"Brother, how can you ask me to visit Su residence?" Su Zixin spoke. He was acting dizzy on the back car seat.

"You know grandpa. He will kill me if he gets to know I dared to stay in his love nest. Please don"t torture your little brother like this. Please do some mercy on your little brother." He pleaded. 

Xin Mei frowned when she heard Su Zixin. Why was he so afraid of living in Su residence?

Su Yuchen understood the confusion, which was running in the mind of Xin Mei. So replied, "Su Zixin treats grandma as his girlfriend which irks grandpa. Therefore, whenever Zixin visits at his love nest, his house, he treats Su Zixin as his house cleaner. Su Zixin is forced to clean his office, wash his clothes and tend his garden."

"Last time, he asked me to clean his bulldog. Like really? His dangerous bulldog. You remember the scratches which I had got, not a long back. They were given to me by the same bulldog." Su Zixin groaned and Xin Mei chuckled.

Who didn"t know about the famous scratches on the neck of Chen Bai? They were the hot topic, not a year back.

"So if not Su residence, where should I drop you?" Su Yuchen rolled his eyes.

"Didn"t I ask you to take me to your house? Do you have some problem?" Su Zixin groaned.

"Yes, I have. You are my problem. I don"t want a third party in my love nest." Su Yuchen replied with strict voice.

"Please brother, don"t be like this. I promise I will not be a problem for you. Take me to your home. If not your home, where will I stay? If I will stay at your home, I will eat properly. It"s also close to my sets. Your house is the best place for me to stay in."

Su Yuchen looked at his brother whose eyes were filled with determination to stay at his house. For once, he also thought to let Su Zixin stay at his place. By this way, at least he would have food to its fill.

"Xiao Mei, please convince brother to let me stay with you. If I will stay with you then we both can play games whenever we want. I will do whatever you will ask me to do. I will not play any pranks to you, I promise. You are my sweet sister in law. Please let me stay at your home."

Su Yuchen rolled his eyes when he saw Su Zixin. "You always wanted to stay at my home, didn"t you? I doubt, you burnt your house only to stay at my home."

"It isn"t like that brother." Su Zixin fake gasped.

"Stop acting, Su Zixin." Su Yuchen scolded. "You can stay at my house. However, mind you, I will act worse than grandpa if you dared to flirt with my wife. Also, you should start searching for a new house."

"Got you, brother. I swear I will not flirt with sister in law." Su Zixin took an oath with honesty in his eyes. Mischievousness could be also seen in his eyes, which made Xin Mei chuckle.

They reached the home where Su Yuchen helped Su Zixin in settling down in his room. Su Yuchen also informed him that by next day, his luggage, which was still safe, would be transferred to his room.

After that, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei cooked dinner, which Su Zixin had like a caveman.

"What? Don"t look at me like this. I am hungry from the morning. Fire incident had added more to my hunger." Su Zixin acted coolly and finished half of the food, which was cooked by Su Yuchen and Xin Mei.

They chuckled when they heard him.

"By the way, brother, do you know you are going to be a father?" Su Zixin grinned and the next second, an oomph left his lips when Xin Mei threw a spoon on his head.

"I have warned you to not spread the fake rumours." She glared at him. "I am not pregnant. I already have my check-up done. So stop talking rubbish. And if you ever talked anything rubbish again, then I will not think twice before kicking you out of my house." She warned in a serious voice.

"Nah, you can"t kick me out of my brother"s….." he trailed when he saw the look, his brother was giving to him.

"Hash, my brother has become a puppet on the fingers of Xiao Mei. He would also not think twice before kicking me out if Xin Mei asked him to do so. Ah! Poor me."

"Ok, I will follow your orders sister in law." He raised his hands in surrender. "Now stop looking at me like this. You are scaring me."

He looked at Su Yuchen with scared expressions on his face.

After dinner, everyone made their way towards their respective rooms. 

In his room, Su Zixin comfortably laid down on the bed. He also posted a post on Weibo that he was all fit and fine. The fire hadn"t affected him and he was now staying at his another property. He also posted a fresh photo to satisfy his fans.

In the room of lovebirds

Su Yuchen took his shower first followed by Xin Mei. When she was taking the shower, she felt something wet in between her thighs.

A sigh left her lips when she realized that she was on her periods. 

After changing in her nightdress and wearing sanitary napkins, she came out from the bathroom, only to be cornered by Su Yuchen.

"Oh wifey, I have missed you so much." Su Yuchen started to kiss her. "Last night, you didn"t let me touch you. So I will do it twice, ok?" he looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"You can"t do it even once." Xin Mei chuckled. "My best friend has arrived."

The face of Su Yuchen dropped when he heard her. Horror appeared on his face when he heard Xin Mei. Xin Mei chuckled hard when she saw the expression on his face.

"Oh my poor hubby, you need another cold shower to calm down your friend." She teasingly touched his lower part and winked.

"Xin Mei…." 

He gnashed his teeth and looked at Xin Mei. She waltzed toward her bed and took her seat on her side of the bed. She covered herself with a blanket until her neck and looked at Su Yuchen who was still standing at his earlier position.

"Hubby, why are you standing here like this? Go, go have your shower." She teased.

"You….get done with your periods wife. Then I am not going to leave you."

A s.h.i.+ver went by her spine when she heard the threat in his voice. She gulped with antic.i.p.ation waiting to know what her husband would do once she was over her periods.

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