"Not feeling sleepy?" Xin Mei asked Su Yuchen who was twisting and turning on the bed. Su Yuchen looked at her and shook his head. A deep sigh left his lips.

"I can"t take my mind away from Song Daiyu. I still cannot believe that she is so vicious. The way she laughed, the way she confessed her crimes, the way she said "I love you" made me s.h.i.+ver."

"She has so strong feelings from me, from such a long time and I like a fool was unaware about it. How can I be such a fool? I meet so many people in the business world and can see through their souls with one look then how did I fail to see through the soul of Song Daiyu. How did I fail to see her bad deeds?"

"Because you were not ready to see them." Xin Mei combed her fingers in his hairs. "You felt Song Daiyu to be close to your heart. Your heart ignored all her bad deeds done by her. You turned blind eyes whenever she did something wrong because you were not ready to believe that she was wrong."

"But still…" Su Yuchen protested. "I shouldn"t be so blind to not see her real nature. How can I make such a big mistake?"

"Because you are a human." Xin Mei held on his chin and turned his face in her direction. "Listen to me Su Yuchen, don"t feel guilty that you failed to realize about the true nature of Song Daiyu. We cannot know about the true nature of everyone. Like you, I have also done a mistake by trusting Qian Fan. Everyone does a mistake."

Xin Mei consoled Su Yuchen who was in pain of losing a friend and was feeling guilty for letting a manic like Song Daiyu in their house.

Both were completely unaware of the tornado which was soon going to hit their life.

The next day, Xin Mei reached the sets like usual. She was feeling quite light now that Song Daiyu was gone from their life. She hoped that Song Daiyu would never return in their lives.

"Xin Mei, meet miss Gu. She will be playing the role of your mother in this movie." Director Chang introduced Xin Mei to a lady in her late forties. Miss Gu, Gu Biyu was going to play the role of her mother in earth 2050.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Gu." Xin Mei greeted the older lady who smiled at her.

"Glad to meet you, Xin Mei. I am a big fan of yours. I hope you will help this aunty to act her scene. I will look forward to learn acting skills from you."

Director Chang introduced both the ladies. He also told to Xin Mei to look after Gu Biyu. She was still new to the film industry. Logically speaking, Earth 2050 was her first movie.

"Miss Gu, I don"t get it. Why is this movie your first movie? Why did you not join the film industry during your young age?" Xin Mei asked with confusion.

"Frankly speaking, I always wanted to become an actress but my family didn"t allow me to enter the film industry. Now that I am at the age where I can do whatever I want, I decided to invest in this movie to get this said role."

Gu Biyu chuckled followed by Xin Mei. Xin Mei looked at the frank lady in front of her eyes. She gave away this friendly aura which could make anyone comfortable with her.

Xin Mei also thought if she was in the place of Gu Biyu, if her family was also against her in joining the film industry, then one day, she would have also invested in a movie to play a role, only to fulfill her dream.

"So, shall we start miss Xin? I think I will need some pointers before enacting my scenes."

Xin Mei nodded her head. 

After quickly getting ready for her scene, Xin Mei helped Gu Biyu in perfecting her scenes. She felt good doing so. Xin Mei remembered her initial days in the film industry as the manager of Zhou Mingyu.

Xin Mei could say anything, but in her heart, she loved to demonstrate every single scene for others. When she was the temporary manager of Su Zixin, she had loved it to demonstrate his scenes to him.

And now when she demonstrated the scenes to Gu Biyu, she felt nostalgic. She remembered her old days.

"Aunty, you have a natural talent for acting. With some pointers, I am sure you will be able to act according to the expectations of director Chang."

Gu Biyu excitedly nodded her head. She felt happy that the rising superstar like Xin Mei had praised her.

The international airport of country A

Song Yang rushed out of the airport and made his way toward the awaiting car. He was glad that he was finally back in country A. 

From his secret guards and Su Yuchen himself, he had heard about the fallout of Su Yuchen and Song Daiyu. He was aware that Su Yuchen had thrown Song Daiyu out of his life and this information had made him afraid.

He was afraid that Song Daiyu would do something terrible to herself, in her craze, on not getting Su Yuchen, on getting failed in her attempts. He knew Song Daiyu was crazy. She was not pure at her heart. But as her father, Song Yang could not hate her.

Song Yang would do anything in his power to protect his daughter even if he knew that his Song Daiyu was already insane, half dead.

When Song Yang arrived at his mansion, he was greeted by the sight of the guards of Su Yuchen. He nodded to them and made his way inside the mansion.

Much against his expectations, the mansion was very silent. His heartbeat picked up. 

Song Yang dropped his suitcase and bags on the floor, and rushed toward the room of Song Daiyu and entered inside the room.

The scene in front of him shocked the h.e.l.l out of him. 

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