When Xin Mei and Su Yuchen came out of the dining room, Su Zixin was still sitting in the living room and his eyes were glued to the television screen. He didn"t dare to look at his brother and Xin Mei.

With a single glance at them, anyone could say what they had done not just a minute ago. The s.h.i.+rt b.u.t.tons of Su Yuchen were not closed properly. His hair was a complete mess and lipstick marks were also visible on his lips, cheeks, chin and all over his face.

Condition of Xin Mei was no less than that of Su Yuchen. Her hair was completely out of its place. Some of her hair was falling on her chest where some was flying in the air. Her lipstick was smudged all over her lips and her dress was also crushed.

"Do you want something from me, brother?" Su Zixin asked to Su Yuchen. His eyes were downcasted all this while. Thou, he wanted to tease the couple very much but he remembered the warning of getting kicked out from their home last day.

"Zixin, I want to give you my card. Here take this."

Su Yuchen pulled out his debit card and placed it in front of Su Zixin. Eyes of Su Zixin widened when he saw the card. Was his brother becoming lenient to him? Was this card giving to him to thank him that he didn"t disturb their love session?

With an eager and happy smile on his lips, Su Zixin took the card. He looked at the card with s.h.i.+ne filled in his eyes.

"Thanks for this card brother."

"Don"t be so happy, Su Zixin." Su Yuchen rebuked. "This card is not for your expenses. I am giving this card to you so that you can use this during the auction for charity. I am going out so I will not be able to attend the ball for charity but you will be attending it with Xin Mei in my place, and you will be purchasing the stuff which was ordered by me."

Su Zixin sighed when he heard his brother. Why did he think that his brother had become lenient to him? He accepted the card and securely placed it in his pocket.

"Brother, can I buy my vintage car using this......"


Su Zixin huffed when he heard the cruel reply of his brother. For once, he had thought that his brother would let him buy the vintage car.

"Zixin, I will keep my eyes on the account of this card. So, dare of you to use it for some other purpose other than the auction. Got it?"

Su Zixin sadly nodded his head. Then he watched the couple leaving for their room. He sighed when he saw how lovingly Su Yuchen was towards Xin Mei but to him he was...….

"Brother, why have you become so cruel to me after getting married? Have you given my portion of love to your wife Xin Mei?" He groaned sadly and sunk on the couch.

Later that night, Xin Mei had the worst dream of her life, it was much worser than the one which she had seen during her coma.

In her dream, she saw that Su Yuchen was in an accident. His whole body was covered with blood. He was calling for help but there was no one to help him.

"Su Yuchen," Xin Mei loudly called for his name and woke up from her sleep. She frantically looked around herself to find Su Yuchen. He suddenly woke up from his sleep when he heard the scream from Xin Mei. He was looking at her with worry-filled eyes.

"What happened, love?" he asked tenderly and cupped her cheeks. He removed her tears with the pad of his thumb.

"Hubby, please don"t go to country S, please don"t go." With desperation, she looked at Su Yuchen before hugging him tightly. "I am not letting you go anywhere. You are not going to country S."

Heart of Su Yuchen clenched in his chest when he looked at the poor condition of Xin Mei. He could also hear her soft sobs.

"Hubby, I saw a bad dream…I saw blood…. you…" she said in a throaty voice. Her words were also not clear. "I will not let you go…I…no…"

"Love, ahh, stop crying…it was a dream…don"t think about it." Su Yuchen started to rub her back while murmuring sweet nothings into her ears. He pulled her on to his lap and started to rock her body, to make her sleep.

"Don"t leave hubby…do not go…please…don"t go…" she kept murmuring before falling asleep.

Su Yuchen sighed and looked at Xin Mei. He called Huang Chu and asked him to delay their flight. Earlier, he had planned to leave as early as possible early in the morning but now after looking at the condition of Xin Mei, it was better to delay his flight.

"Hubby…Su Yuchen…Yuchen…Chen…Su Yuchen…." Xin Mei called for Su Yuchen in an anxious voice. She could still remember flashes of the accident that happened to Su Yuchen in her dream which made her heart shook with fear.

"Love." Su Yuchen tenderly called her name and walked towards her. He took his seat beside her and placed a breakfast plate on the bedside table.

"What happened wife? Why are you being so anxious at a stupid dream? Nothing will happen to me. G.o.d is very gracious towards me. He would not kill me so soon. So, don"t worry."

Su Yuchen tucked back her hair and started to caress her cheeks.

"You don"t know the reason for my worry. Sometimes, my dreams can come true. I have seen some dreams during my coma and they were nearly true. I can"t let another dream come true. Please don"t leave for country S, please."

"What did you see in your dream?" he asked gently and placed his hand on her cheeks. Xin Mei gripped his hand in hers before reciting the dream to him.

"So, you mean, I will have a car accident. But how can you say that it will happen only in country S? What if it happens if I stayed back at City A?" Su Yuchen contradicted her dream. "Moreover, I will be taking a full team of the guards with me. They will be beside me all the time and to make you worriless, and I will not travel in a black car. I will do my traveling in white cars only. So, don"t be anxious."

Xin Mei tried to protest, she tried her best to stop Su Yuchen but he wasn"t the one to hear her out. It was very important for him to visit the country S. It was about the future of ten thousand employees who were working under him.

With heavy heart, Xin Mei sent him to country S. She had also placed many conditions in front of him before going to country S.

"Hubby, you are not allowed to travel in a black car." Because it was a black car in which Su Yuchen had the accident in her dream.

"Speed of your car should not be more than sixty miles per hour."

"You will not drive the car by yourself but you will let Huang Chu or someone else to drove it." Because in her dream, Su Yuchen was all alone during the accident. He was the one who driving the car.

"You will not be alone for even a second. You will always keep Huang Chu at your side."

She had also instructed the same to Huang Chu. He had promised to her that he would protect his boss.

Xin Mei was still feeling anxious at her heart but still, she bid adieu to Su Yuchen. She couldn"t stop him because of her dream. She knew it was important for him to visit country S. Otherwise, he wouldn"t have gone there.

Before leaving, Su Yuchen also instructed Su Zixin to look after his wife. He ordered Su Zixin to not do anything which could make Xin Mei worry in any way.

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