Xin Mei listened to the small conversation in between Ning Xiao and Su Yuchen. When she heard the voice from the other side of the phone, she realized it was not the voice of Su Yuchen.

Someone was trying his best to imitate Su Yuchen but he could not fool Xin Mei who listens to his voice daily!

"You heard it. Now you all believe me that Su Yuchen and I are a thing?" Ning Xiao looked around with triumph.

She already planned to make everyone believe that she and Su Yuchen were together. She had already asked a voice artist to be ready for her call. She was just waiting for the right time which Xin Mei gave it to her.

Everyone who were gathered around Ning Xiao nodded their heads. They believed that Ning Xiao and Su Yuchen were a thing, except for Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, it will be good for you if you ask forgiveness from our Xiao. Otherwise, she can get you kicked out of the company." One artist stood in the support of Ning Xiao and smiled toward her.

"Yes Xin Mei, ask for forgiveness. How dare of you to say Ning Xiao and Su Yuchen are not together? And on top of that, how can you say that she spread her legs for other men? Don"t fly high in the sky only because Su Yuchen had danced with you once or twice."

The actresses and the other artists started to slander Xin Mei to make Ning Xiao happy with them. Ning Xiao smiled when she saw that she was again able to get praise and support from everyone around herself.

"You all are fools, aren"t you?" Xin Mei chuckled. Her shoulders shook due to laughing. "You are siding with Ning Xiao after hearing her one phone call. Who knows if the man on the other side is Mister Su himself or some voice artist!"

Ning Xiao again paled when she heard Xin Mei. Was Xin Mei taking some revenge on her? 

Yes, she was!

"I know an artist who can speak just like Su Yuchen. Does anyone want to hear his voice?"

Xin Mei smirked when she looked at a shaking Ning Xiao. She pulled out her mobile and called Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen picked her call in within a minute.

Without giving him a chance, Xin Mei spoke first. "h.e.l.lo, this is Xin Mei speaking."

Su Yuchen frowned when he heard her. "In my company, a girl just made another man mimic Mister Su"s voice. I challenged her that I also know an artist who can mimic mister Su. So, can you please mimic his voice for me?"

"Ok, I will." Su Yuchen chuckled from the other side.

"Let me place my phone on the speaker then."

Xin Mei placed her mobile in front of everyone and then the voice of Su Yuchen rung around the hall. "h.e.l.lo everyone, I am Su Yuchen."

Everyone was shocked and in doubt when they heard the voice coming out from the mobile of Xin Mei. It just sounded like the voice of Su Yuchen.

"Can you say I love you to me?" Su Yuchen smiled when he heard the demand of Xin Mei.

"I love you, Xin Mei. I love you very much. You are my soul, my life."

Xin Mei smiled with satisfaction. "Thank you for your help. Now I will hung up the call."

Xin Mei looked around and seen the shocking faces of everyone, especially of Ning Xiao who nearly paled. Everyone started to murmur among themselves.

"So, now you know, Ning Xiao is trying to fool you all. Don"t believe her that she is the girlfriend of Mister Su till he says the same from his own mouth, in front of other people."

And with that, Xin Mei made her way towards the cabin of TingTing. She left Ning Xiao alone who was bombarded by questions from her co-stars.

Ning Xiao tried to prevent the damage but it was already done.

"Ning Xiao, take your shoes back. I am not taking them for repair." A junior artist placed a bag with shoes in the hand of Ning Xiao. "Let me see if you have the power to get me kicked out or not."

Ning Xiao looked around and she could say that Xin Mei had blown away her castle in the heritage with a few lines and a few exposures.

Xin Mei was feeling very happy. TingTing also noticed the same excitement on her face and couldn"t help herself from asking the reason.

TingTing laughed hard when she heard the reason of Xin Mei. TingTing had also tried to tell everyone that Ning Xiao was a liar and a bully but everyone was of thick skin. She hoped now everyone would stop believing and following that Ning Xiao.

After discussing with TingTing, Xin Mei returned home. She cooked a very special dinner for her sob party. She was feeling very happy that she had given a fitting reply to Ning Xiao and that too in front of everyone.

Once dinner was ready, she called Su Yuchen.

"Chen, when are you coming home?" she excitedly asked over the phone.

"Mei, I am sorry but I will get late. I have to attend some important meetings."

"Again meetings?" Xin Mei yelled. "I think we had a plan today."

"I know I know and I am sorry. But please understand." He sighed against the phone and gave some orders to Huang Chu. "Mei, I should go now. I will try to come home as soon as possible."


"I should hang up now. The battery of my mobile is very low." And with that, Su Yuchen hung the call from Xin Mei.

Xin Mei huffed and looked at the dark screen of her phone. She inwardly cursed Su Yuchen who again got busy with his meetings!

Xin Mei celebrated her sob party in the company of Su Zixin. He again felt weird at the absence of Su Yuchen.

"Why is brother so busy out of the blue?"

"Work. He is busy with some important business plan."

Su Zixin shook his head when he heard her. After dinner, Su Zixin played video games with Xin Mei for some time, to cheer her mood which was dull due to the absence of Su Yuchen.

After making her satisfied, he left for his home and Xin Mei made her way towards her room.

Xin Mei was shocked when she saw the condition of Su Yuchen when he returned home. He was completely drunk, super drunk, so drunk that he was not able to walk properly.

And what shocked Xin Mei more was that, the lingering fragrance of female"s perfume was coming from his jacket!

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