"Aunty, why don"t you come home with me? I can help you in cracking a chat with Chen. You both can sit together and also solve your grievances."

Gu Biyu panicked when she heard Xin Mei. "No, no, no, I am not coming with you. Su Yuchen hates me and I will not be able to bear some more hatred from him towards me." She sobbed and looked down.

"I am afraid that elder Su will again do something to push him away from me. Su Yuchen loves them and I am sure he will trust them. Moreover, by telling him the truth, I do not want to break his trust towards his grandparents. At last, they are the one who are very close to him as his family."

Xin Mei nodded her head, feeling very bad for this lady who was crying in her arms not a long time ago. They had also seen some old childhood photos of Su Yuchen with Gu Biyu where Gu Biyu was looking at him with so much motherly love.

"Aunty, why don"t you continue to visit the sets? I will bring some more photos of Su Yuchen and I can tell you about his early a.d.u.l.thood days?" Xin Mei suggested.

"That is a great idea, Xin Mei. I will be thankful for your help." Gu Biyu smiled with grat.i.tude and Xin Mei nodded her head. She was about to leave when a thought crossed her mind.

"Aunty, I have a doubt, why didn"t Su Zixin recognize you? I am sure he must be aware that you are his first aunt."

"He did not recognized me because I never came in front of Su Zixin after coming back. I was afraid that he will recognize me and will report about the same to Su Yuchen. So, I never came in front of him." Gu Biyu smiled sadly.

"Remember, we don"t have any scenes together and whenever Su Zixin was on the sets, I had always taken a leave."

Xin Mei nodded her head. She had always felt weird that Gu Biyu was always missing whenever Su Zixin was in her proximity and now she knew the reason.

"Now I know why I was never able to make you meet him."

That day, words of Gu Biyu kept ringing in the ears of Xin Mei. She knew how much Su Yuchen craved for parental love. She had seen the craving in his eyes whenever he talked with her parents. If Su Lingtian was not selfish then maybe, Su Yuchen had lived a happy life with his father and mother.

Xin Mei sighed and closed her eyes to remove the words of Gu Biyu from her mind.

"What are you thinking?" Su Yuchen asked and entered the kitchen. 


Su Yuchen lovingly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. 

"But I am thinking something." He lopsidedly grinned. "There is good news. Huang Chu got a clue about the whereabouts of Mian."

"Really?" Xin Mei asked with surprise and happiness filled in her voice.

"Really. Thou, he did not tell me much about the clue. He do not want to raise my hope that I will be finally able to find her."

Xin Mei nodded her head in understanding and smiled at him. She picked up an item of vegetable from her dish and placed it in the mouth of Su Yuchen.

"Taste it and tell me how is it?"

"Is it a question to be asked? You know I love whatever you cook."

Xin Mei chuckled and feed him another piece of vegetable.

Later that night, Xin Mei was lying on the bare chest of Su Yuchen when she dared to ask the forbidden question,

"Chen, you never told me about your stepmother. Who was she?"

Su Yuchen became stiff under her touch and looked at her with emotionless eyes. "Can we not talk about her, please?"

Xin Mei sighed and nodded her head. She placed her head on his chest and thought about Gu Biyu. In his simple words, she could feel the hatred and anger for Gu Biyu. She did not know how he would react after watching her.

No doubt that Gu Biyu did not want Su Yuchen to know about her existence.

The next day, Xin Mei visited the sets and she smiled when she saw Gu Biyu. Gu Biyu smiled back and walked towards her. There was a slight hesitation in her voice.

"I hope you have not told Su Yuchen about my existence."

"I did not. Otherwise, do you think I was going to stand here, in front of you? Seeing his anger towards you, I don"t think he would have let me anywhere near around you."

"He still hates me so much." Gu Biyu sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I wish if I can hug him and give him the desired love."

"I never thought that a stepmother can love her stepchild so much." Xin Mei pointed out and Gu Biyu chuckled.

"Told you, I was a childless mother. I always wanted a child and when I saw Su Yuchen, I could not stop myself from giving my love to him."

Xin Mei smiled and nodded her head. 

"Now stop wasting time and show me the old alb.u.m of Su Yuchen. I want to know how he looked during the college days. I am sure he looked handsome like the way his father did during the university days." She spoke with eagerness in her voice.

"Ok mother." 

"What did you call me?" Gu Biyu asked with surprise in her voice.

"I called you mother. I hope you didn"t mind."

"Why will I mind? In fact, I am feeling very happy to hear mother for the first time after so long time. Ah, finally my dream come true. Come here, come here, let mother hug you."

Gu Biyu chuckled with excitement and wrapped her arms around Xin Mei. Happy tears filled in her eyes and she smiled brightly. 

"Now let me show you the alb.u.ms." Xin Mei pulled out an alb.u.m from her bag and pa.s.sed it to Gu Biyu. "You can look at the photos in your changing room. Meanwhile, I will go out, giving my shoots."

Gu Biyu nodded her head and took the alb.u.m from the hands of Xin Mei. She opened it and looked at the photos with motherly love in her eyes.

Xin Mei smiled before leaving the changing room.

Xin Mei gave her scenes for the day and after pack up, she followed Gu Biyu to her house, to spend some more time with her. 

They both watched the photos of Su Yuchen and chatted about the teen days of Su Yuchen. Both talked about whatever they knew about Su Yuchen.

Gu Biyu also told Xin Mei about her childhood days which made Xin Mei smile from time to time, she even laughed and felt pain when she noticed how badly Gu Biyu had suffered because her husband and son did not love her.

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