"The flying women" finally hit the big screens. 

Director Zhang and Xin Mei were excitedly waiting for this day. They had received good reviews from the critics, co-stars, and directors and now they were waiting for the reviews from the real viewers.

On the first day of the release, the box office collection was very low, hardly thirty million won. Cinema halls were not even half full which had lowered their morale. The only thing which motivated them was that they received good reviews from whoever watched the movie.

By the next day, fans of Tang Min and fans of Xin Mei went to watch the movie which increased the box office collection. And by the third day, the collection had a sudden jump and the total collection reached two-fifty million.

Whoever watched the movie was praising it and was advising his friends and family to watch the movie. Many people were complaining that the length of the movie was short and they wanted to see more, they wanted to see more of the acting of Xin Mei.

The official page of the flying woman was filled with the praises of the movie. Xin Mei was tagged in many posts in which she and her movie were praised.

"I went into the cinema hall as a loyal fan of Tang Min but when I came out, I was a fan of Xin Mei. I can"t wait for the release of Revenge and other movies of Xin Mei."

"I went to watch the movie only because of my Chen Bai. And I am not going to regret this decision. Xin Mei is very good. I will request every fan of Chen Bai to watch this movie at least once, for him."

"I went to watch this movie because my sister is crazy about Xin Mei. I used to think how could anyone be so crazy for a star, like really! But now after watching this movie, I know how can a person become die heart fan of another person. #LoveyouXinMei."

"I have already watched this movie twice and tomorrow I am taking my family and friends to watch this movie."

Xin Mei felt overwhelmed when she saw the response. Xin Jin and He Jichen also organized a special screening for their friends and employees. They also praised Xin Mei very much which made both the families very proud of Xin Mei.

The box office collection of the movie was already soring when Su Zixin posted the names of ten top cinema halls in the city on his Weibo account. He captioned that,

"Above is the list of cinema halls, in one of them, you can find me on 20th August. I am going to watch the movie of my little sister and I am so excited for her that I will watch the movie with my fans."

When his fans had read the post, they had immediately booked all the seats in every cinema hall with all the timings. Everyone was praying to G.o.d to become lucky to watch the movie with Chen Bai.

On twentieth august, as promised, Su Zixin visited one of the cinema halls where he watched the movie with his fans. His fans who had booked the seats at the same time and in the same cinema hall were very excited and were counting themselves lucky to watch the movie with him.

Just like that, the total collection of the movies touched 750 million won which was quite a good number seeing it was a biography and first movie of Xin Mei. 

Followers of Xin Mei on every platform also increased and again TingTing was buried with many useless scripts and many headaches giving commercial proposals.

On one Sunday, Xin Mei decided to visit the cinema halls, to check up on the real reaction of the viewers. She wanted to see what their expression was when watching the movie.

Su Zixin automatically tagged himself along with her. They both wore their disguise and made their way toward the biggest cinema hall in the city.

They arrived after thirty minutes of start to the movie and took their seats at the end. They kept looking at the reaction of everyone.

Xin Mei felt very happy and satisfied when she saw how everyone was looking at the screen without a blink of eyes. During intermission also, she heard many people talking among themselves and praising her acting skills.

By the end of the movie, many viewers had clapped for her performance which made her very proud of herself. When she saw the satisfied smiles on the lips of viewers, she realized that finally, she had shown her true acting skill!

"Are you Xin Mei?" eyes of Xin Mei went wide when one of the fans recognized her. "Yes, you are Xin Mei. I can recognize you from your long hairs."

Fan grinned with proud that she was able to recognize Xin Mei. She ran toward Xin Mei with her notepad, calling herself lucky.

"Can I have your autograph, please? I am a big fan of yours. I am following you from the day who are selected as Ruyi." She pa.s.sed the autograph book to Xin Mei.

Xin Mei sighed and give her, her autograph. Her hands were slightly shaky because she was giving autographs for the first time after the release of her movie.

Su Zixin who was standing beside Xin Mei also forwarded his hand. He thought the fan would now ask for his autograph but that did not happen.

The fan was so excited to get the autograph and then a photograph with Xin Mei that she completely ignored Su Zixin.

Later, many fans recognized Xin Mei and started to ask for her autographs and photographs. There was not a big crowd so Xin Mei decided to give her autograph to many people. 

Xin Mei also took photographs with many of her fans. Su Zixin was also tagged along in many of them which made him smile.

Mood of Su Zixin became sour when one of the fans of Xin Mei denied to get  his photo clicked with Su Zixin.

"Mister Chen, can you click my photo with Xin Mei?" a fan requested and gave his smartphone to Chen Bai who looked at the fan with blackface.

It was the first time that some fan had ignored him. Otherwise, he was famous to stole the limelight of other stars. But look here, the roles were reversed. Some of the fans were asking him to click their photos with Xin Mei.

"If this Minx has become so famous with her first movie then G.o.d knows how famous she would be after the release of Revenge and her other movies!" he murmured under his breath and looked at Xin Mei who was smiling brightly.

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