Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen with a hurt expression on her face where Su Yuchen smiled brightly.

"I am sorry for not coming to your sob party." He held his ears and looked at her with an innocence filled smile on his face. "I am also sorry for getting drunk, but it"s not my fault. My clients forced me to drink with them."

"I thought you went to some meeting not to get a drink." Xin Mei smiled a sad smile and held onto his arm, to steady him.

"I went for a meeting only. I swore. Trust me, Mei. I went for a meeting." Su Yuchen swerved and looked at Xin Mei with a giddy smile on his lips. "The meeting was in a club and my clients were drinking so I also started to drink and then, I lost the count. I am sorry."

He made a cute expression on his face.

"Missus, boss is saying the truth." Huang Chu entered the house with the bag and coat of Su Yuchen. "This time the clients were not ready to bent and they forced boss to drink."

Xin Mei sighed and looked at Su Yuchen. She wanted to get angry with him but she couldn"t after seeing the cute smiles and expressions which he was throwing in her way. His eyes were hazy and with that, he looked more handsome and charming.

"Mei, please don"t be sad or angry at me." He placed his head on her shoulder and pouted sadly.

She ignored him and looked at Huang Chu. "Place his stuff on the couch and you can leave."

Once Huang Chu was gone, Xin Mei took the drunk Su Yuchen to their room. Su Yuchen kept asking for forgiveness but Xin Mei ignored him. The female fragrance on his clothes was bugging her very much.

Su Yuchen tried to kiss her in his intoxicated state when Xin Mei pushed him back. "You are drunk. You should sleep now instead of making love to me."

Su Yuchen pouted and looked at Xin Mei but she didn"t pay him any head. She helped him change his dress and forced him to fell asleep. He also fell asleep due to wines in his system.

The next day, Su Yuchen woke up with a throbbing headache and a very angry Xin Mei. A dark black cloud was on her head and she was glaring at him and he knew the reason.

He skipped her sob party and got drunk last night!

"Mei, please forgive me." Su Yuchen lovingly wrapped his hands around her waist. "This project is really important to me. And when I was asked to drink, I had to drink."

"What is this project of yours, Su Yuchen?" Xin Mei asked with irritation. "It has kept you so busy from such a long time."

Su Yuchen sighed when he heard her. "I was planning of keep it a surprise from you." He scratched his head and looked at Xin Mei. She placed her hands over her hips and glared at him.

"I am planning to build the biggest hospital in the country. And for that, I need many permissions and I need to meet some government officials. I want it or not, but I have to slightly bend my head in front of them."

"Almighty Su Yuchen needs to bend his head?" Xin Mei asked.

"Sometimes." Su Yuchen shrugged his shoulders. "I want to use this hospital to serve everyone. The people who are rich or poor and that"s why I don"t want any problem with it."

Xin Mei nodded her head in understanding.

"So, are we good now?"

"Nopes," Xin Mei negatively shook her head. "We still have a sob party."

"This Sunday. I will try to keep my Sunday free. Then we will do whatever you want. Okay?"

Xin Mei nodded her head. Su Yuchen sighed that he was able to console Xin Mei.

After getting ready, Su Yuchen left for his office as he still had so much works to do and many important deals to sign.

From the moment, Su Yuchen left for his office, Xin Mei started to feel something heavy on her heart. She thought that Su Yuchen was hiding something from her and the smell of lady"s perfume was not helping her.

Xin Mei was cooking dinner when she received a call from Gu Nan. It had been so long that they both had gossiped. Gu Nan started to gossip from around the world and Xin Mei listened to them with full interest.

"MeiMei, you remember Li Ziyi?"

"Who does not remember her? She is my mentor to keep my marriage hidden from the world."

Li Ziyi was a famous actress. She had kept her marriage hidden with a famous painter for more than five year. When their photos had come out, the whole country was in shock.

"You know her husband is cheating on her."

"What? You are kidding, right? They both are so in love."

"That"s what we all thought, but the reality is something else. He is cheating her from the last two years."

Xin Mei felt knots in her stomach when she heard Gu Nan. She was already disturbed by the fragrance of lady"s perfume coming from the dress of Su Yuchen and now this.

Xin Mei looked ahead of her with a concerned and worried expression on her face.

What if Su Yuchen had become bored of her?

What if his friend Daiyu had returned to the country and he was having an affair with her?

What if….?

Many doubts rushed in her mind and she decided to clear everything with Su Yuchen tonight. She decided to question him about the smell on his clothes.

Before she could do so, she received a call from Tang Min.


"Xin Mei, is mister Su cheating on you?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I just saw him at a club with a lady. They seemed quite close." Voice of Tang Min was full of concern. "Wait, let me send you their photo."

Xin Mei opened the photo and breath knocked out of her lungs. Su Yuchen was standing with a lady in a blue short c.o.c.ktail dress and was offering her his handkerchief. There was a smile on their lips.

"Which club?"

Tang Min told her the name of the club and without caring about anything, Xin Mei made her way to the club to catch Su Yuchen red-handed.

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