After leaving the gallery of Li Jun, Xin Mei made her way toward the hotel where her press conference was organized. She was sitting in her car when she received a call from TingTing.

"Xin Mei, there is a news for you," TingTing told her without beating around the bush. She knew Xin Mei was busy and she did not want to waste much of her time.

"After the fall of Lee Woo, Heritage entertainment had decided to produce his movie and now they want you to act as the female actress. So, what do you say?"

Xin Mei smiled when she heard TingTing. No doubt that Su Yuchen had decided to produce this movie after seeing how attached Xin Mei had become to it and how sad she was to lose this role.

"On top of that, the new schedule of the movie adjusts well with "Earth 2050." So, should I say yes?"

"Yes, TingTing., You know I liked the script."

"Ok, I will do that."

Then Xin Mei told TingTing about the talent academy and asked her to make all the arrangements to visit there.

Later that evening, on the dining table, in front of Su Yuchen, Xin Mei kept praising the painting skills of Li Jun. He groaned and felt vinegar at his tongue when he heard her talking so fondly about some other male.

"Mei, should I also learn some art skills, painting maybe?"

"Chen, don"t tell me you are jealous of that boy who called me Jei and treated me as a big sister." Xin Mei chuckled and looked at him. 

"So what?" Su Yuchen shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, trying to hide his embarra.s.sment that he was indeed jealous of that boy.

Movie of Xin Mei, relations.h.i.+p hit the theatres and above the expectations of Xin Mei, it was a big hit. Many citizens went to watch the movie. They did not like the direction of the movie much but they praised the acting skills of Xin Mei.

To celebrate her another success, Su Yuchen wanted to throw a party but Xin Mei denied. She was happy with a small family dinner.

After one week of the release of the movie, Xin Mei visited the Artistic talent academy. TingTing had informed the in charge about the same beforehand. So, when Xin Mei arrived, everyone was expecting her.

"Miss Xin, we are so happy with your visit. I hope you will motivate my girls."

Xin Mei nodded her head toward the Lu Jin. She was a lady in fifties and was in charge of this academy.

"Someone told me that you teach for free. Is it true?"

"Yes, it is." Lu Jin nodded her head. "I am a fas.h.i.+on designer myself. From the money which I earn from my job, I try to run this academy."

Lu Jin took Xin Mei to the various in the academy. Teachers and students were eagerly waiting for the arrival of Xin Mei.

She first arrived at the painting cla.s.s. She introduced herself and then she saw the paintings which the girls had already painted.

"We have many girls who are very talented painters." Lu Jin boasted proudly.

"Miss Xin, if you have time, then I will like to make your sketch." A girl requested. Following her, many girls requested the same.

Xin Mei looked around at the girls and saw hope in their eyes. So, she agreed to their request. She took her seat in the middle of the room and let the girls make her sketch from different profiles.

Once they were done, Xin Mei was left in surprise upon seeing her sketches. The girls were very talented.

Xin Mei then went to the fas.h.i.+on where many girls displayed to her their designs and dresses. Many also gifted her some articles.

She went toward the cooking, art and craft, bakery and other and she was left in shock upon seeing the talent of the girls. 

"Your girls are very talented Lu Jin," Xin Mei smiled and praised the girls. "What do they do after leaving this academy?"

"That"s the thing which concerns me the most." Lu Jin sighed. "People are not ready to give jobs to my girls and it"s not easy for them to start a new business."

Xin Mei nodded her head and felt bad for those girls. She was aware that even if they get the job, they would not be treated the way they should be. They didn"t have a strong family background.

"Lu Jin, here have my card." Xin Mei gave her card to Lu Jin. "When the girls are ready to leave the academy. Give me a call. I will try my best to help them in starting their own business."

Lu Jin smiled and nodded her head. Feeling grateful to Xin Mei, she accepted the card.

"Thank you so much, Miss Xin. I am sure my girls will become happy after knowing that you are ready to help them."

Xin Mei nodded her head and left the academy. Her heart was slightly heavy feeling bad for the girls. They were so talented, like really, but the thing which tied them back was their financial status!

On returning home, Xin Mei discussed about the girls and the talent academy with Su Yuchen.

"I want to help them. They were so talented, I mean a girl baked a cupcake with two different flavors, and the girls at the painting cla.s.s were…."

Xin Mei was continuously singing their praises. It made Su Yuchen smile. Su Yuchen offered to help but Xin Mei did not want to burden him. She wanted to do something by herself.

And she was sure, soon she would think of something to change their future.

Xin Mei signed the contract for "Suspicious wife." Then she officially joined the team of "earth 2050." The movie was a sci-fi movie with many tough scenes, some scene required hard practice that was why its schedule was stretched throughout the year.

On the first day when Xin Mei arrived at the studio, she was measured for her costumes and a tutor was appointed for her who was to teach her how to walk and talk like a robot.

Xin Mei was returning from one such practice when she received a call from Gu Nan. 

"MeiMei, there is an emergency."

Xin Mei heard a worry-filled voice of Gu Nan from the other side of the phone.

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