Outside the cabin of Su Yuchen, the executive officers were having a very tough time to keep the gossip in their stomach. They wanted to tell anyone, someone, that Su Yuchen, their all almighty boss had a girl in his life.

They wanted to know who this lucky girl was!

They knew Su Yuchen was never close to any girl. Many girls had tried to get close to him but every one of them was pushed badly away by him.

They also knew about the rumours of Ning Xiao and Su Yuchen. They also knew they were created by Ning Xiao. It was always clear to them that she was lying. Then who was the girl in his office!

Unaware of their turmoil, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen were enjoying their lunch. 

They finished the lunch and Su Yuchen collected all the used disposables and threw them in his dustbin. They both walked towards the washroom to clean their hands and mouth.

"Mei, stay with me. Soon, I will get done with my work then together we can go home." Su Yuchen requested and removed a hair lock from her face. "I want to see your face while doing my work. It will make me feel relaxed and happy."

"I am ready to stay but what if someone entered inside your cabin?" she asked with worry and concern.

"No one will enter into my office. I have already locked the door. Don"t worry about it."

"Ok then."

Xin Mei took her seat on the couch and lazily spread her limbs over it. She made herself very comfortable on the couch. 

Su Yuchen walked towards his seat. He messaged to Huang Chu, telling him that Xin Mei was in his office. So, only Huang Chu was allowed inside and only when the work was of uttermost important.

He took his seat and started to do his work. From time to time, he was glancing at Xin Mei who was strolling the posts on her smartphone or was doing some other things.

"Mei, why don"t we go on a small vacation?" Su Yuchen suggested. 

He could see the tiredness on the face of Xin Mei. So, he wanted to give her a vacation where she could relax. 

"Our vacation is still pending from last one month."

"We will go some other time. You are busy."

"No, I am free."

"Really?" Xin Mei eyed the files on his desk. "We will go on vacation some other time. I can see you have a lot of files to check upon. And you do not need to worry about me. I will get my needed rest at home."

"Don"t look at my files. They are nothing. If you want I can…."

"Chen," Xin Mei chided. "I don"t want you to neglect your work because of me."

Su Yuchen was about to protest when Xin Mei interrupted him. "Now stop arguing with me and quickly finish your work."

Su Yuchen sighed and nodded his head. He seriously wanted to go on a vacation with Xin Mei but it was like fate was not on his side. Every time, he had to control his desire because of one or another reason.

Later that night, after making love with Xin Mei, Su Yuchen again buried himself in between the files. This time of the year was the peak time at his office, with a lot of workload on his head.

Only he knew how he had handled his work for the last month and how he was going to handle it if Xin Mei had said yes for the vacation.

Xin Mei who was sleeping, felt a little disturbed due to bright light over her head. She opened her eyes. 

"And someone was saying he is free." She mocked and looked at him.

She lifted her body and took her seat beside Su Yuchen. She covered herself with a duet and looked inside the file of Su Yuchen.

"Need any help?"

"You know how to study all this financial date?" Su Yuchen asked with surprise.

"Nah, I am a big zero in it." She circled her index finger to make a big zero. "Once I had helped father for half an hour and then it took him six hours to find the mistake done by me. I am such a big flop in business and its data."

"Then why did you offer me your help?" Su Yuchen chuckled.

"Because I knew you will not accept my help." Xin Mei smiled cheekily and Su Yuchen laughed wholeheartedly. He shook his head and smiled at her. "Want to learn something from me?"

"Nah, learning business, accounts are a big headache for me. I am happy being an actress." She yawned and covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

"You should not talk to me. Try to sleep. You are tired." He gently patted on her head. 

Xin Mei meekly nodded her head and pushed herself towards him like a little pet. Su Yuchen smiled when he saw her and again felt immense happiness that she was his wife.

The work in the hand of Su Yuchen was not of very much importance. He still had two days in his hand to finalize it. 

If he was old Su Yuchen, the one before meeting Xin Mei then he would have completed it within one sitting, no matter what. He would not have left his work in the middle.

But today, as to not disturb Xin Mei with the lights, he decided to wrap up his work for the day. He would complete the rest of his work the next day or night.

Su Yuchen closed the half-read file and placed it aside. He switched off the lights and laid down beside Xin Mei. He engulfed her in his arms and took a deep breath, inhaling her familiar fragrance.

Within a minute, due to fatigue, he was also asleep.

Su Yuchen had not realized but his body was changing. His sleeping pattern was changing. Earlier he used to force his body to work late at night. He was habitual of sleeping for only four to five hours a day.

But now, his body wanted more sleep. He wanted to sleep for long hours with Xin Mei in his arms.

He was changing, his habits were changing, his schedule was changing and everything was changing for good!

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