After having dinner, everyone started to show off their talents on the stage. The lights around the hall were also dimmed and only stage was lightened up which gave a very fun filled environment for everyone.

Some showed off their talent in mimicry, some in stand-up comedy, some in dance and some in singing…

"Chen, are you also showing off your talent?" Xin Mei messaged to Su Yuchen.

"After you, Mei." Su Yuchen replied and looked back at Xin Mei. Xin Mei smiled and shook her head.

"Now who is coming next?" Director Zhang who was hosting the night spoke on the microphone.

"I am coming up next." Xin Mei raised her hand and quickly made her way towards the stage.

Xin Mei was not good at jokes or singing, so she decided to do the thing in which she was a perfectionist, dance.

Throughout her dance, Su Yuchen was looking at her without any blink of an eye. She was looking so beautiful when dancing on the stage. When she ended her performance, much to the amus.e.m.e.nt of others, he was the one to clap his hands before anyone.

"Now, who is coming up on the stage?

"I am."

"I am."

Both Su Yuchen and Zhou Mingyu coincidently said at the same time. Zhou Mingyu blushed at the coincident like a newly wedded wife where Su Yuchen rolled his eyes and climbed up on the stage.

"I can"t believe, tonight, we will be getting lucky to see a performance by Su Yuchen." Director Zhang spoke excitedly. He was seconded by the loud howls from everyone around.

"So, mister Su, what are you going to do tonight?"

"I will sing and play the guitar."

Huang Chu who was already given a command, came with a guitar and gave it to Su Yuchen. He arranged for a seat and microphone for Su Yuchen.

"Mister Su, for whom are you singing this song?" a female asked teasingly.

"Any doubt in it, didn"t I clear it to you all before that I am in love with a girl? So tonight, I will sing this song only for the love of my life." Su Yuchen replied with a small and gentle smile on his lips. He looked intensely at Xin Mei who blushed and ducked down her face.

"Too bad, she is not present here tonight."

"Who knows?" Su Yuchen shrugged and started to play the guitar before anyone else could raise another question.

 ""Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I"m afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don"t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I"ll love you for a thousand more""

Silence fell in the hall when the voice of Su Yuchen rung around. All the media partners stood up with their cameras and started to shoot Su Yuchen. They could not miss this golden chance.

""Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything, take away

What"s standing in front of me

Every breath, every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don"t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I"ll love you for a thousand more""

Su Yuchen slowly lifted his head and looked at Xin Mei with dark burning eyes. Heart of Xin Mei skipped a beat when she looked in his eyes. His eyes held so much love for her and her only. She was so lucky, most lucky girl in the world to marry Su Yuchen and to claim his heart.

 ""I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don"t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I"ll love you for a thousand more""

{This song is by the very famous, Christina Perri}

The moment, Su Yuchen ended his song, loud claps fill in the hall. Everyone was mesmerized by his beautiful voice and his skills of playing the guitar.

"Mister Su, why don"t you join the film industry? I am sure you will earn a hefty amount of money with your beautiful voice and extraordinary guitar playing skills."

"I don"t want to join the film industry. I am very happy with my business industry." Su Yuchen replied and climbed down the stage. He threw a smile in the direction of Xin Mei and took his seat.

"You never told me that you know how to play the guitar?" Xin Mei sent a quick message to him and then looked at him with a surprised expression on her face.

"I know how to play only one song and that too I have learned for my love and she is you."

Xin Mei blushed when she read his message. She placed her mobile aside and again looked at him. He was also looking at her from the corner of his eyes before diverting his eyes towards the stage where now Zhou Mingyu was showing off her talent, singing.

Zhou Mingyu sang her first song and she felt very confident when everyone howled for her and praised her skills. She became so confident that she dared to speak on the microphone,

"Mister Su, I was very mesmerized with your voice from the time I had heard you sing in city B. If you can sing with Xin Mei who has a voice of a broken tape recorder, then I am sure, you can sing with me. I am sure my voice is up to your standard. I am a professional singer after all." She smiled with smug.

Zhou Mingyu acted shy and looked down. All this while, Qian Fan was looking at Zhou Mingyu with anger. It was not a hidden fact from him that Zhou Mingyu was already trying to come in the good books of Su Yuchen.

"Miss Zhou," Su Yuchen spoke and nodded to her. Raw anger could be seen in his eyes. How dare of Zhou Mingyu to insult the singing skills of his wife?

He loved it when she sang the song when making breakfast or when they were spending their time listening to music.

"Do you think your voice is up to my standard?" he threatened but Zhou Mingyu who was ignorant of his anger, nodded her head.

"Ok then, I will sing a song with you but I have a condition." With that said, Su Yuchen leaned against his chair. Cold look appeared on his face, the same look which appeared whenever he was dealing with some enemy client in his office.

"Miss Zhou is gone. Tonight, she has made the biggest mistake of her life by insulting missus in front of boss. Now boss is going to embrace her for his revenge!"

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