Professional reviewers were the person who reviewed each aspect of the movie or trailer with their eagle eyes. They had many people following them who watched the said movie only if the reviewers gave a positive response on them.

So, positive reviews from the reviewers were needed very much if Xin Mei wanted to confirm the success of "the flying movie."

Now a days, many big production houses had purchased such reviewers to get a good response on their movies. Su Yuchen also wanted to do the same for Xin Mei, but she denied it. She wanted to get true reviews.

Xin Mei prayed to G.o.d before opening various blogs of the professional reviewers. A happy smile appeared on her lips when she saw most of them had given three or more stars out of five stars to the trailer.

"Honestly, I didn"t expect much from this trailer, seeing that this movie has been filmed in within roughly one month. But my worries were all wrong. This movie will be a must watch movie and it will break all the records of the biopic."

"I watched this trailer for director Zhang and Tang Min but after watching it, I will be looking forward to the performance of Xin Mei. This girl has so much potential in her."

"If the trailer is so good then I can expect the same from the movie. Director Zhang, I expect an invitation to the premiere of the movie."

After getting such positive reviews from the professional reviewers, the confidence of the flying women team boasted up. There were still three weeks left and they wanted to work hard to promote the movie.

Director Zhang, Xin Mei and their team including Tang Min travelled from cities to cities to promote the movie. They were promoting their film in each city. They also gave numerous interviews.

During all this, Xin Mei was badly missing Su Yuchen who was not with her. He was in city A where she was in other cities, promoting her movie.

Su Yuchen tried to find some time to meet Xin Mei but he was loaded with work. The month of August was the month with an overload of work. He had so many projects to sign, so many investments to make which kept him busy all the time.

During her trips to promote the film, Xin Mei had made many new fans. Many were impressed by her high IQ and EQ. They were impressed by how she talked and walked. 

On returning home, she was grandly welcomed by Su Yuchen who had missed her very much. He arranged a special dinner for her, after that he made love with her for whole night. He was craving with needs for her.

The next day was the first premier of the movie. This premier was special and was organized only for directors, superstars, relatives of Xin Mei and reviewers. It was not for the public.

Xin Mei was very nervous about it. She was afraid that no one would accept her acting skills. Su Yuchen was worried when he saw how nervous she was regarding the movie.

"Mei, why are you so worried? I am sure, critics and everyone will like your movie and you. I have seen some scenes from the flying women and based on them, I can say that it will be a big hit." 

"But what if critics didn"t like my act? What if they think I am too old for the role?" Su Yuchen rolled his eyes when he heard her.

"Why don"t you have confidence in yourself? If a girl like Zhou Mingyu can become a superstar than it"s nothing for you."

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard her comparison with Zhou Mingyu. If Zhou Mingyu could become a superstar then why couldn"t she?

In the evening, Xin Mei arrived at the cinema hall where the premiere of "The flying women" was taking place. She was wearing a newly bought, off-shoulder bottle green colored gown, in the case, she came across any paparazzi.

The premier was to start at five in the evening and by four-thirty no one had arrived at the cinema hall except for the team which again made Xin Mei nervous.

"Don"t be so nervous Xin Mei." Director Zhang chuckled. "Directors and reviewers usually arrives on time. So chill! Ok."

Xin Mei nodded her head and looked out from the corridor. She knew Su Zixin and He Ye would come but what if they couldn"t due to some unseen work? What if no one came to watch her movie.

Another thing which bugged her was the absence of paparazzi, only the team of Gu Nan had arrived to cover the premier. No other reporter had arrived to report the preview screening of "the flying women."

Xin Mei took a sigh of relief when by five minutes to five, many stars, directors and reviewers started to arrive at the cinema hall. 

Gu Nan and her team were taking their interview and from what she knew, everyone was excited to watch her movie.

"Xin Mei, the movie is about to start. We should go in." Director Zhang said to her.

"No director, you go in. I will not watch the movie tonight. I am kind of nervous to watch myself on the big screen."

Director Zhang chuckled when he heard her. He did not force her to watch the movie. He knew many stars who had not watched their single movie.

Director Zhang entered the hall and stood at the back to see the reaction of others. He smiled when he saw everyone was looking at the screen, waiting for the start of the movie.

"You are late." Xin Mei complained when she saw He Ye who was late.

"Sorry little sister. I went to a photoshoot with my artist and then you know about the traffic." He looked at her with a guilty smile. "Now come, we should enter in. Premier has already started."

"No, I am not watching it."


"I want to see the reaction of viewers, then only I will watch it and that to with my husband."

He Ye smiled when he heard her. He knew "seeing the reaction" was an excuse but she wanted to watch her first film with her husband.

"Don"t be so nervous little sister. I am sure, you have acted well in this movie." He Ye ruffled her hairs and entered the hall because he could not miss a single scene.

He walked toward his designated seat and took his seat beside Su Zixin.

Xin Mei was sitting outside the hall. From time to time, she was entering the hall to see the reaction of others. She was glad that no one had come out in the middle of the movie.

After two hours, at the end of the movie, Xin Mei was eagerly waiting outside, waiting for the viewers to give a critic on her.

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