When Xin Mei reached home, she was feeling all keyed up. In her excitement, she decided to cook a lavish dinner for her husband and Su Zixin. Moreover, she had purchased lots of vegetables!

When Su Yuchen returned home, he was greeted by the mouth-watering aroma which was surrounded the house. His taste buds became alive and he could feel saliva rolling on his tongue.

"Am…hmmm…wife, what are you cooking? I can feel mices in my stomach ready to eat whatever mouth-watering you have cooked."

Su Yuchen entered the kitchen and looked at Xin Mei. An expression of excitement was there on his face. Oh, how much he loved to eat the food cooked from the hand of his wife.

"I have cooked some vegetables. I am sure you will like them. Now go and get changed. Meanwhile, I will serve the dinner on the table."

Su Yuchen nodded his head and rushed towards his room. He quickly changed his dress. He was feeling hungry after smelling the mouth-watering food cooked by Xin Mei.

When he arrived at the dining table, Xin Mei had already served the food and Zixin was sitting on his regular seat. He had not changed his dress and was looking at the food with drool rolling down his mouth.

Su Yuchen rolled his eyes when he saw Su Zixin. He took his seat and looked at the multiple dishes on the table.

"Wifey, is something special today that you have prepared such a special and delicious  feast?" 

"Nothing is special today," Xin Mei took the bowl from his plate and started to serve him vegetables. A teasing smile appeared on her lips.

"I have decided, from now on, I will feed you a lot of food. I want you to gain weight. I love a fat husband."

Su Yuchen raised a brow when he heard her. "Wifey, as far as I remember, you had put forth a condition for me to not get fat. Then why this sudden change of mind?"

"It"s a random thought." Xin Mei shrugged. She would never tell him that she wanted him to get fat so less and fewer girls would look at him. She did not want to become the target of his teasing.

"Wifey, you don"t need to work hard because I will never get fat." Su Yuchen dismissed her thoughts with a smirk on his lips. "I have already doubled my workout session to maintain my body. I cannot get fat."

"Really?" Xin Mei blinked her eyes a multiple time. She placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand. "But I think you have already started to gain weight. Your waist length has also increased."

"What?" Su Yuchen stood up from the chair in a shock. He lifted his s.h.i.+rt and started to look at his waist-length with wide eyes. "I don"t think I have turned fat. Zixin, do you think I have turned fat?"

Xin Mei and Su Zixin both bit on their lips to control their laughs. The expression on the face of Su Yuchen was worth watching.

"Brother, Xiao Mei is teasing you." Su Zixin chuckled and placed his hands over his mouth.

Su Yuchen looked at his wife who was also chuckling.

"You…" Su Yuchen grunted. He pulled down his s.h.i.+rt and took his seat back on his seat before pulling Xin Mei on his lap. "Wifey, you dared to tease me. Now I will not leave you."

And with that, Su Yuchen started to tickle her. 

Su Zixin looked at the couple and gulped. They were so shameless, having their intimate moments in front of his virgin eyes. They both were brazen.

Keeping his eyes away from the laughing couple, Su Zixin quickly filled his plate with some extra food. He silently stood up from his seat and left the dining room. All this while, his head was ducked low.

He could predict what could come next and he did not want to witness it.

He wanted to eat some real food, not some dog food!

 "Hubby, leave me now." Xin Mei chuckled and tried to push Su Yuchen. He tightened his hold on her, not letting her go.

"No, I am not letting you go until you compliment me to my satisfaction." He grinned and looked at her red face.

"Hubby, you are so self-centred person. You love to hear your praises from my mouth. Always tickling me then asking me to praise you. This is not done." She complained in-between her laughs. By now, she was breathing very hard.

"Yes, I am self-centred, so what?" Su Yuchen shrugged. "Now stop wasting time and start praising me. My ears are waiting to hear praises from your mouth."

Xin Mei pouted and started to praise him. Su Yuchen stopped tickling her when he saw with how much sincerity she was praising him. 

He so loved to hear compliments from her mouth. He liked it when she called him handsome and s.e.xy. 

After hearing praises from her, Su Yuchen also did not lag behind in singing poems in her compliments. Lately, he was reading a lot of poems and he didn"t leg behind in reciting one poem in praise of his wife.

 My love for you is unconditional,

I love you for this life and many more lives to come.

I promise to always protect you,

I will cherish you and love you for many more lives to come.

I want to have a big family with you,

You and with you only,

In this life and many lives to come.

"Hubby, I never thought you are a poet." Xin Mei smiled amusingly when she heard Su Yuchen. Her cheeks were also pink after hearing such a pa.s.sion-filled poem from her husband.

Su Yuchen smiled and caressed her cheeks. "I am not a poet wife. I read it somewhere and I thought it suits you perfectly. So, I recited it to you."

His voice was so deep and full of pa.s.sion that Xin Mei blushed. She shook her head. "Hubby, now we should complete our dinner. I cannot let it go waste. I have cooked it with a lot of effort."

And with that, Xin Mei started to feed dinner to him. Poem sung by Su Yuchen was ringing in her ears which made her cheeks red from time to time.

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