Next day, When Su Zixin arrived at the sets; he was immediately crowded by media who wanted to know about the incident in his apartment.

Song Zhang and guards of Su Zixin stopped the media outside the studio and helped Su Zixin in going inside the studio. Once he was inside, Song Zhang smartly tackled the media.

After some time, Xin Mei also arrived at the sets. She was glad that no one had caught her presence in the car of Su Yuchen, the last day.

She was quickly making her way toward her changing room when her way was cut off by Zhou Mingyu. Xin Mei groaned when she saw Zhou Mingyu.

"My day was going so good so far but now she had to destroy my day with her presence." She muttered under her breath.

She tried to step past Zhou Mingyu but was again stopped by her.

"We have to talk." Zhou Mingyu wrapped her arms around her chest in an authoritative manner. 

"There is nothing to talk in between us, senior Zhou. Now please excuse me. I will get late for the shoot." With att.i.tude, Xin Mei again stepped beside her when Zhou Mingyu stopped her from her shoulders.

"Don"t show me this att.i.tude, Xin Mei." Zhou Mingyu gritted her teeth. "You are still not a big star in comparison to me."

"Oh really?" Xin Mei blinked her eyes, once and twice. "On the sets of revenge, everyone thinks me as a big star in comparison to you. And as far as my knowledge goes, TingTing has already received many proposals for the films in which earlier directors were recommending you, doesn"t all this makes me a big star than you?"

Xin Mei smiled broadly and looked at Zhou Mingyu. "Senior Zhou, you have done the biggest mistake of your life by cheating me, by cheating on our pure friends.h.i.+p. And after that again you have done the biggest mistake by scheming the accident of my fall from the swing and planning to put all the blame on my a.s.sistant."

Zhou Mingyu froze when she heard her. "…" she stuttered. 

"Zhou Mingyu, I am quite but it doesn"t mean I don"t know anything. I know everything. I know about all the black deeds, which are done by you. I am only waiting for the right time when I will disclose you slowly, very slowly." Xin Mei looked at her with sharp eyes as of predator.

"You are proud of your fame, your money, fan base, etc., etc…I will s.n.a.t.c.h everything from you. With your own eyes, you will watch everything going out from your own hands and that"s my promise." 

With determination in her eyes, Xin Mei looked at Zhou Mingyu. She removed the hand of Zhou Mingyu, which was still on her shoulder. She b.u.mped her shoulder with Zhou Mingyu and made her way towards her room.

"What is Zhou Mingyu doing on the sets?" Xin Mei asked to Fang Lin.

"She is called here to film a scene with you. Director Zhang wanted to cut that scene but that scene is very important for the movie. So she was called in."

Xin Mei nodded her head and took the script from the hand of Fang Lin. While she was reading her script, her hair and makeup artist did her hairs and makeup.

When she came out, she found everyone was waiting for her. She apologized and walked on the sets, to film the scene.

"Xin Mei, I hope you are prepared for the scene." Director Zhang asked her with politeness.

"Yes, director."

"Zhou Mingyu, I hope you have practiced your scenes. You are to push Xin Mei gently. Dare of you if you pushed her for real and in a harsh manner." Director Zhang warned Zhou Mingyu. The threat could be seen in his eyes.

"Don"t worry director; I will remember that this is acting."

Director nodded his head and asked everyone to take their position. 

Today, the scene was a confrontation scene in between Chunhua and Ruyi where Ruyi was challenging Chunhua that she would s.n.a.t.c.h everything from her. Ruyi was blaming Chunhua for s.n.a.t.c.hing her innocence and goodness from her heart.

During the filming, like usual Xin Mei acted very strongly, which troubled Zhou Mingyu a lot. She tried her best to act strong but she was always lagging, which resulted in many scolding from director Zhang.

"Zhou Mingyu, focus on your scene. Don"t look here and there." Director warned.

Zhou Mingyu gritted her teeth and looked at Xin Mei. In her anger, she spoke her dialogue with full power. For the first time, her acting seamed powerful like Xin Mei. "Ruyi, how dare of you to call me unfaithful to my emperor? You are a wh*re. Leave my palace and me alone."

Next second, she raised her hands and pushed Ruyi in her frustration. Emperor Jun was ready to catch Ruyi in his arm but he failed because the push by Zhou Mingyu was very strong.

And as a result, Xin Mei fell down on the ground of set, her head collided with a table and blood started to pour out of her mouth.

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