The next day, Xin Mei woke up very late. When she reached the kitchen, she was welcomed by the mouth-watering food cooked by her mother.

"Oh mother, you know how to make my stomach grumble." She praised her mother and started to have her food onto her plate.

He Lin smiled when she saw Xin Mei eating with a full appet.i.te. She was lovingly ma.s.saging her hair and looked at her with gentle eyes.

After breakfast, both mother and daughter decided to watch the old photos to refresh their memories.

"Mother, it"s so bad that all of our photos before my age of ten got burnt in a fire." Xin Mei pouted and looked at the photo alb.u.m which contained all her photos after the age of ten only.

"I so want to see how I and gege looked when we were kids."  

"You and Xin Yan both were very beautiful when kids. I still remember getting a compliment "cute babies" from many known and unknown people."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard her mother.

"I still remember, Jichen gege had asked me to make you debut in the film industry when you were a five-year-old baby."

"Really?" she asked with surprise. "Isn"t it too bad that we can"t remember our childhood memories clearly?"

She pouted and He Lin chuckled.

"I also remember our trip to the city M. You were pouting all the way because I denied you to wear your favourite red skirt for the trip." He Lin teased.

"Mother," Xin Mei groaned when she heard the not so famous incident. "I was only six at that time. I don"t even remember it, but you and father keep teasing me with that incident."

He Lin chuckled and spoke about many embarra.s.sing childhood incidents from the life of Xin Mei, making her embarra.s.sed. They also talked about the embarra.s.sing incident from the life of Xin Yan, which made her chuckle, even though she had listened to them multiple of times.

It was evening when Xin Mei gave farewell to her mother. She made her way back home. She was driving the car when she received a call from Su Yuchen. She switched on the inbuilt Bluetooth of the car and answered his call.

"Yuchen," she smiled. "You are calling me earlier than usual. Don"t tell me you have already arrived in the country."

"It"s nothing like that." Su Yuchen chuckled. "Later, I have a very important meeting. So, I decided to call you now. Busy somewhere?"

"Nah, I am all free." She smiled. She couldn"t let go of this chance to talk with him.

Su Yuchen was coming out from his hotel when talking with her. He smiled when he heard her soft voice from the other side of the phone. Slowly, he was walking on the pathway and was making his way towards the nearby restaurant.

"Mei, do you want me to bring something for you from the country S?" he asked and looked inside a jewellery shop when a pair of earrings caught his attention.

"No need, you are coming back to me is enough for me." Su Yuchen smiled when he heard her. He entered the jewellery shop.

"But still Mei, I should bring something for you. I have heard country S is famous for many types of spices. Should I bring back some for you?"

He placed his hand over the mobile, to avoid Xin Mei from hearing him. He asked the salesgirl to show him the pair of earrings which he had liked.

He looked at the pair and smiled with warm eyes. "Mei will look beautiful in them."

Su Yuchen knew she liked to wear ornaments in her ears. She wasn"t a fan of chains or some other jewellery, but she loved to wear something in her ears. So, he brought diamond studded earrings for her.

He paid for them and secured them in his pocket. He came out of the shop, still talking with Xin Mei. He started to walk on the pathway while enjoying his small chat with his wife.

"Mei, I was thinking, let"s go on a date once I am back. Its long…." however before he could complete, blinding lights came in his direction. A car climbed on the pathway and moved towards Su Yuchen at a fast speed.

"Boss be careful."


"Boss." Loud shrieks could be heard in the silent environment.


Xin Mei heard a loud bang before the call went dead.


Xin Mei pressed hard on the brake and brought the car to a halt. Her heart was beating fast with various thoughts running in her mind.

What happened?

Had she heard the loud yell of Huang Chu and was he asking him to be careful?

Was it an accident?

Heart of Xin Mei started to beat fast at the last thought. Flashes from the dream of last night appeared in the front of her eyes. Her face turned pale and tears filled her eyes.

"No, no, no, it can"t happen…." She mumbled and tried to call him back, but he didn"t receive her call.

She tried Huang Chu, but he also didn"t pick her call. Panic struck in her heart and she started to drive the car in top speed, making her way towards the airport. She didn"t care about any traffic police or anything. She wanted to be beside her husband.

Please, nothing can happen to him.

I have just found him, I can"t lose him now.

I love him, please don"t s.n.a.t.c.h my happiness.

We have a long life ahead!

With tears stuck in her eyes, Xin Mei drove the car.

Fear, nervousness, panic, anxiety…all those emotions stuck her and started to break her insides apart. She was feeling suffocated.

She was so afraid for him that she couldn"t even breath properly. Prayers for the safety of Su Yuchen were leaving her mouth and her hands were s.h.i.+vering.

What if…what if something?

Don"t let any negative thought effect you Xin Mei…nothing will happen to him!

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