed for the next two days so she wanted to meet Bai Yue beforehand.

"Here comes my favourites." Bai Yue grinned when she saw the couple. "Come here and tell me about your honeymoon. I want each detail."

Xin Mei blushed when she heard details. She walked toward Bai Yue, in-between she stumbled which was not hidden from the sharp eyes of Bai Yue.

"I see my grandson is very efficient on the bed." Bai Yue spoke with a poker face, making eyes of Xin Mei wide. She blushed hard and ducked her face.

"Yue, stop teasing her." Su Lingtian chided his wife. "Do you want Xin Mei to stop visiting you like Su Zixin?"

Bai Yue quickly shook her head and efficiently changed the topic. 

A few days back, she had teased Su Zixin about one of his ex. Su Zixin became so irritated that he didn"t come to meet her from then onwards.

"Xin Mei, let grandma become healthy like before then we all will visit South Africa together." Bai Yue spoke with enthusiasm.

Xin Mei also nodded her head because she would love to visit south Africa again.

They spent some time in the company of Bai Yue. Bai Yue forced them to have dinner with her and they readily agreed. They were having their dinner when Bai Yue asked, "Xiao Mei, when are you giving me grandchildren?"

Eyes of Xin Mei widened. She chocked on her food and coughed hard….cough…cough…cough…!

"Grandma, for now, we don"t have any plan to give birth to a baby."

"But didn"t you promise me that you will give me a baby?" Bai Yue pouted.

"That we did. But grandma, I am filming for now. I cannot get pregnant. How will I look after my health while filming? We will plan about the baby after I finish the filming of revenge."

Bai Yue pouted and nodded her head with sadness. "I can understand you Xin Mei. I will wait for the arrival of my great-grand baby."

Xin Mei nodded her head and sighed. She quickly finished her dinner. She made an excuse and quickly left the hospital ward with Su Yuchen.

"I should also avoid grandma like Su Zixin. Otherwise, she will not leave me from her baby topic." She thought.

Xin Mei felt very happy when she saw her home. Finally, she was at home.

It was true, a person could travel all around the world but the place, which he liked the most, was always his home!

"We are back." She grinned.

Su Yuchen chuckled and opened the mansion. Xin Mei entered the mansion and made her way towards her room. She was missing her bed so much.

She stopped in the middle of her steps when her eyes fell on the centre wall of the mansion. This wall was without any decoration when they had left for their honeymoon, but now, it was filled with photos…a lot of photos of her, Su Yuchen and them as a couple.

"When?" Xin Mei asked with surprise and glanced at Su Yuchen. He was standing behind her.

"I was planning to decorate this wall with our photos from a very long time, and during our honeymoon, I sent many photos to Huang Chu. He got them readied for me. He was the one to decorate this wall. Like it?"

Su Yuchen wrapped his arms around her and looked at her with love-filled eyes.

"Love it hubby."

Xin Mei admired the wall, which had a huge framed photo of her from the time she had walked on the red carpet with Su Zixin. There were many photos of her teen years and some from the teen years of Su Yuchen. It also had a photo of her from the sets of revenge.

However, most of the photos were from their honeymoon. In the centre of the wall was a huge photo of them where both were wearing local dresses. Su Yuchen had his arms wrapped around Xin Mei and head placed on her shoulder.

They both were smiling from ear to ear. Happiness and love could be seen in their eyes.

"It"s only just a starting wife. I want this wall to be full of many photos of us. This will be our wall of memory."

Xin Mei smiled and looked at the wall. Earlier somewhere she felt something was missing in this house but now seeing their photos on the wall, she was feeling delighted.

They went towards their room. Xin Mei smiled when she saw the wall of her room. It was also decorated with their couple photos. In each photo, they had different poses and in each photo, they were looking like a couple made in heaven.

Xin Mei could not help herself from admiring the framed photos. A booming feeling filled in her heart. She turned, and wrapped her arms around Su Yuchen and lovingly kissed him.

As promised to herself, Xin Mei spent most of her time on the bed. She seriously slept like a dead man. She was feeling so tired. She did not even let Su Yuchen touch her.

"Hubby, please leave me. I have filming tomorrow and I don"t want to visit the sets, looking like a zombie."

On the other side, Su Yuchen had returned to his work. He knew he had handled most of the work before leaving, and Su Zixin and Huang Chu were there behind his back but still, his company was like his baby and he was worried for it.

"Brother, I am so happy that you are back."

Su Zixin sighed when he saw Su Yuchen. He rushed towards him and hugged him hard.

Last day, due to some emergency, Su Zixin was called to company. He was afraid that his ident.i.ty would get disclosed but Huang Chu had made all the arrangements to hide his ident.i.ty.

"Brother, I have worked so hard. I think I deserve a gift." Su Zixin pouted and looked at Su Yuchen.

"Gift?" Su Yuchen raised a brow. "I completed the work which you have done in two weeks, within just one-day, little brother. Besides, this was also a part of your punishment from the award show."

Su Zixin pouted and looked at his brother, trying to persuade him.

"Stop giving me that face. Come here and give me an update on your work."

Su Zixin huffed and looked at his brother with a sad smile. He was working his a.s.s off from the last two weeks in a hope of getting some allowance, some pocket money, only to be deceived that it was all a part of his punishment.

Like really!

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