When Su Yuchen and Xin Mei returned to their room, Su Yuchen gave her another gift, a necklace of his mother.

"I know this isn"t much expensive but I hope you will cherish this gift like your other gifts."

"Who said it"s not expensive?" Xin Mei looked at him with a small smile on her lips. "It"s the most expensive gift. This gift has the memories and blessings of your mother. This necklace has your true love. So, how can it not be expensive?"

Su Yuchen smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I will always cherish it. Can you tell me something about her?" She asked with a lot of hope in her eyes.

She wanted to know who his mother was. Who his parents were. She wanted to know about this hidden secret of his.

"Mei, can I not tell you about her?" Xin Mei took a deep breath when she heard him. "Mother was always a very sensitive topic for me. It always hurt me whenever I think about her. It was so hard for me to let her go. So, can I not talk about her?"

Xin Mei sighed heavily and looked down.

"Mei, I promise, one day, when I am ready, I will tell you everything about her. Hmm."

Xin Mei nodded her head and looked out from the window. Su Yuchen could see the change in her demur so he decided to give her another, and the last present of the day.

"Chen, how many gifts are you going to give me?" Xin Mei smiled when she heard there was another gift.

"This is the last gift, I promise. I am sure, you will become very happy after seeing it." 

Su Yuchen opened his mobile and placed it in front of Xin Mei. Xin Mei took the mobile from his hand and her eyes widened. 

"This, is this the official poster of "The flying women?"

She looked at the poster displayed on his mobile screen with wide eyes. In the poster, Xin Mei was standing in her pilot costume and was looking up in the sky where an airplane was flying. 

All other important details were also written on the poster.

"Yes, this is the official poster which was released at eight in the evening at the official site of Heritage."

"But isn"t it too fast?" Xin Mei could not digest that the poster of her first movie was officially out. The time when she would become very famous was not very fast.

Director Zhang wanted this movie to get released in the mid of august, which meant only two months were left before its release. He was working very hard with all the work regarding the movie. The production team was also working tirelessly. They were paid double to complete the work with the perfection on time.

"Happy birthday Mei." Su Yuchen again wished her. "I hope you will have many movies to come. The flying women is just a start."

Su Yuchen and Xin Mei spent their next day in the wine yard. Xin Mei helped the girls with crus.h.i.+ng the freshly picked grapes. She jumped and danced over them while laughing hard.

Later, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei plucked some grapes. From time to time, Su Yuchen was feeding her grapes where Xin Mei was giggling and blus.h.i.+ng whenever some girl caught them.

"Mei, there is some juice left on your lips."


"Here." And with that Su Yuchen kissed her.

He did not care about the girls who were plucking the grapes and kissed Xin Mei in front of them. They both kissed in the middle of the grapes yard, under the shadow of trees and bright sun s.h.i.+ning in the sky.

After returning to the city, both got busy with their lives and just like that, some days flew away.

Xin Mei had physically and mentally prepared herself for the release of "The flying women." Only a month was left and her first movie would hit the screen. 

She had talked with director Zhang who informed her happily that most of the post-production work of the movie was done and it was all ready to become a big success.

When the teaser of the movie was released, instead of getting positive reviews, it was badly criticized by the fans of Tang Min.

Fans of Tang Min were shocked when they realized through the teaser that indeed he was playing a small role against Xin Mei. They were very angry about it.

Tang Min may not have won many awards but he was very popular amongst his fans. He had the largest fan base after Su Zixin.

Tang Min felt bad when he saw how Xin Mei and director Zhang were criticized by his fans because of his small role. So, he came online and requested his fans to not criticize anyone.

"It was my own decision to play this small role in "the flying women." Director Zhang had given me so many successful movies, so as his pupil, it was my duty to pay back to him. Please stop criticizing this movie. I am sure, you all will love it."

After his post, his fans  stopped critiquing the teaser and soon enough, the teaser of "The flying women" became quite popular among the ma.s.s.

The small glimpse of Xin Mei and Tang Min in the teaser created a curiosity among the viewers. Loyal fans of director Zhang were also very impressed by the small glimpse of the movie which they saw in the teaser.

By the time, the trailer of the movie was released, many critics and many people were waiting for it. Fans of Tang Min were also waiting for it. They wanted to raise their heads in front of Tang Min by praising the trailer and then the movie.

On the day when the trailer was officially released, Xin Mei was feeling quite nervous. She knew the performance of movies highly depended on the success of a trailer.

The instant the trailer got released, it was liked and shared by many celebrities. The first one to shares the trailer was Su Zixin. He gave many congratulations to Xin Mei and asked his fans to watch the movie.

Tang Min, stars under TingTing, many stars under heritage were asked to share the trailer. He Ye also shared the trailer and asked the artist under Global to do the same. He Ye wanted the movie of his little sister to gain huge success.

Xin Mei was delighted to see that the trailer of her first movie was liked and viewed by many people. Now she was only waiting to read the critics by professional reviews that appeared online by the next day!

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