Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were having their dinner when Su Yuchen received a message on his mobile. Immediately, his expression turned grim and sadness appeared in his eyes.

"What happened husband?" Xin Mei asked with concern on noticing the sudden change in his expressions.

"Wifey," he sighed and tightened his grip around her waist. "From last few days, my manufacturing unit in country S is facing some problems. I thought my staff there said that they could solve the problem but they could not."


"So, I have to leave for the country S by tomorrow morning." Su Yuchen ma.s.saged his forehead and then he looked at Xin Mei. "Truthfully wifey, I don"t want to go but I have to." He sighed.

Su Yuchen placed his head on her shoulder. He breathed hard in her fragrance. He had become so habitual to her presence in his life that he wanted to stay with her. he did not want to go anywhere leaving her at home.

"For how long will you be gone?" Xin Mei asked, her voice was also heavy and full of sadness. She did not want him to go but she knew the problem must be very serious that he had to go.

"For a week or more, I don"t know."

The grip of Xin Mei on the shoulder of Su Yuchen tightened when she heard him. She did not think that he would be gone for one week…. whole one week!

How could she spend one week without his presence? She would miss him very badly. She had become so habitual to his presence.

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei both kept hugging one another in silence. Their hearts were heavy with the upcoming separation. How would they spend so many days away from one another?

"Wifey, I don"t want to go but I have to." Su Yuchen cupped her face and looked at her with sad eyes. It seemed as if he would cry the very next second.

"I will miss you." Heart of Xin Mei was very heavy. She did not know why but a very depressing feeling settled in her heart upon hearing he was going to be away from her for some time.

"Wifey, let me touch you again. For the whole night, I want to make love to you." He pleaded and at the same time, he started to open her s.h.i.+rt b.u.t.tons. 

"Hubby, not here. What if Zixin barged into the dining room?"

"He will not dare to. Now do not disturb me. Let me love my wife to my satisfaction."

At the same moment, Su Zixin had made his way towards the dining room, to add some more vegetables on his plate. He had placed his hand on the handle of the door when he heard the loud moans of Xin Mei.

His eyes became wide and he jumped back in fear. He placed his hand over his fast-beating heart.

He had just avoided his sudden death!

He knew he would have been dead if he had dared to walk upon his brother and Xiao Mei.

"Thank G.o.d, you saved me." He sent a quick prayer to the G.o.d.

Forgetting that he was still hungry, he rushed back to the living room. He switched on the television and played a random channel at the top volume to avoid the noise of Su Yuchen and Xin Mei which he would be able to hear soon enough.

Inside the dinning room, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were lost in the warmth of one another. They were kissing one another deeply and wildly.

Hands of Xin Mei were settled on the shoulders of Su Yuchen, where his one hand was knotted in her hair and other rested on her b.u.t.ts.

"You are so beautiful. How am I going to spend the next week without seeing your beautiful face?"

Voice of Su Yuchen was hoa.r.s.e. He looked at Xin Mei with dark, love filled eyes. He trailed his index finger on her face, neck, shoulder and then cleavage.

"I love you so f*cking much." He groaned and again kissed her.

Xin Mei moaned when his hand squeezed hard on her b.u.t.ts, pulling her close. She could feel his hardness from his pants and her breath hitched in her throat.

Xin Mei trailed her hands on his bare back before they rested on his waist. She scratched his waist with her fingers and ran her fingers around his belt. She placed her hand on his buckle and unlocked it.

"Are we in hurry, aren"t we?" Su Yuchen teased upon seeing the urgency in her hand movements.

"You dare to tease me?" Xin Mei glared at him and poked his chest. "Go away, I am not letting you touch me or make love to me."

Xin Mei was about to stand up when Su Yuchen pulled her back. A chuckle left his mouth. 

"More than you, I am in a hurry to make love with you. I want to make tonight unforgettable." Su Yuchen licked her ear and gently bit on her ear lobe. He was well aware that it was her weak spot.

Xin Mei moaned and placed her hands on his shoulders. 

"You are so beautiful." Su Yuchen trailed kisses all over her cheek and took her lips in his. In the meantime, he removed his pants and last piece of clothing, making himself free.

He made Xin Mei climb over himself and soon the dinning room was filled with pleasure filled, loud moans and groans. 

Two souls were loving each other, preparing themselves for the short separation which they were going to face soon.

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