Xin Mei and Su Yuchen both came out from the clinic of obstetrician after thanking her. Xin Mei was satisfied that she wasn"t pregnant. She was also guilty for accusing Su Yuchen.

"Hubby, are you sure you are no longer angry on me?" she took a hold of his hand and pouted. "I trusted you but it was Su Zixin who filled my mind that you want to knock me out so you can tie me down as your housewife."

"I am not angry with you. But from now on, you have to trust me." Su Yuchen lovingly pocked her nose. "I will never cheat or deceive you. Together, we will make an important decision like a baby. Ok?"

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him. "Hubby, do you want to have a baby? I mean, what would have been your reaction if I was really pregnant?"

"I do want a lot of babies with you. I want to have a big family with you. However, I will not force you. You are still young and not ready for babies." He patted on her head. "Now stop thinking about babies. Concentrate on your career and stop believing in the words of Zixin, he loves to spread rumours."

Xin Mei nodded her head and promised herself that she would not trust that Su Zixin.

After obstetrician, Su Yuchen took Xin Mei to the city hospital to have her check-up. He could not forget that Xin Mei tried a pregnancy test in the first place because she was feeling dizzy and sick.

"Hubby, we don"t need to visit the hospital. I am sure I was feeling dizzy because of stress and tiredness." She protested but was shut off by the glare of Su Yuchen.

"I can"t take a risk. Not a long ago, you have recovered from the injuries of the accident. What if you have suffered some serious injury about which we are not aware of?" Su Yuchen asked her with worry and concern.

Xin Mei knew it was nothing like that, but for his satisfaction, she went to the hospital with him. 

In the hospital, much to the surprise of Xin Mei, Su Yuchen asked for a full-body test of her.

"I don"t…"

"Wifey, let me do whatever I want to do." Su Yuchen cut her off.

Xin Mei sighed and followed her husband. Her husband, whose cares about her was over a certain limit. There was no need for the full-body test but still...…..Sigh!

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen came out from the hospital where Su Yuchen was fully satisfied but Xin Mei was feeling h.e.l.l tired and pain in some parts of her body. She didn"t need a full-body test but her husband…Arghh!

As she had expected, doctors told to her that it was stress, nothing to worry about. They asked her to have some rest and eat some fruits and fresh vegetables.

They were on their way towards their home when Xin Mei received a call from Gu Nan. "Girl, are you pregnant?" she asked without beating around the bushes.

"Nah, what about you?"

"Luckily, I am also not pregnant." Gu Nan took a deep breath. "He Ye was dissatisfied but I am feeling relaxed. Now I don"t need to worry about our marriage, at least not for now."

Both friends talked for sometime before Gu Nan hung up the phone.

"So your friend is pregnant?" Su Yuchen asked.

"Nah, it was a false alarm." Xin Mei chuckled. 

"Fates of both of you are so similar." He smiled and patted on her head.

He was driving the car when his mobile rang with a call of Su Zixin. He answered the call via inbuilt Bluetooth of car.

"Brother Help…fire…fire…house at fire….save me…please save me."

They heard the high squeal of Su Zixin, the moment Su Yuchen picked up his call. "Brother…fire…"

"Su Zixin, what happened? Tell me." Su Yuchen yelled. His voice was filled with worry and concern.

"Fire brother, please help...heeelllpppp." They heard his loud howl before the line went dead.

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen both looked at each other with concern.

Su Yuchen immediately turned the car and made his way towards the apartment of Su Zixin. They also called Huang Chu to send a force to rescue Su Zixin.

"Hubby, don"t worry about Su Zixin. You know he is a big drama queen. I am sure he had made a small sparkle into a big fire." Xin Mei tried to console Su Yuchen.

She placed her hand on his stiff bicep. She looked at his white knuckles, which were holding tight on the steering wheel.

Su Yuchen drove the car at a fast speed and reached the apartment of Su Zixin. They could see a large crowd of fans and media surrounding the apartment gate. They also saw fire trucks and a team to diploid the fire.

Eyes of Xin Mei went wide with fear when she saw smoke coming out from the building of Su Zixin. 

Holy, moly, it was a big fire!

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