Originally, paparazzi had not given much importance to the premiere of "The flying women." It was an autobiography and on top of that, a newbie was acting in it. They did not think any star will attend the premiere.

So, they had decided to not attend the premiere. But their decision turned out to be a wrong one when they saw the report of Gu Nan and her team. They had reported how many stars and directors were attending the screening.

So, by the time the screening had come to an end, the entrance of the cinema hall was crowded by the reporters. They could not miss the opportunity to interview the stars.

Director Zhang was the first one who came out of the hall. He smiled widely when he saw Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, get ready to have two big hits of this year. After this movie, your life is going to be changed." He happily patted on her back.

Soon, everyone started to come out of the cinema hall. They had smiles on their faces which made Xin Mei smile.

Everyone was praising Xin Mei and director Zhang. They were praising their hard work which they had put in this movie.

Many directors walked toward Xin Mei and tried to cast her in their movie. They were very impressed with her acting skills which she had displayed in this movie.

"Miss Xin, I have become your fan after seeing you act so beautifully. Can I have your autograph please?"

"I thought Boss Zhang was bragging about you and your acting but today I realized, he had found a gem in form of you."

"Miss Xin, you acted so beautifully that I felt as if it"s your own story. No big thing if after this movie, people start to recognize you as Han Si."

Xin Mei was getting praises after praises which made her smile. Many predicted that this movie would be getting the best biography movie award and Xin Mei, the best actress award.

Whoever came out of the cinema hall was immediately crowded by the paparazzi who were waiting to get their interview. They wanted to know how the movie was. Their reactions were again very good.

"Honestly, I didn"t expect this movie to be so good when I got to know that it was filled in one month and produced in two months. But now, I take my words back. This movie is excellent."

"One should watch this movie. Acting of Xin Mei is so strong that you will feel all her emotions when watching the movie. You will laugh with her, cry for her, will feel afraid for her. If you want to see a good movie then watch this movie."

"If Xin Mei can give such great acting in her first movie then I can"t wait for her other movies. Her acting skill is of top notch level."

"I will comment only after watching this movie for a second time with my family."

"This movie is the worst movie which I had ever seen. I do not know why everyone is praising her. It has nothing which a movie should have- what I said was out of my jealousy. This movie is very good that now I wish to adopt director Zhang as my mentor and Xin Mei as a star in each movie."

Everyone gave positive reviews for the movie and the acting of Xin Mei. Many directors openly declared that they would love to work with Xin Mei.

Su Zixin was no less, he happy praised Xin Mei and the movie. He again asked his fans to watch this movie, 

"Xin Mei had again proved as to why she is my favorite actress. She had performed so well that I wish to have her as my co-star in each movie. I will again request my fans to watch this movie. I am sure they will not regret it."

He Ye was also very happy and existed after watching the movie. It was like his dream had come true. He always wanted to see Xin Mei"s movie and today that dream came true.

"Come with me." He Ye held on the hand of Xin Mei and pulled her outside in front of the cameras.

"Today, in front of you all, I will happily announce that I am very proud to be the cousin of Xin Mei. She had again proved her talent to me with this movie. She wanted us to acknowledge our relations.h.i.+p only after receiving an award. But I can"t wait anymore to declare that I am her cousin and she is my gem."

He Ye looked at Xin Mei with proud. He disclosed about their relations.h.i.+p in front of everyone. Director Zhang who heard him gasped in shock.

"Xin Mei, are you truly the niece of He Jichen?"

"Yes director," Xin Mei nodded her head.

"Then why the h.e.l.l didn"t he tell me about the same before? That bus*** kept hiding a jewel-like you from so long. Let me meet him, I will ask him why didn"t he let you debut in the film industry at an early age."

"Don"t be angry at him director. I decided to not join the film industry. Uncle and Ye gege were always against my decision to not join the film industry. They were eagerly waiting for my debut."

"But still I need to talk to him. He is my friend and how can he keep your ident.i.ty hidden from me?" Director Zhang humped and walked toward the reporters who were waiting to get his interview.

When Xin Mei arrived at home, Su Yuchen had already done all the preparations for the premier in the home theatre. He had prepared popcorn and cold drinks.

They both took their seats on the couch. Su Yuchen took the remote of the home Théâtre in his hand.

"Still nervous about watching your movie?" he asked.

"Nah, instead, I am feeling a lot of confidence in myself. I know I am going to become a big star and as you have said, if Zhou Mingyu can become a big star then why can"t I?"

"That"s my girl." Su Yuchen smiled and looked down at her before playing the movie.

The movie opened with the scene of Han Yi where she was trying to control the airplane which was not in her control. Worried expressions were perfectly described on her face.

The movie continued with the life of Han Yi, her childhood days, her teenage days where she stubbornly declared that she wanted to become a pilot which was never heard of.

Then it showed the struggle of Han Yi to become the first female pilot of her country. Some successful flight journeys made by her and then the movie ended when Han Yi saved the life of many pa.s.sengers with her courage and smart wittiness.

Tang Min"s role was very small in the movie. He was playing the role of Han Yi"s husband and his role was of only fifteen minutes.

"Wow!" Xin Mei exclaimed after watching the movie. "I can"t believe that it was me in this movie. I was looking so different."

"Coincidently, I also forget for a second that the girl in the movie was you. Your aura was so different."

"So, you like it?" Xin Mei looked at him with hopeful eyes, waiting for his opinion. "I love it, I love the way you have portrayed the role of Han Yi. I am sure she will be also glad to see you in her role."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard the true praises from the mouth of Su Yuchen. Now a heavy burden was lifted off her shoulder. She knew this movie and her acting was going to reach many heights.

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