Xin Mei sighed and pulled out the pregnancy kit from her purse. She read the instructions and followed them.

She took a deep breath and placed the pregnancy stick on the counter of the washbasin. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

Many though were running in her mind. Words of Su Zixin were ringing in her mind.

"What if Su Yuchen had deceived me? What if he wanted me to get pregnant so I could leave the film industry? Isn"t this what all heroes in romance novel do to make female character never leave him?"

Did she not want the baby?

She did. She wanted it. After her dream, she wanted the baby but she was afraid. What if she again failed to protect her baby, like in her dream? Not only that, she was still young. Would she be able to handle the responsibility of a baby?

"Xin Mei, stop thinking about everything. Trust your husband. He will not lie to you." She consoled herself.

After ten minutes, Xin Mei looked at the stick and blood drained out of her face when she saw double red lines on the stick.

She was pregnant!

She stumbled back in shock and looked at the stick with wide eyes. She blinked, blinked and blinked again.

"Su Yuchen, how dare of you to deceive me like this?" she gritted her teeth in fury. 

At the same moment, Su Yuchen returned the mansion. "Wifey, I am home."

"Wifey, trust me these pills are safe. Love, let me love you one more time, trust me you will not get pregnant." Xin Mei angrily mimicked him.

She walked out from the bathroom and made her way towards the living room where Su Yuchen was standing.

"Wifey, I have missed you so much." He was about to her hug her when he was angrily pushed away by Xin Mei.

"You….how dare of you to deceive me?" she started to poke on his chest. "I will not leave you, Mister Su Yuchen. I"ve never thought you will be such a big liar."

She was angrily punching hard on his stomach and chest. She was feeling so much fury on being deceived by him. 

"I have trusted you….but you….you…you are also a cheater." Xin Mei saw red when she looked at his face. 

"But what have I done? Why are you so angry on me?" Su Yuchen asked with confusion written all over his face. He took a hold of her wrists to avoid her punch.

"You….ungrateful man…****...…" Xin Mei cursed him in every language, which she had ever known. "How can you make me pregnant? You promised me I will not get pregnant. But you...…."

Xin Mei kicked him hard on his jewels. Su Yuchen whimpered in pain and clutched his lower part. He looked at his wife who was looking like a fierce princess.

"You paian, how can you kick me like this? Don"t you want to have a baby with me?"

"Don"t forget I am already having a baby and all thanks to you…you cheater… trickster...…. Fraud…"

She was about to attack him when Su Yuchen protected himself from her attack.

"Trust me, wifey, I didn"t cheat you. The pills are trustworthy. You can"t be pregnant." Su Yuchen looked at her with innocence. 

"You are lying. I am pregnant." She yelled. "You lied to me. You lied..." she glared at him and again punched him.

"I didn"t lie to you." Su Yuchen again took a hold of her fists. "Look in my eyes and you will know I didn"t lie to you. Getting pregnant is a big deal for mother and I know that. I will not make you pregnant until you are ready."

He spoke in a very soft voice. "Look at my eyes and you will find my innocence in them."

Xin Mei looked at him with a sad smile. "What will your innocence do? I am pregnant now. You made love with me so many times that I am pregnant. I have a baby to look after. I don"t know if I can handle this responsibility or not."

"We will think about this later. First, let"s visit the doctor. Let"s confirm that you are pregnant or not. I trust the doctor and I don"t think the pills given by her will fail in such a way."

After coaxing a sad and confused Xin Mei, Su Yuchen took her to the dinning table. He then fed her food like a baby.

In his heart, he was feeling very happy at the thought that he was going to become a father but he didn"t want to show his happiness in front of Xin Mei. He didn"t want to further anger her.

Besides, he trusted his doctor. If she had said pills were completely safe then he trusted her. He couldn"t raise his hopes that Xin Mei was pregnant.

Next day, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen went to meet the doctor. Su Yuchen had taken an advance appointment from the doctor in her private clinic. 

After wearing their masks, they made their way toward her clinic and entered in.

"Mister Su." The doctor smiled when she saw Su Yuchen. "Missus Su, so glad to finally meet you."

Both Su Yuchen and Xin Mei nodded to her and took their seats opposite to her. Su Yuchen looked at his wife with a defeated expression on his face. From last night, she wasn"t talking with him in her bubbly and chatterbox way. She was kind of ignoring him.

"Mister Su, what brought you here in my clinic?" the doctor asked quite professionally.

"Doctor, my wife thinks that she is pregnant."

"Not possible." The doctor shook her head. Then she looked at Xin Mei. "Missus Su, I hope you are taking the birth control pills regularly."

"I am."

"Then you can"t be pregnant. Those are the best birth control pills."

"But, I am late on my periods and I am feeling dizzy and nauseous. Everyone around me is saying I am pregnant. I tried a pregnancy kit and it also was positive." Xin Mei spoke with stubbornness.

"Pregnancy test kits can be wrong sometimes, missus Su. Still, for your satisfaction, I will do a test with you. Follow after me."

The doctor stood up from her seat and motioned Xin Mei to follow her toward a room attached with her clinic. There she did some tests on Xin Mei. After tests, they returned to the clinic and Xin Mei took her seat beside Su Yuchen.

"Missus Su, as I have predicted. You are not pregnant."

"What?" Xin Mei asked with shock. "But…How…I…"

She looked at Su Yuchen and he was looking at her with raised brows. "Wifey, didn"t I tell you the pills are the safest ones. You can"t be pregnant. Still, you were accusing me, not talking with me and were punching me. Is this your trust on me?"

Xin Mei gave him a silly smile and scratched her head. "I am sorry hubby. I became scared to see the positive test. Please forgive me."

Xin Mei pinched her ears and looked at him with a guilty smile. Su Yuchen narrowed his eyes but soon a smile left from his lips.

He couldn"t stay angry with his cute wife.

Xin Mei also smiled that Su Yuchen wasn"t angry with her for her accusation.

Later, Su Yuchen took Xin Mei to another hospital to check why she was feeling dizzy and sick. The doctor informed that it was all because of stress and changing of weather.

Once satisfied, they made their back journey home. They were on their way to home when they received a phone call from Su Zixin.

"Brother Help…fire…fire…house at fire….save me…please save me."

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