"Miss Zhou, I like to listen to Spanish songs. So, if you can sing a Spanish song for me, of my standard, then I will share the stage with you." Su Yuchen looked at her with dark eyes.

Zhou Mingyu was stunned when she heard the request of Su Yuchen. She then looked around herself for help. She sighed helplessly and looked at Su Yuchen, "I am so...sorry…. I don"t know any…Spanish song."

"No problem." Su Yuchen looked at her with a calm expression on his face. "You have five minutes, search a song on your mobile, notice its tune and start to sing the song. You are an expert singer, are you not? I am sure you will find no problem in singing a song in another language if you know it"s music and lyrics, right? Just like the way we sing a song in the karaoke."

The face of Zhou Mingyu became pale when she heard Su Yuchen. She never thought he would use her words in such a way.

"I will try to sing the song…. give me some time." Zhou Mingyu quickly searched a Spanish song on her mobile. Her hands were s.h.i.+vering in nervousness. She was nervous because now only she was able to feel the anger of Su Yuchen.

She knew she had angered Su Yuchen but did not know how.

Zhou Mingyu searched the song and listened to it two times. She opened the lyrics of the song and climbed up on the stage.

"Mister Su, I am going to sing a Spanish song according to your wish. I hope you will sing a duet with me after this song."

"We will see if you can satisfy me."

Zhou Mingyu nodded her head and started to sing the song with confidence. She finished the song and waited for the praises from Su Yuchen. He must know it was no easy for her to sing a song in an unknown language but still she tried.

"Not satisfied." Su Yuchen shook his head. "Your voice is still worse than the voice of miss Xin here. She sings from her heart but you…. try to sing the song again."

Smile left from the lips of Zhou Mingyu and it did not take her long to realize the reason for the anger of Su Yuchen. He was angry with her because she had insulted Xin Mei!

"I said again, sing the song again." Su Yuchen raised his voice.

Zhou Mingyu nodded her head and again started to sing the song…

When her song ended, no one dared to clap or say a word for Zhou Mingyu. There was a pin drop silence in the hall and everyone could feel that Su Yuchen was very angry.

"Again." A deep cold voice broke the silent environment. "I want you to sing this song like this expert. She is also from country A like you but still, without knowing Spanish, she can sing this song so beautifully then why can"t you?"

And with that, Su Yuchen played the same Spanish song on his mobile. Everyone was shocked upon hearing the beautiful voice over his phone. They realized Zhou Mingyu singing on the stage had not given any justice to this Spanish song.

"What happen? Not able to sing a song of my choice?" Su Yuchen asked in a cold voice and looked at her with cruel eyes.

"But Mister Su, I have already sung a Spanish song for two times…I can"t sing better than it because singing Spanish songs is not my cup of tea." Zhou Mingyu raised her voice in anger. 

"Singing is also not a cup of tea of miss Xin, then how dare of you to insult her. I will not bear any artist insulting another artist in front of my eyes." He raised his voice.

"Please mister Su, don"t take the name of that b**** in front of me. If I have insulted her today so what? Wasn"t she insulting me with her superior acting throughout the filming?" Zhou Mingyu yelled at Su Yuchen and gasps filled in the hall.

"Finally!" Su Yuchen smiled. "Finally, you have shown me your real face. Behind this smiling face is this evil girl, filled with venom, ready to beat anyone up. A girl who can do anything for money and fame, even backstabbing her friend. Isn"t it true?"

Zhou Mingyu froze when she heard the words of Su Yuchen. Everyone in the hall also froze when they heard the cold and icy voice of Su Yuchen.

"Miss Zhou, maybe everyone around you had been fooled with your tears, maybe everyone had forgotten your drama at your birthday party but I have not! It"s my constraint that I have not removed you from Revenge. But don"t think I have forgiven about your drama!"

"Mister Su, please don"t be so angry with me…. I will…. I will sing…."

Without giving any chance to Su Yuchen to say a word against herself, Zhou Mingyu took the mobile and started to sing the song, she did not want Su Yuchen to scold her and open the wounds which were recently closed.

Su Yuchen glared at her before picking up his mobile. He looked at Xin Mei and smiled before leaving the hall.

Inside, everyone was looking at Zhou Mingyu with anger. Before her illogical speech and request, the environment around was so good. Su Yuchen was so friendly with them but this girl spoiled everything. How dare of her to insult Xin Mei!

How dare of her to request mister Su to sing a song with her? How dare of her to raise her voice at Su Yuchen? Couldn"t she have silently sing repeatedly? Wasn"t she an expert professional?

No one was happy with her. Instead, everyone was very angry at Zhou Mingyu. Everyone was cursing her so-called att.i.tude.

She had made her day memorable by getting proposed by Qian Fan but she had destroyed their day by making Su Yuchen angry.

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