On the tablet of TingTing was an article about Xin Mei and Chen Bai which was acc.u.mulated by an HD photo of Xin Mei and Chen Bai from the Gamerz zone. Their masks were also off their faces, so anyone could easily identify them.

Both were grinning and sharing a high-five. In the photo, they looked very close to one another.

"One of your fans saw you at the Gamerz zone. He clicked your photo and now it has gone viral. Many people are s.h.i.+pping you together and there are many people who are slandering Xin Mei." TingTing informed to both.

Xin Mei looked at the photo with wide eyes. Last night, she had removed her mask hardly for two minutes. Only two minutes!

How could someone recognize her in those two minutes and click their photo?

"Boss Song, what is the current situation about us?" Su Zixin asked. Worry and anxiousness were visible on his face. It wasn"t a new thing for him that his name got attached to someone, but he didn"t want the same with Xin Mei.

He didn"t want Xin Mei to get slandered by his crazy fans or crazy haters.

"Chen Bai, in the last twelve hours, your photo has gone viral. Everyone is talking about both of you. The trending topics of the web are "We love Chen Mei" and "Xin Mei leave our Chen Bai alone." Everyone has a mixed reaction for the photo."

Song Zhang pa.s.sed his mobile to Su Zixin. Su Zixin looked at the articles with a frown on his face.

"Currently, there are two types of situations. A group of people are supporting you and Xin Mei. They are s.h.i.+pping you together and there is another group who is completely against Xin Mei. It includes your loyal fans and the fans of Chang Xinyi."

Chang Xinyi was the ex of Chen Bai. She was his girlfriend during the period when Xin Mei had become his temporary manager. Chen Bai had a break up with Chang Xinyi because of some other reasons but Chang Xinyi always believed that it was Xin Mei who came in between them.

Su Zixin and Xin Mei looked at the articles and with each pa.s.sing article, they became gloomy especially Xin Mei. She never thought such a scandal would ever attach to her name. Her heart sunk when she read each article.

There were many articles about both. In many articles, their fans had praised their pair. Many fans had also wished for both to get married and have beautiful kids. In many articles, loyal fans of Chen Bai were slandering her. They called her an evil woman who was with Chen Bai for his fame and money.

They had used many censored words for Xin Mei which made Su Zixin angrier than Xin Mei. Loyal fans of Chang Xinyi were also slandering Xin Mei.

They called her a home breaker who had s.n.a.t.c.hed Chen Bai from Chang Xinyi. They had used many curses and abusive words for her.

On the whole, everyone believed that Xin Mei and Chen Bai were a couple which was not good for Xin Mei. She was married women for G.o.d sake. She couldn"t have such a scandal at her name, marriage was publically announced or not, she did not care.

"What should we do now?" Su Zixin asked with worry and looked at Xin Mei. She looked comparatively pale.

"In my opinion, for some time both of you should stay low. Fans of Chang Xinyi are creating chaos. So, it will be no good for both of you to come in front of them. Meanwhile, I and senior Song will try to control the situation as much as we can. Chen Bai, you know your fans are smart and they know how to find loopholes in our PR."

Su Zixin nodded his head and then looked at Xin Mei. "Come, Xin Mei, I will drop you at your home. You don"t look good after hearing about this scandal."

Su Zixin pulled Xin Mei out of the office of TingTing and towards the elevator. TingTing and Song Zhang again looked at their back, thinking if they were really a couple.

"At least, one thing is good in this scandal, everyone is s.h.i.+pping Chen Mei which means they are s.h.i.+pping you and brother." Su Zixin tried to joke to lighten the mood, but Xin Mei glared at him.

"This all is your mistake. I had denied visiting the Gamerz zone, but you were not ready to listen to me and now see what has happened? Now how am I going to answer Su Yuchen and my family?"

She glared at Su Zixin. Nervousness filled in her heart. She just hoped Su Yuchen would not believe all these baseless rumours about her and Su Zixin.

"Don"t worry about brother. He is a practical man and he knows us. He will not doubt you."

Su Zixin was about to say something when Xin Mei glared at him.

When they came out from the elevator and then from the building, they were greeted by the crazy fans protesting against Xin Mei. Many fans also dared to threw eggs and tomato in her direction.

It was late at night but still, they were actively protesting.

"Leave our Chen Bai, you witch."

"Chen Bai don"t get attracted to her. She is an evil woman who is using you to get fame. Soon, she will break your innocent heart."

"Xin Mei, go away. Leave this film industry and this world."

Many reporters were also present there, who wanted to get some gossips about the relations.h.i.+p between Chen Bai and Xin Mei.

"Chen Bai, Xin Mei, are you both together and if yes, from how long?"

"Chen Bai, is it true that you broke up with Change Xinyi because of Xin Mei? Were you in a secret relations.h.i.+p with her from a long time?"

"Is it true that Xin Mei got the role of Ruyi because you forced director Zhang to give it to her?"

"Chen Bai…"

"Xin Mei…"

Chen Bai and Xin Mei ignored the fans and reporters. Both made their way towards their cars with the help of guards. They both were feeling slightly dejected with this scandal.

Soon they had to clear this scandal otherwise Su Yuchen would kill them both after returning from the country S.

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