The screen timing of Tang Min was small, hardly for fifteen minutes. So, his scenes were filmed in within four days. And in those four days, he kept bugging Xin Mei like a bug.

He tried his very best to talk with her but Xin Mei always ignored him. She always had a perfect excuse:

"Tang Min, don"t disturb me. Let me read my script."

"I don"t want to have your meal. I have brought my lunch box."

"I am getting late. I am going home. I will talk to you some other day."

And with that, scenes of Tang Min were done. Tang Min wanted to stay at the sets even though his scenes were done but director Zhang, who was aware of the disturbance which Xin Mei was facing due to the presence of Tang Min did not think twice before kicking him out of the sets.

"Tang Min, I don"t think you should waste your time here on the sets. You are free but others are busy. You know this movie has a very tight schedule. So please, leave the sets."

Director Zhang spoke with politeness but the meaning behind his words was clear, do not disturb my Xin Mei and get lost from the sets.

Xin Mei was giving her best for the movie. She was working day and night. Looking at her labour, others were also motivated to work hard. 

Her co-stars were also working hard with her. They could see that the dedication of Xin Mei could bring limelight to this movie. This movie would get a lot of fame so they would.

Now Xin Mei only needed to drive for five minutes to reach home but still, she felt tired to do so. So, Su Yuchen had asked her guards to drive her to and from the sets.

Many times, she was so tired and fatigued after returning from the sets that, Su Yuchen was to give her full body ma.s.sage. He knew she was giving her full in this movie. She was tiring her body in the process.

One day, when Su Yuchen returned home from his office, he was tired. The drive of two and a half hours took a big toll on him. But when he entered the house, he saw Xin Mei lying on the couch, looking weary.

She was still in her costume of the pilot. She had her head thrown against the couch with legs placed on the table. He felt ache in his heart when he saw her.

He walked towards her. He placed his suitcase and coat aside. He rolled up his sleeves and without saying anything, he started to press on the shoulders of Xin Mei.

"Ah…" she moaned in pleasure. "You should not give me a message like this when you yourself are tired. Amm…ah."

Su Yuchen ignored her complaint and kept pressing on her shoulder like an expert. After ma.s.saging her shoulder, he opened her hair bun. He started to ma.s.sage her head. His motions were slow and soft which gave much relief to Xin Mei.

After some ma.s.sage, Xin Mei dozed off at the couch. Su Yuchen could hear her soft snores. She was very tired.

With great care, Su Yuchen carried her to their room. He placed her down on the bed and removed her dress, to give her some comfort. He covered her body with the duvet.

He made his way towards the kitchen and cooked some light dinner for both. 

Once the dinner was ready, he made his way towards his room where he fed food to a sleepy Xin Mei. 

"Come on Mei, this is last bite, say ahh…" Su Yuchen coaxed Xin Mei who glared at him and took the last bite of the food.

"I am done with food. Now let me sleep."

She groaned and fell on the bed. Su Yuchen wanted to protest that she should not lay down on the bed after eating but he sighed in defeat when he saw her tired state.

This continued for some more days. Director Zhang could also see weariness taking over Xin Mei. So, he gave her a break of two days to rest.

"Director, I don"t need rest. We can film so many scenes in two days."

Director Zhang chuckled when he saw the protest of Xin Mei. "You don"t need rest but what about other cast and crew. What about me? We all are tired and want to return home to our families. You should also take some rest."

His excuse was enough to make Xin Mei shut her mouth and she decided to utilize those two days to take complete rest, to nurture her body completely.

Xin Mei was having her rest but what about Su Yuchen. His body was draining out of energy with each pa.s.sing day. He was going to his office nearly every day which was not easy for him. Even when he did not go to the office, he got a lot of work to do at home.

Xin Mei also knew about his condition and she always felt a pinch in her heart whenever she saw the tension lines on his forehead or tiredness filled expressions on his face.

One night, Su Yuchen was working late in his office when Xin Mei entered in. Her heart dropped when she saw how hard he was working?

"Chen," she walked towards him and looked at him with sadness in her eyes. "You should rest now. You have worked enough. No one will die if you take some rest for one day." She chided him.

Su Yuchen smiled when he heard her and closed his file. "I have closed my file, happy now."

"Happy, now come, you should sleep."

Xin Mei wrapped her arm around his and pulled him up. Both made their way towards their room.

"Chen, I wish to leave the film industry after seeing your condition. I don"t want to make you suffer because of my career and dream."

Su Yuchen glared at her when he heard her.

"Stop thinking about rubbish. I do not want to be like a male who does not let his wife achieve her dreams. And this is my decision to spend my night with you, even if this means that I have to spend nearly three hours in my car. I don"t care and you should also not care about it."

He gently knocked her head.

"Now stop thinking about leaving the film industry. I am waiting for the time when everyone will recognize me as your husband."

"Ok, I will throw away that thought out from my mind, happy."

Su Yuchen smiled to her and they both entered inside the room.

"Let me give you a head ma.s.sage and you are not going to say no," she warned him. "You have always looked after me. Now let me do the same."

"Ok Mei, as you say."

Xin Mei brought some hot oil for Su Yuchen. She kept ma.s.saging his head till he fell asleep. A sigh left from her lips when she saw him asleep.

Seeing Su Yuchen sacrificing so much for her, she swore to herself that she would become a superstar, only for him.

© 2024