Filming of "The flying women" got wrapped up within thirty-two days which was quite a short time. Everyone was excited at this small success of the movie.

A cake was cut for the wrap up of the movie. Many photos were clicked and, in every photo, there very happy and smiling faces of cast and crew members.

"Xin Mei, you have a rest for the month, in within one month I will be done with the post-production work. Then we will start the promotion of the movie." Director Zhang informed Xin Mei and she nodded her head.

Tang Min was also present on the sets at the time of wrap up. He tried to congratulate Xin Mei but she ignored him. When tang Min acted stubbornly and forcefully tried to talk with her, she rudely yelled at him,

"Tang Min, stop following me. I don"t want to become another toy, so, please…"

And with that, she made her way towards her changing room where Fang Lin was waiting for her.

This was the last movie of Fang Lin under director Zhang. She had officially taken resignation from director Zhang. Now she was going to follow Xin Mei.

Xin Mei had also taken Fang Lin under her shadow. She knew she would need people like Fang Lin around herself if she wanted to climb the stairs of success.

"Chen, where are you?" 

Xin Mei phone called Su Yuchen when she came out from the studio. She looked at the sky and the bright sun. It was still afternoon because the last scene was filmed during the night.

"I am at the office," Su Yuchen replied while signing a file. His mobile was pressed in between his ear and shoulder. "Done with filming?"

"Yes, finally, I am all free for the next month." She grinned broadly. "Now I can return to our home. Ah, I have missed it so much."

Xin Mei walked towards her car and entered into the car. Su Yuchen had already got all their stuff s.h.i.+fted back it to the city so she did not need to worry about anything.

"I was thinking, why don"t we go out for lunch?" she suggested and checked the time.

She was sure by two in the afternoon, she would be able to reach the city A.

"I am busy Mei. No time to visit the restaurant." He sighed. "Why don"t you visit the office with some take out? We can have lunch in my office."

"I visit your office?" she asked with doubt in her voice. "Yeah, in the parking, you can use my private elevator which will directly bring you to my office. What"s say?"

"Ok, I will come to your office then."

"Pa.s.sword to the elevator is the normal one."

"Hmm." Xin Mei hummed and ended the call.

She started to drive the car and made her way towards the famous restaurant in the city from where she picked up packed food and then she made her way towards the Su Corporations.

She arrived at the Su corporations by quarter to two. She parked her car nearer to the elevator. She wore her mask and stepped out of the car. She made her way towards the elevator.

While entering the pa.s.sword, a thought crossed her mind. Within five days, it was her birthday. Thinking about her birthday, she thought about her gift.

"What will Chen gift to me? I am sure he will make my birthday memorable."

Elevator arrived at its destination and its door opened inside the cabin of Su Yuchen. Xin Mei smiled widely when she saw Su Yuchen. She did not notice his surroundings and ran toward him.

"Chen, I have missed you so much." She hugged him tight and placed her head on his chest.

She had missed him so much!

From the last four days, due to an extra busy schedule, she was not able to give proper time to Su Yuchen. She did not get a proper time to even look at his handsome face.

"Mei," Su Yuchen looked at her with a gentle smile. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to himself. He then eyed the shocked men standing in front of him.

Three executive managers were present in the office of Su Yuchen at the time when Xin Mei had barged in. They looked at Xin Mei with wide eyes. Their eyes had widened when they saw an unknown girl hugging Su Yuchen.

Their mouths dropped open when they saw how Su Yuchen was hugging her back, instead of pus.h.i.+ng her away angrily. They were more shocked when they saw the gentle smile on the lips of Su Yuchen.

Who exactly was this girl who hugged their boss and their boss also hugged her back!

They were dying with curiosity but they knew this unsaid rule in the cabin of Su Yuchen. They could not ask him any unwanted questions and the happenings inside his cabin were not to the be spoken outside.

"Boss, we should leave now." One of them spoke.

Eyes of Xin Mei went wide when she heard a stranger"s voice in the office of Su Yuchen. Realization dawned upon her. In her excitement, she did not take note if someone was present in his office or not.

She slightly turned her head and saw three men standing with wide-open eyes and mouth. She instinctively placed her hand over her mask to check if it was on its place or not.

Sigh! At least she was wearing a mask otherwise her secret was going to get disclosed in front of the managers of his company and then to the world.

Su Yuchen signalled to his executive officers with his eyes who quickly left the office. On their exit, Su Yuchen pressed a small b.u.t.ton on the side of the table, locking the door.

"They are gone. Now you can remove your mask." Su Yuchen informed her and looked at her with a small smile on his lips.

Xin Mei took a deep breath and removed her mask. She was feeling glad that she was wearing her mask. Otherwise, she was gone.

"Now stop thinking about my executives." He gently slapped her forehead. "They will not dare to speak any word about you. And even if they dared to do so, I don"t think it will be a big deal."

Su Yuchen placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her towards the couch of his office. "Now hurry and serve me food. I am very Hungry."  

Xin Mei came out from her momentary shook and nodded her head. She quickly opened the packed food and started to serve lunch to Su Yuchen.

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