All the furniture, all the valuable vases, everything in the room was broken in many pieces. Gla.s.s pieces, wooden pieces were spread on the floor and lying above them was Song Daiyu.

Eyes of Song Daiyu was blank and lifeless, and she was looking out of the window. Her hairs were flying all over her face and tears were falling down from her eyes. 

Song Yang could also see traces of blood on her limbs due to broken gla.s.s. His heart broke apart when he saw his proclaim doll broken like this.

Without wasting any second, Song yang called for guards and asked them to call a doctor. Song Daiyu was in an urgent need to see a doctor.

"Daiyu." He called Song Daiyu with all the love which he had in his heart. 

"Father." Song Daiyu smiled brightly, but weakness was visible on her features. She tried to stand but could not.

"Careful." Song Yang rushed toward her and carried her in his arm. He took her out of the room and toward his room. He gently placed her on his bed.

Song Yang felt as if needles were piercing his heart when he looked at the gla.s.s pieces piercing through the skin of Song Daiyu.

"Silly girl, why are you torturing yourself like this?" Song Yang pated on her head. Tear filled in his eyes and it looked as if he would cry any second. 

"So many times, I have said to you that Su Yuchen can never be yours, but why don"t you listen to me. Now look, your obsession has taken him away from you. When will you start to listen to me?" he gently scolded her.

"Father, I have also told you that Su Yuchen will become mine, one day. I still have not accepted my defeat. I will get Bro Chen one day."

Song Yang took a deep breath and shook his head. He looked at Song Daiyu and could see the traces of craziness which he had seen all those years back when he had left with her for country U.

Song Yang knew Song Daiyu was out of his hand. It was only a matter of time, either Song Daiyu will kill herself or would get herself killed because of her craze of Su Yuchen.

"Daiyu, you know father only has you. Please stop with your chase of Su Yuchen. I don"t want to lose you."

Song Yang looked at Song Daiyu. She was not ready to listen to him. She was continuously putting her claim on Su Yuchen. She also pulled her hairs from the time to time, without caring about her injury.

Song Yang released a deep painful breath. He called the psychiatrist of Song Daiyu from country U and explained to him about the current condition of Song Yang.

A doctor also arrived who checked on the wounds of Song Yang. He carefully removed the and st.i.tched her wounds. He gave her painkillers and sleeping pills, and soon Song Daiyu was fast asleep.

After checking that Song Daiyu was fast asleep, Song Yang made his way toward the restaurant where he had made a appointment to meet Su Yuchen.

Song Yang personally wanted to meet Su Yuchen and wanted to ask for forgiveness. Song Yang knew he was at fault to keep the sickness of Song Daiyu a secret from Su Yuchen.

"Uncle," Su Yuchen nodded to Song Yang and took his seat opposite to him. He looked at the waiter and ordered him to serve the best wine their restaurant had.

"How are you doing, Su Yuchen? I hope you still remember the strategies which I have taught to you."

Song Yang smiled slightly and looked at Su Yuchen. When Su Yuchen was in late teens, eager to learn about the business, Song Yang had become his mentor. Su Yuchen had learned many things from him.

"I remember all the strategies uncle." Su Yuchen smiled and popped open the wine bottle.

A heavy silence settled in between them. No one wanted to talk about the dreaded topic of Song Daiyu. This topic had the power to strain their relations.h.i.+p.

They both drank their wines in silence. Song Yang sighed heavily and placed his gla.s.s aside.

"I am sorry about what Song Daiyu has done with your wife." Song Yang looked at Su Yuchen with a guilty smile on his lips. 

"When did you realize that Song Daiyu was crazy?"

"A very long time back, during the time her mother died. I have seen her talking to the ghost of her mother. She had an illusion that her mother talked to her."

"But that craze was gone when you entered her life. She again acted like my old Daiyu and that was why I allowed her to be close to you. I never realized that she would become so crazy for you."

Su Yuchen took a sip of his wine and nodded his head.

"You both were seventeen when I realized that she was in love with you. She was very confident that she would win you. For once, I also thought you harboured some feelings for her."

"I never did." Su Yuchen corrected him and placed his gla.s.s aside. "She was always a sister to me. Besides, I knew Su Zixin liked her. I was not cruel to like the girl liked by my brother. I also had my Mian."

Song Yang nodded his head and filled in Su Yuchen about the condition of Song Daiyu. Su Yuchen"s heartfelt heavy when he heard how crazily in love Song Daiyu was with him.

"I am so sorry uncle." Su Yuchen looked down. "If only I had known that my closeness to her was affecting her then I would have stayed away from her. I could have tried to remove my place from her heart before it was too late."

"It"s not your mistake." Song Yang shook his head. "Instead, I should thank you for not s.n.a.t.c.hing Song Daiyu from me. I know she deserves to die after her crime. So, thank you for sparing her."

Su Yuchen nodded his head and asked the waiter to serve dinner to them. Both started to have their dinner where Song Yang requested Su Yuchen to not remove the guards who were guarding Song Daiyu and his mansion at this time.

"I left country U in a hurry. So, I have not brought my team of expert guards. I hope you can give your guards to me for some more days until I settle everything."

"They are at your command uncle." Su Yuchen smiled. "I only hope you will keep Song Daiyu away from me and my family. I don"t know what I will do to her if she again tried to hurt my Mei."

Song Yang nodded his head. He knew his warning was not fake. 

They both had their dinner and were about to leave the private room of the restaurant when Song Yang handed a file to Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen looked at the file with a frown on his face.

"This file has all the informations about Mian which was destroyed by my investigators. This information is not much but I hope this information will give direction to your investigators and will help you in finding Mian."

Su Yuchen took the field and nodded his head.

"I am sorry for hiding the facts about Mian but I did all this for my daughter. You will also know what a father can do for his daughter after becoming a father."

Su Yuchen could understand the reasons of Song Yang. He knew himself and he knew he would do anything to fulfill the wish of his family, just like what Song Yang had done for his daughter.

Song Yang and Su Yuchen parted their ways and made their way toward their respective homes. 

Su Yuchen looked at the file in his hand and did not know what to do with it.

When he had thought he had finally given up on Mian, again he received some report about her. This file in his hand could again give him a hope, a hope that Mian was alive.

He did not know if he should open this file or not!

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