The next day was the last day of their second last schedule of Revenge. After this schedule, director Zhang would officially start the shooting of war scenes. He had already talked with the experts who would help him with the visual effects in the war scenes.

"Cut, again excellent performance." Director Zhang happily clapped his hands and looked at Xin Mei, Tang Min and Chen Bai who bowed in front of him.

"Three of you, keep it up. Now I will see you after a break of one month."

Director Zhang gave them a break of one month before he would start the filming of war scenes on a very different set.

After bidding adieu to director Zhang and other cast and crew members, Xin Mei received a message from an unknown number when she came out of the sets,. She frowned when she saw the message before glaring at Su Zixin.

"You…you again started with your prank of being my Romeo." She accused him where Su Zixin looked at her with a clueless expression on his face because he had no idea about what Xin Mei was talking about.

"What are you talking about Xin Mei?"

"Stop acting like a clueless innocent person, Didn"t you send me this message?"

Xin Mei placed her mobile screen in front of his face. Su Zixin read her message before laughing hard.

The message read, "Roses are red, violets are blue, oh my Xin Mei, I love you."

"Xin Mei, why do you think that I will send such a poem to you? This poem does not stand up to my standards."

"So, who could have sent me this message, if not you?" she frowned.

"Anyone can send you the message, now you are a big star."

"But still…" Xin Mei frowned. She again got those Gooseb.u.mps raising feelings on her body when she read the message.

"Don"t be so nervous about this single message from a single admirer. You will faint if you will read the messages on my mobile which I receive on daily basis."

And with that, Su Zixin opened the messages on his mobile and gave his mobile to Xin Mei. She was more than shocked when she saw more than a thousand of messages from unknown numbers on his mobile. The content of those messages were more shocking for her.

"Husband save me. Some gangster is following me. Only my super-duper-man (one of his character name) can save me."

"Husband, I love you. If you didn"t reply to me with "I love you" then I will kill myself."

There were also many poetries in his messages and nude photos of many girls which made Xin Mei blush and frustrated. Sometimes, fans could go very far to get the attention of their favourite star.

"Now you know how bad admirers can be. So, don"t worry about this single message. There are many more to come yet."

Xin Mei sighed and nodded her head.

With that, both made their way back to home. They were completely unaware, that a person was stalking at Xin Mei with admiration filled eyes.

"Xin Mei, now that we are free, and brother is also away, then why don"t we both visit the Gamerz zone?" Su Zixin offered to Xin Mei.

Gamerz zone was one of the best gaming parlous in the city. They released their games which were always a hit in between video game lovers. The games were only available on centres of the Gamerz zone, not anywhere as in the country.

"Why do you want to visit the Gamerz zone? Aren"t you satisfied with the latest PlayStation at home."

"I am, but you know how good the games at Gamerz zone can be? I have heard they have released a new game the last week and it"s the best so far. Why don"t we go there and try this game?"

"Not possible. We are not going there. I don"t want a scandal being caught with you."

"Nothing like this will happen, trust me. We will wear a mask and you know about the entry of the Gamerz zone. No one will catch us. So please come with me…"

Xin Mei was in complete denial to visit the Gamerz zone where Su Zixin eagerly wanted to visit there and he wanted to visit there with his gaming partner.

"Xin Mei please come with me."

"My sweet Xiao Mei, please…. pretty please!."

Su Zixin tried all the ways to pursuit Xin Mei but she didn"t take the name of budging. At last, he used his trump card, "Xin Mei, I have heard that "I_am_the_best" is leading the game. He has already crossed half of the levels."

Xin Mei froze when she heard Su Zixin. "I_am_the_best" was the game id of one of the enemies of Xin Mei in the video game world. Xin Mei hated him to the core and always love to defeat him.

"Zixin, let"s go. We must beat that man. I can"t let him top in even a single game."

Zixin grinned when he heard Xin Mei. Together, in the night, both made their way towards the Gamerz zone. They both were wearing a mask and goggles to hide their ident.i.ty.

They gave their game pa.s.s and entry fees before entering the games room. For the whole night, they kept playing games without any rest.

Both were eager to beat I_am_the_best. After beating his record after playing for eight hours straight, they decided to end the game and they did it in more five hours.

"Finally, I have again finished a game." Xin Mei sighed and stretched her stiff limbs. A groan left from her lips.

They stayed in the video game parlour for some more time before leaving for home.

When they reached home, Xin Mei fell on the bed. She was so tired that she fell asleep within less than a minute.

She slept like a horse completely unaware that the world was already blowing up with the latest gossip about her and Su Zixin.

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