Xin Mei didn"t care about her ident.i.ty when she rushed inside the airport. She didn"t care that many people had recognized her and were clicking her photo. What she cared about was that she wanted to reach him asap.

Her fingers were continuously dialling the number of Su Yuchen and Huang Chu both, both were now out of range. She also regretted not taking the number of his other a.s.sistant, Li Nian.

"I want the next flight"s tickets to country S." she inquired at the counter.

"Miss, the next flight to country S will be in the morning. Will it be ok with you?"

The girl at the airport looked at Xin Mei with wary eyes because she was s.h.i.+vering slightly, and tears were continuously flowing down her eyes.

"It"s not ok." Xin Mei cried. "It"s urgent for me to visit country S. Please check if there is a flight within an hour. Please." She pleaded.

"Sorry miss…. But I can"t do anything. There is no flight for next twelve hours." The lady at the ticket counter looked at her with pity.

Xin Mei dejectedly nodded her head and turned around when she caught sight of w.a.n.g Wei and some of her guards who were rus.h.i.+ng towards her.

w.a.n.g Wei was strictly instructed by Su Yuchen to follow Xin Mei, no matter what, especially in his absence.

So, following the order, w.a.n.g Wei was following her when he saw Xin Mei had abruptly stopped the car and then she started to drive the car like manic.

w.a.n.g Wei got panicked and asked the other cars to follow Xin Mei. He also called a backup team when he realized that Xin Mei was driving towards the airport.

"Missus, is something wrong? What are you doing here at the airport?" w.a.n.g Wei asked.

Meanwhile, other guards prepared a human border around them to hide Xin Mei from the public eyes.

Xin Mei broke down when she saw w.a.n.g Wei.

"w.a.n.g Wei…Yuchen….he. Accident…" she sobbed. "Please take me to him…sob. Sob…I want to go to the country S."

"Yes missus, I will take you there."

He didn"t know why Xin Mei wanted to visit country S and she was not in the condition for w.a.n.g Wei to ask her any question or to reject her.

w.a.n.g Wei nodded to his team who helped him and Xin Mei towards the VIP room. There w.a.n.g Wei called to the personal pilot of Su Yuchen to prepare the jet. Luckily, that day one new jet was tested so it was quickly readied for Xin Mei.

w.a.n.g Wei was also tried to call the guards around Su Yuchen, but to his disappointment, no one picked the call.

When Xin Mei was about to climb on the jet, she received a call from Su Zixin. He had seen her photo in the airport which had gone viral.

Xin Mei was in no condition to talk with him in this condition, w.a.n.g Wei answered the call. Now he was aware of the ident.i.ty of Su Zixin.

"Second master. I am w.a.n.g Wei speaking."

"w.a.n.g Wei, where is Xin Mei? Why is she running around the airport like crazy?" Su Zixin asked with concern from the other side.

"I don"t know for what the exact reason, second master. But she is murmuring that boss is in some accident and she wants to go to the country S."

"What accident?" Su Zixin jumped from his seat. "I am also coming. Don"t fly without me."

"No need." Xin Mei spoke in a weak voice. "I will call him if needed. For now, he should stay with grandma and grandpa. I know nothing has happened to Yuchen."

w.a.n.g Wei told the exact words of Xin Mei to Su Zixin. Su Zixin could only sigh in dejection.

Xin Mei didn"t know how she reached country S and to the hospital where Su Yuchen was present. She only knew w.a.n.g Wei was supporting her from time to time.

It was raining heavily in the country S, so by the time she entered inside the hospital, she was completely drenched and was s.h.i.+vering. Her guards were running after her with umbrellas in their hands.

Forgetting that she was there with the guards, she started to run in the random direction in the hospital. She found an elevator and entered in. She pressed the floor number which was marked emergency.

Guards who were following her were about to enter the elevator when the elevator started to move upwards.

Xin Mei arrived before the operation theatre and looked at the light above the gate with pained eyes. A nurse came out from the operating room and she was stopped by Xin Mei.

"Nurse, how"s my husband?"

"Husband?" The nurse looked at her with surprise. "So young!"

She commented and again looked at Xin Mei. "We can"t say anything about your husband. You should start praying for his safety."

Xin Mei stumbled and fell on the floor when she heard the words of the nurse. Big fat tears started to fell down from her eyes.

"Miss…" The nurse looked at her with worry-filled eyes. "You can"t break like this. Your husband needs you."

But Xin Mei was nowhere to listen to her. Soon, she started to wail loudly making the nurse more shocked.

Her throat turned dry due to loud sobbing. Her eyes got swollen and red. Her long wert hair stuck to her back. Her whole body was shaking with pain and cold air.

What wrong deed had she done in her past life?

What if….

They still had to do so many things!

They were to have a lot of babies and grow old together. She has to confess her love for him. They had such a long life in front of them.

What would I do if something happens to you?

She felt suffocated at that thought and clenched her chest hard. She could feel choking pain in her heart.

Please, please, please be alright!

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