Xin Mei was in a deep sleep when her mobile buzzed on the bedside table. At first, she ignored the call but then it rang again.

She picked up her mobile and looked at the caller id to find it was Su Yuchen. Groggily she opened her eyes and picked up the call.

"h.e.l.lo," her voice was hoa.r.s.e and full of sleepiness. A yawn left from her mouth.

"What happened wifey? Why you were still sleeping till now? It"s already afternoon in the city A." Su Yuchen asked with concern in his voice. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I am alright hubby." She again yawned. "It"s just, I and Zixin played video games for the whole night long. I had fallen asleep only a few hours ago."

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. Why didn"t he expected that Su Zixin and Xin Mei would play video games after getting a break from the filming and especially in his absence?

"You should not play video games for whole night if they are affecting your health."

"It does not affect my health. I am sure that by evening, I will feel all fresh and active again. Now tell me, how are you doing in country S? You are not traveling in a black car, right?"

She asked with concern in her voice. Her heart again sunk when she remembered her dream.

"Wifey, as I promised to you I"m not traveling in a black car, I am traveling in a white car. Huang Chu and my other a.s.sistant, Li Nian are also beside me all the time. So, don"t worry. Your husband will come back to you without any harm."

Xin Mei sighed when she heard Su Yuchen. He was already taking precautions. So, maybe her dream would not come true.

"Now wifey, you should go back to your sleep. I will call you later at night. Ok?"


Xin Mei hummed and hung up the call. She also silenced her phone because she didn"t want to get disturbed due to another phone call from anyone.

Later in the evening, Xin Mei woke up due to the grumbling of her stomach. She made her way towards the kitchen and found Zixin. He was searching through the cabinets to find something eatable.

"Oh, thank G.o.d Xin Mei you are up. Can you cook something for me? I am d.a.m.n hungry."

"Same here." She nodded to him and cooked instant noodles for herself and Su Zixin.

Once their dinner was ready, they had it like hungry animals. They both were d.a.m.n hungry because both hadn"t eaten anything for nearly twenty-four hours.

After her dinner, Xin Mei returned to her room and picked up her mobile. Her eyes became wide when she saw a total of 146 missed calls and 98 messages. Most of them were from TingTing, some from Gu Nan and few from He Ye.

She quickly dialled the number of TingTing. TingTing also picked up her call in within the first ring.

"Xin Mei, where the h.e.l.l are you?" TingTing yelled in frustration. "Do you have any idea about the gossip which is circulating about you and Chen Bai? From the morning, I am trying to contact you, but you are not answering my calls."

Xin Mei became alert when she heard the anger-filled voice of TingTing. There was also worry in her voice.

"What happened?"

"I will tell you that face to face. Come to my office right now. And if possible, try to contact Chen Bai. He is also missing like you."

"I am coming."

After hanging up on TingTing, Xin Mei rushed towards the room of Su Zixin. He was also coming out of his room at the same time. His face was filled with anxiousness and worry.

"Xiao Mei, something big had happened. I received a call from Song Zhang and he sounded very angry with me. He had called us both to the office of TingTing."

"I know, I just received a call from TingTing."

In a hurry, both left the global residency. Their cars leaving one after the other. They were anxiously driving toward the Su corporation completely unaware that someone had clicked the photo of their cars.

Su Zixin and Xin Mei entered inside the office of TingTing at a same time.

"What happened?"

Both anxiously asked once they were inside the small office of TingTing.

Song Zhang and TingTing both looked at them and shook their heads. They were here at the same time. Did that mean the news surfing about them was the truth?

"Xin Mei, where were you last night?" TingTing asked with disappointment.

Xin Mei froze when she heard TingTing. She didn"t want to tell her the truth that she played a video game the last night, so she lied.

"I was at home, sleeping. Why?"

"Xin Mei, I am your manager and you should not lie to me. Now try again, where were you last night?"

Xin Mei scratched her head when she heard the accusation in the voice of TingTing. She knew TingTing had an idea that she had spent last night while playing video games with Su Zixin.

"Last night, I and Chen Bai were playing video games at Gamerz zone."

"Xin Mei, I didn"t think that you will be also very careless like Chen Bai. Look what your adventure from last night have done."

And with that, TingTing placed her tablet in front of Xin Mei. Her eyes widened when she saw the content on the screen of the tablet.

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