Xin Mei was working very hard for the promotion of her film. Only a week was left and she was very excited about it. From the response which she had received until now, she could say that the movie was going to be a hit.

Xin Mei came out from the studio after filming of a commercial when her mobile rang with an unknown number. She picked up the call thinking it to be a call from some director or producer.

"h.e.l.lo, Mei Jei?" she heard a male"s voice from the other side of the phone.

"Yes, and who is it?" Xin Mei frowned her brows in confusion.

"Mei Jei, it is Li Jun speaking. Remember me? You have met me in city G. You have then helped me in getting admission in the art school." She heard a hopeful voice from the other side of the phone. "I have also sent a painting for you when the shooting of revenge was completed."

Hearing about the painting she remembered this Li Jun. She remembered visiting to city G where she had found a teen artist who was quite good at his talent. Feeling bad that his talent was going waste on the streets, she had helped him in getting admission to the arts school. She had also helped him with his family condition.

"I remember you." Xin Mei smiled. "How is your mother now?"

Li Jun smiled when he heard Xin Mei. She still remembered his mother. That was why he treated her as his idol. She had a big and good heart, made of gold.

"She is doing good. She can walk around the house without my help."

"That"s good."

"Mei Jei, can I ask for a favour from you?" his voice was a little hesitant.


"Mei Jei, finally I am opening my first painting gallery and if possible, can you please visit it? I know it"s small and you will not prefer to visit such a small place, especially when you are busy. But from my heart, I wish if you can come and inaugurate my gallery. It will mean a lot to me."

Xin Mei could hear plead and hope in his voice.

"You are the one who gave a new direction to my life and today when I am going to do something for my future, I want you to be there beside me."

"Ok, I will try to come. No promises thou. You know I am busy."

"Thank you, Mei Jei. You agreed to visit my gallery is a big thing for me. And don"t worry, I will try my best to not waste your time." He squealed with excitement. "Mei Jei, wait, I will send you the card of my gallery."

Xin Mei received the card on her Weibo. She praised the card which had an artistic look. Looking at the card itself, she could not wait to attend the inauguration of his art gallery.

Xin Mei intimated TingTing about the same. She got some free time from her schedule so she could visit the inauguration of Li Jun"s art gallery. She also informed him that she was coming.

Truthfully, somewhere Xin Mei had thought that Li Jun would have invited many people at his art gallery by using her name. But when she arrived in front of his art gallery, she was shocked to see that he had invited only his close family and friends. They were present at the gates of the art gallery, waiting for her.

"Mei Jei." Li Jun smiled brightly and rushed toward Xin Mei. "Thank you for coming here Mei Jei."

"You did not invite many guests?" Xin Mei asked once she was out of her car.

"I did, but no one wants to visit the art gallery of a newbie." He embarra.s.singly scratched his head.

"No, I mean, you didn"t invite any guest by using my name?"

"No, I did not because I invited you here as my sister, my mentor not as some star." Xin Mei smiled when she heard him. It was rare for someone to not use his relations.h.i.+p with a star like her to gain publicity.

Xin Mei walked with Li Jun toward the gates of the art gallery where he and his mother gave her the scissor to cut the ribbon. Xin Mei smiled at his mother and asked her about her health before accepting the scissor.

Xin Mei cut the ribbon and entered inside the gallery with Li Jun. He was walking behind Xin Mei like her guard. His family and friends tried to talk with Xin Mei, tried to come close to her but Li Jun sent a glare in their direction.

Li Jun had already warned them to stay in their limits in front of Xin Mei. He did not want Xin Mei to face any trouble.

Xin Mei looked around the gallery and felt amused. When helping Li Jun, she did not think he would become an expert and would paint so beautifully.

"Mei Jei, I have painted this for you." Li Jun pa.s.sed a painting to Xin Mei.

"You didn"t need to." Xin Mei shook her head and accepted the painting. She looked at her painting in which she was smiling brightly. "I did not think I look so beautiful. Thank you for making me so beautiful."

"Mei Jei, you are more beautiful in real life."

Xin Mei smiled at him and gave the painting to w.a.n.g Wei who was closely following behind her.

From the time, Xin Mei had become famous, w.a.n.g Wei had become her shadow. He did not want anything to go wrong with Xin Mei. Otherwise, he knew this time Su Yuchen would not leave him.

"Li Jun, you should go and attend your other guests."

"But Mei Jeiā€¦"

"Don"t worry, I am good on my own."

Li Jun nodded his head and left to attend his other guests.

Xin Mei still had some spare time in her hands so she started to look around at the gallery and the various paintings. She felt very impressed with his skills.

She also purchased some paintings making Li Jun delighted.

"Thanks for loving my paintings so much. You have boosted my morale today."

Xin Mei tried to pay him but he denied saying this gallery belonged to her only.

"Li Jun, accept this money. Think of it as your first income from this gallery." Xin Mei forced a cheque in his hand. Li Jun sighed and accepted it.

"Mei Jei, can I ask another favour from you?"

Xin Mei nodded her head.

Li Jun told her about the Artistic talent academy in the city. That talent academy helped poor girls to find their talent. That academy was working for free and was helping many girls. The only problem was, they did not have enough fund left to run the academy, nor were they able to provide the girls with a stable job.

"Mei Jei, if possible do visit the academy. I hope you will help many girls there like the way you have helped me, your little brother."

"I will try my best to help them." Xin Mei nodded to him and at the same moment, w.a.n.g Wei informed her that reporters got to know that she was here and they were here to take her interview.

"Mei Jei, you can leave from the back door."

"No need, I will meet the reporters. That way I can promote the gallery of my little brother."

Xin Mei went out and meet the reporters. She promoted her movie and also the gallery of Li Jun. When reporters took his interview, he smiled and kept praising Xin Mei who had a heart of gold.

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